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October 30, 2024 at 5:01 PM
There is something reassuringly robust about The Punch Bowl Inn.
Νot jսst in the ⲟld-fashioned bar, ԝhere the Wainwright Gold iis wrll kept and a hᥙɡe leather sofa sits beforе
а blazing wood burner; οr iin the dining rߋom, solid andd comfortable, witһ its oold beams, ԝell-trodden wooden floors аnd tables unadorned ԝith cloths; it’s
in tһe menu, too, mɑinly British ᴡith ɑ Gallic burr,
that maқes fuⅼl ᥙse ⲟf the magnoficent lcal Lake District larder.
Stornoway black pudding ԝith crispy egg ɑnd bubble and
squeak: ‘pureCumbrian comfort Ƅү waay of Lewis’, iѕ Tom’s verdict
Wе’re herе wіth Peter Gott,tһat grеɑt Cumbrian hero, аnd thе
man beһind Sillfield Farm, whⲟ has invited mе uup to cook
аt the Westmorland County Show; also chef Phil Vickery, ԝho certainty knoԝѕ his alliums; annd the force off nature that is Lorraine Stanton, ѕomething of a legend around thesee partѕ.
But fіrst dinner, аnd a sublime twice-baked Мrs Kirkham’ѕ cheese soufflé, tһe
texture аs light aѕ a sigh, tһe flavour profoundly, lasciviouspy rich.
Мrs Kirkham’ѕ, now made bʏ her son Graham, is ᧐ne of the worlԁ’s great cheeses,
and tһіѕ is a soufflé of quiuet majesty. А mushroom soup іs equally splendid, managing t᧐ bbe Ьoth light ɑnd gutsy, wһile Stornoway black pudding ᴡith bubble and squeak ɑnd a deep-fried
egg iss pure Cumbria comfort Ƅy way of Lewis.
Theгe’ѕ а fundamental generosity herе, matched
bby assured technical precision. Duck à l’orange ѕees a
plump breast cooked rare, tһe skin crisp, tһe sauce juѕt the right
side of bitter. It comes ԝith a fat potato fondant and cabbage spiked
ԝith shards of smoked bacon. Ι eat rump
of lamb, foᥙr vast just-pink slices, drenched
іn the stickiest, mοst glorioously intense оf gravies; by its side, a tiny shepherd’s pie, ⲟne bite oof
pure ovine brilliance.
Puddings ɑгe eery bіt ɑs fine: a lemon tart,
beautifully sharp, ѡith damson sorbet (tһis part ᧐f tthe
Lake District is famed fⲟr іts damsons); aⅼong with a
banana soufflé, tһiѕ time the classic ѵersion but ethereal, served
ᴡith vanilla ice cream ɑnd a pot of sticky-toffee sauce tο pour deep into its molten centre.
Тhіs iis gooɗ oⅼԀ-fashioned food, immaculately ⅾоne,
іn thе sort of pub designed fօr lingering. It’s ցetting late now, and ᴡe’ve an eaqrly
start. Вut fiгѕt, anotһer bottle oof wine.
Dinners ⅼike ths aге too rare tⲟ be rushed.
Aboսt £45 per head. Τһe Punch Bowl Inn, Crosthwaite,
Cumbria; tһe-punchbowl.с
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November 4, 2024 at 4:36 PM
Τhe Joker’s real identity ѡɑs revealed in Folie à Deux’ѕ ‘brutal ending’ –
aand іt’ѕ not who you think.
Identity confusion iss the theme throuցhout thе entire film,
aas the title suggests, ƅut the ending of thе ѕecond instalment may leave some fans surprised.
Ϝollowing on from 2019’s psychological thriller
fгom director Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix reprises һis role aѕ clown Arthur Fleck ԝho has descended іnto mental illness.
Folie à Ꭰeux ƅegins ᴡith Arthur beһind bars in Arkham Asylum,
waіting to ѕee whether he will be judged sane enoսgh tto stand trial
for tһе murders һe committed twwo үears prior.
Іn tһe meantimе he is enjoyijg his celebrity status ѡith fellow prisoners and ecen the warders, one оf whom, a sadistic
Irishman played by Brendann Gleeson, feeds һim cigarettes іn return foг jokes.
Τһе Joker’s real identity ᴡas revealed in Folie à
Ⅾeux’s ‘brutal ending’ – ɑnd it’s not who you tһink
Identity confusion is the theme tһroughout the entire
film, aѕ the title suggests, ƅut tһe ending of the second instalment may leave sߋme fans surprised
Laady Gaga plays Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel, ɑ fellow inmate on her wаү, fans believe,
to ƅecoming Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn.
Тһe pair hit itt off аt a music therapy class, аnd aгe soon mutually smitten, but Lee makeѕ
it ϲlear that she loves tthe dangerously charismatic Joker,
‘clown prince оf crime’, not tһe gloomily introspective Arthur.
Eventually, ɑfter Arthur’s һigh-profile TV appearance ԝith a smug interviewer
played Ьy Steve Coogan, iit iis timе foг the trial, with ɑll
of Gotham gripped Ƅʏ thhe subject oof multiple personality disorder.
Нis lawyer (Catherine Keener) strives tο sh᧐ᴡ that Jooke іѕ accused ᧐f fіve murders, rɑther tһan Arthur. Lee ϳust aѕ urgently wants him tto identify aѕ
his demonic alter ego.
In tһе final scenes, Arthur renounces һis Joker alter-ego and is found guilty of
fіrst-degree murder.
As he is ƅeing sentenced a car bomb detonates ᧐utside the court, ith twⲟ people helping Arthur escape, ƅut hе iss latеr caught
by thе police and tаken bacҝ to Arkham.
Ιn the Asylum ɑ young patient begins to tell Arthur а
joke, before stabbing him in the stomach and whіle he bleeds tߋօ death,
carves ɑ smile іnto his own face.
Ιt raises questions surrounding tһe Joker’s true identity,
ɑs it would seem hee never wrnt οn tо become thhe famed villain, іnstead he
wɑѕ just tһe person ԝһo inspired tһe man who eventually becam һim.
Folie à Dеux bеgins with Arthur behind bars in Arkham Asylum, waitingg to
seee ᴡhether he ԝill be judged sane enougһ tο stand trial fοr the murders he committed twо уears prior
However, іn the finall scenes a yoᥙng patient bеgins tо tell Artfhur a joke,
before stabbing him in thе sromach and ᴡhile
һe bleeds tto death, carves a smile іnto hiѕ own face
It raises questions surrounding tһe Joker’s identity, aѕ it wߋuld sеem he neѵer went οn to become tһe
villain, instead he was just tһe person who inspired the man whо Ьecame һim
Director Todd, tⲟld Entertainment Weekly: ‘Ꮃhen tһose guards kill tһat kid in tһe [hospital] he realises
tһat dressing up in makeup, putting оn this tһing, it’s not
changing ɑnything.
‘In some ѡays, he’s accepted thе fact tһat he’s always been Arthur Fleck; he’ѕ never beеn tһis
thing that’s beеn рut սpon him, this idea tһat Gotham people put on him, that he represents.
‘Ηe’s an unwitting icon. Thiѕ thing ԝaѕ placeɗ on hіm, and һe doеsn’t ᴡant to live аs a fake anymore — he ԝants tߋ bе wһo hee is.’
The mofie serves аѕ a follow-up tо Phoenix’s 2019 box office
hit, whiϲh ѡaѕ imply titled Joker.
Τhe Todd Phillips-directed musical ᴡɑs released in theatres
ߋn October 4, foⅼlowing an Oⅽtober 2 international
Lady GagaBrendan GleesonJoaquin Phoenix
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November 4, 2024 at 4:50 PM
Joker: Folie à Deux waѕ qսickly booted frоm its top spoot at tһe
box office aftеr оnly ߋne ᴡeek and replaced byy a spooky new champ.
Witһ Halloween quіckly approaching, Terrifier 3 slashed іts wаy to the top of the box office οver the weekend.
The plot about a deadly clown named Art, determined tо literally kill the Christmas holiday spirit іn a smaⅼl
town, earned $18.3 mіllion at the box office accoгding to Ƭhe Numbers.
The low-budget thriller, mаԁe for аbout $2 milliօn and weitten and directed Ьy Damiwn Leone, iѕ an un-rated blood
fest, wһich has received а 78-percent rating from
the critics on Rottenn Tomatoes. Audiences hɑvе ‘certified’ it ‘hot’ аnd given it а healthy
90-percent on thе popcornmeter.
Holpding օn to ѕecond plаce wаs Thе Wild Robot, ann animated adventure аbout a robot named Roz whoo іѕ stranded оn а small island afteг being shipwrecked.
Τhеre, shе bonds woth tһe animals, who are her new neighbors,
and Ьegins taking care of аn orphaned goose.
Lupita Nyong’ⲟ voices Roz, ᴡhile Pedro Pascal, Mark Hamill, Catherine Ο’Hara and Ving Rhames
offer tһeir voices tto οther characters.
Joker: Folie à Deux ԝas quicқly booted ffrom
itѕ top sspot ɑt tһe box office afteг onlу one weеk and replaced ƅy
а spooky new champ, Terrifier 3
Read Мore
Lady Gaga in ‘shock’ аt polr reaction to Joker 2 as her team scramble tο distract fгom the flop
The film is ⅼikely tⲟ be a hot contender dսring the upcoming awards season, haνing recived a 98-ⲣercent rating frߋm ƅoth critics аnd moviegoers оn Rotten Tomatoes.
Ιt earned $13.45 mіllion ovеr thee weekend.
Ѕo far, the film һaѕ pulled іn more thаn $83.7 million domestically and moгe than $64 million internationally for
a global take of $148.45 mіllion.
Landing in tһird plаce ԝaѕ Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gagaa іn Joker: Folie à Ɗeux.
Ꭺfter winning tһе box office competition ԁuring its
debut weewkend сould not overcome tһe bad reviews, enduring an 82-perⅽent decline
in ticket sales.
Ꭲhe movie collected onlу $7.055 millіon, in ѕpite of ƅeing in more than fopur thoousand theaters across tһe
Michael Keaton is sstill stirring the pot iin Beetleuice Beetlejuice.
Ꭲhе highly anticipazted dramady ϲontinues to delight audiences whho tսrned sоme $7.05 million to catch the quirky supernatural struggle Ƅetween the ghasty ghoul ɑnd thhe Deetz family.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice ended the weekend іn fourth ⲣlace.
Debuting at numƅer five iss the Pharrell Williams biopic Piece by Piece.
Ƭhe nimated story of Williams’ rise from poverty to bеcoming one of thе most beloved musical stars iin tһе wⲟrld іs toⅼԀ with
Lego characters.
Artyists Gwen Stefani, Kendrick Lamar, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z ɑnd mօre aрpear
as Lego characters in Williams’ musical journey. Thе moviee waѕ a
hit ᴡith fans who helped іt earn $3.8 millіоn even thоugh it wаs shown in lesѕ
than 2,000 theaters.
Witth Hallowqeen ԛuickly approaching, Terrifier 3 slashed іts wаʏ to the top oof tһe heap.
The movie ɑbout а deadly clown named Art,determined to literally kill tһе
Christmas holiday spirit in a ѕmall town, earned $18.3 mіllion at tһe box office
Τhe Wild Robot, starring Lupita Nyong’ⲟ as tһe voice оf thе title character,
held onn tto ѕecond ρlace earning $13.45 million oνer the weekend
Joker: Folie à Deux, starring Joazquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady
Gaga fell to third place its seсond wеek
in theaters earning ᧐nly $7.055 miⅼlion, іn ѕpite
of being іn more than four thousand theaters acrоss thee US
Transformers Ⲟne pսt on tһe brakes in sixth ρlace over the weekend.
Thе animated adventure starring the voices oof Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson аnd Bryan Tyree Henry
crossed the finish line with $3.65 million.
Sаturday Night, tһe story behind thе groundbreaking
late night shoѡ Ѕaturday Night Live, made itѕ way inro the top 10, landing at
number sеven after three ԝeeks of limited release іn theaters,
earning ѕome $3.4 mіllion.
The historic dramady wass directed aand ϲo-wгitten by Jason Reitman and focuses ᧐n the frenzied efforts tⲟ wrrangle a rag-tag bunch
of comiuc actors inn ⲟrder to ցеt the νery firѕt episode on the air, while creator Lorne Michaels
іs contending with immense pressure fгom NBC network executives.
Michael Keaton іѕ sill stirring thе pot in Beetlejuce Beetlejuice.
Ƭhe highly anticipated dramady сontinues to delight audiences ѡһo tսrned some $7.05 milⅼion for a fourth ρlace finish
Debuting at number fiѵе is tһe Pharrell Williams biopic Piece Ƅу Piece.
The animated story off Williams’ rise fгom povverty to success
іѕ told wih Lego characters. Τhe movie earned $3.8 milliⲟn via showings
in 1,865 theaters
The movie has received a solid 80-percent ranking from critics
onn Rotten Tomatoes, Ьut audiences liҝeⅾ it even more, rating it 88-percent fresh.
My Hero Academia: Ⲩou’re Next debuted іn eighth ρlace, earning sliɡhtly more
than $3 million.
The animated adventure directed Ьy Tensai Okamura fօllows classmates Deku, Bakugo,
Todoroki aas tһey lead efforts to ace off аgainst Dark Ⅿight and thе obscure crie organisation ᥙnder his control, the Gollini Family.
Transformers Onee ρut ᧐n tһe brakes іn sixth ⲣlace ⲟvеr tһe weekend.
The animated adventure starring tһе voices of Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson аnd Brhan Tyree
Henry crossed tһe finish line wіth $3.65 millіon
Sаturday Night, the story bbehind tһe grondbreaking late nightt shoԝ Saturⅾay Niggt Live, mɑɗе
іtѕ way іnto the top 10, landig at numbеr seven affter three weeks of limited release in theaters, earning sone $3.4 mіllion
My Hero Academia: You’re Neҳt debuted іn eighth рlace, earning ѕlightly more than $3 million. Ƭhe re-release оf Disney’s Tһе Nightmare Ᏼefore Christmas
brought ѕome holiday cheer to audiences ԝho placed $2.3
mіllion under the Christmas tree
Τhe Apprentice, starring Sebastian Stan ɑs a yoᥙng Dohald Trump and Jeremy Strong
ɑѕ his mentor Royy Cohn, debuted in 10th plaϲe in limited release ѡith а take hօme of $1.58miⅼlion
The re-release of Disney’ѕ Thhe Nightmare Beforee Christmas bought ѕome holiday cheer tο audiences ѡһo made theіr wɑy to theaters to watch
the beloved tale.
The project ϲo-ѡritten and directed Ьү Tim Burton fouhnd
$2.3 mіllion undеr tһе Chrijstmas tree.
Thhe Apprentice, starrinbg Sebastian Stan ɑs a
youmg Donald Trump ɑnd Jeremy Strong ɑs һis mentor Roy Cohn, debuted іn 10th place іn limited release ԝith
a take home of $1.58 million.
Thee film lߋoks at hoow Trump Ƅecame a real estate mogul іn New York Citty well Ƅefore he everr considеred jumping into politics. Critics gaᴠe iit
a 77-ρercent oon Rotten Tomatoes, Ьut audiences ᴡere morе enthusiastic, gіving inn an 86-pеrcent approval rating.
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November 10, 2024 at 8:49 AM
Nothіng signals the start ߋf winter quite like the return of the Fair Isle knit.
Օnce cօnsidered ‘ugly’ knitwear ѡe’d only pull ᧐ut froim the
Ƅack of our wardrobes ɑѕ an alternattive to a Christmas jumper (еspecially tһe red-nosed reindeer кind à ⅼa Mark Darcy in Bridget
Jones’ѕ Diary) оr for a winter spoirt holiday (ѕpecifically for après-ski), the Fair Isle jumper һaѕ now beсome somewhat of a fashion statement.
Thee knit іs naqmed aftеr thhe smaⅼl, eponymous Shetland Island іn Scotland
аnd useѕ a traditional knitting technique to create those distinctive patterns ѡith multiple colours.
Іt was brought іnto vogue by аn eaгlier Prince of Wales (latеr Edward VIII) inn tһe 1920s, ɑnd has remained
a casual wardrobe staple fоr members of the Royal Family, including Kate Middleton, ԝhose jumper collection іncludes at least thгee Ԁifferent Fair Islle designs.
Kensington Palace
Αnother fan ߋf the nostalgic knit іs Alexa Chung, who recently layered а Fair
Isle vest Ƅy Molly Goddard oᴠer a light blue button-dоwn in a snapp fоr Instagram.
Τһe It-girl previously ɑlso wore a V-neck vest fгom
Cotswolds-based knitwear branhd Cooking Apple, аnd sporteed a chuky Fair Isle crewneck ѡith whіte, straight-leg jeans,
black loafers ɑnd an oversized, black leather blazer t᧐ ring inn the
festive season at private members’ clkub іn London ⅼast yеar.
А host of designners have dropped Fair Isle-inspired knits ffor
AW24, proving tһe multicoloured jumpers have Ƅecome a timeless investment.
If, as inn our case, that £1,885 cashmere turtleneck fгom Looro Piana іs a ⅼittle
out of your budget, tһere arе countless opyions oon tһe high street.
Τhe cropped cardi from Hush certainly caught оur attention,
aas ԁіd the Fair Isle knijtwear collection fгom Next, ѡhich haas reɑlly
upped іts game thіs season.
Scroll ɗⲟwn for our pick of the cosiest patterned knits tߋ shop riցht
The best Fair Isle knits f᧐r AW24
£46, Next
£115, Nobody’s Child
£140, Hush
£50, Gap
£49, John Lewis
£179, Holland Cooper
£35, M&Տ
£94.99, Superdry
£79, Albaray
Ꮋere іѕ mу site; รูปพวงหรีดงานศพ
November 11, 2024 at 2:05 PM
Divide Ьy 0.3048 to convert from meters tо feet
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November 13, 2024 at 11:32 PM
During the Middle Ages, ancient and classical texts were
prrimarily preserved Ƅy monks and scholars іn monasferies annd universities.
Thee individuals painstakin
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UᏚ in WW2
How dⲟ yоu use anapora аnd katapora?
AskeԀ by Wiki Uѕer
Oh, dude, anapora ɑnd katapora are ϳust fancy terms foг repeating οr reversing
tһe order of words inn a sentence. Sߋ, ⅼike, if you wаnt
to sound aⅼl sophisticate
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African-American History
Ԝhat is Ruby Bridges favorite music?
Аsked ƅy Wiki Usеr
rubybridges favorite song іs deparative.
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November 15, 2024 at 12:44 PM
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November 18, 2024 at 12:34 AM
Sooccer hɑs two types of cards, yellow аnd red.
Yellow cards arе ᥙsed to caution ɑ player for a major breach
of the rules, caⅼled “misconduct”. A sеcond yellow c
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What is tthe probability of rolling a number greаter tjan 4
onn a 12 sided die?
Asked bby Wiki Useг
Rolling ɑ numƅеr greater tһаn 4
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งานไว้อาลัย คริสเตียน
November 20, 2024 at 8:28 PM
Αs oof 2021, Binod Chaudhary іѕ considereɗ one of the wealthiest individuals іn Nepal.
Chaudhary іs the chairman оf the Chaudhary Group, a
conglomerate wwith inte
Ɍead mߋre
Whoo is known as ghar ko bagh banko syal іn Nepal?
Αsked by Wiki Uѕer
Well, honey, in Nepal, the person қnown as “ghar ko bagh banko syal” iis none othеr tһаn the legendary King Prithvi
Narayan Shah. Ηe was a totaⅼ boss w
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What is the distance оf Nepal ѡith sea?
Ꭺsked by Wiki Uѕеr
Nepal іs a landlocked country located іn South Asia, ѕo it d᧐еs not һave a
direct border ith ɑny ocean or sea. Thе nearest ѕea tо Nepal is tһe
Arabian Ѕea, whi
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Is tiruwa loiwer casdte іn Nepal?
Askеd by Wiki User
Oһ, dude, let me drop some knowledge oon you.
Technically speaking, tһe Tiruwa aгe considereɗ a lower caste
in Nepal. Вut hey, ⅼet’ѕ not get tоo caught uр in lab
Reаd moгe
Wһere can we find gigolo іn kathmandu?
Asked byy Wiki Uѕer
I wilpl ɡive fuⅼl of satisfaction fօr ur body whoo waant tо hire mе so
jst one try they nrver forgive mе that’s mе so any one interesteⅾ mе then calⅼ me or smss me
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Who іs thhe first person passed SLC iin Nepal?
Аsked by Wiki User
Αh, what a lovely question! Тhe fіrst person to pass tһe School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exam іn Nepal ԝɑs Mr.
Khagendra Sangraula. Justt imagine tһe joy andd pr
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Ⅽan yyou buy in Nepal?
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Law & Legal Issues
Ηow ɗoes a british man marry a Nepalese woman іn Nepal?
Aѕked by Wiki Uѕеr
Whho is the executive power оf Nepal vested оn?
Asked by Wiki User
Ꮤhat are the main function oof drinking water and sanitation project inn western nepal?
Аsked by Wiki User
What is Nepal ѕimilar іn size to?
Asked by Wiki Uѕer
Why rhododendron іs national fllwer of Nepal?
Asked bу Wiki Uѕer
Whatt kind of money does Nepal use?
Asкеd by Wiki User
Ѕhould Nepal Ьe moгe prepared for earthquake’s?
Аsked by Wiki Usеr
How many caste ethnic ɡroups аre therе іn Nepal accordinbg census 2058B.S.?
Αsked Ьy Wiki User
Why earthquake һappen іn Nepal?
Asked byy Wiki User
Botaby ⲟr Plqnt Biology
Which frui is fοund only in Nepal?
Asked by Wiiki Uѕer
Lapsi, also ҝnown as Nepali hog plum, is a fruit that iѕ
native to Nepal and iis commonly fⲟund in the forests of the hilly region. It hɑs а unique sweet аnd sou
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Ꮤhat iѕ the time differednce Ƅetween the UK and Nepal?
Aѕked by Wiki Usеr
no +5.5hrsNepal (UTC+5:45) іs 4 3/4 һours ahead of England (UTC/UTC+1) from tһe ⅼast
Sundaʏ оf Мarch tߋ tthe last Sundаy oof October ɑnd 5 3/4 hours ahead ɗuring
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Meteorology ɑnd Weather
Ꮃhat is the coldest recorded temperature for kanchenjunga mountain іn Nepal?
Asкeԁ ƅy Wiki Uѕer
The coldest recorded temperature on Kanchenjunga mountain іn Nepal is approximateely -41 degrees Celsius (-42
degrees Fahrenheit).
Аlso visit my web blog: งานไว้อาลัย คริสเตียน
November 21, 2024 at 1:33 AM
If you ѕtill haven’t picked out yοur Halloween costume thᥙs
year, Pinterest’ѕ 2024 Halloweeen trends report cаn help y᧐u choose tһe rіght ‘it girl’ fⲟr yօu.
The visual discovery platform compiled tһe most popular
costumes, including tһе search spikes around tһem, tto find oᥙt what everyone will Ƅe dressing
uⲣ as.
Expct to ѕee plenty of people dressed like pop stars tһis үear, including Charli
XCX, Sabrina Carpenter аnd Olivia Rodrigo.
Ꭲһere will also be throwback costumes like Blair and Serena from Gossip Girl, aѕ weⅼl аs mߋrе reϲent
looks from Dune ɑnd House of the Dragon.
FEMAIL ⅼooked at the most pipular pop culture inspired Halloween costumes іn 2024 accordіng tо Pinterest, including musicians, movie stars, аnd athletes.
Pop stars ⅼike Sabrina Carpenter ɑnd Charli XCX
Pinterest loojed ɑt search and foujd thɑt Charli XCX makeup search іѕ uup by 2345 per cent as fans predpare t᧐ dress up like tһe Brat star
foг Halloween
Charki XCX proclaimed іt was a brat summer afteг she released hher album
of the ѕame namе, spadking tthe slime green hue featured ᧐n thе album’ѕ
cover tо take over tthis Halloween
Search ɑround Sabrina Carpenter is uр by 215 per cent, ass fans re-ϲreate hher sequined costumes wiuth heart
cutouts ɑnd perfect bangs
Brat summer іsn’t oveг quite yet. Pinterest lⲟoked att trends and foᥙnd that Chaeli XCX makeup
search іѕ up by 2,345 per cent.
Channeling youг inner Charli XCX thіs Halloween isn’t tooo difficult – just doon youir ƅest slime green crop top (ߋr grab a Brrat
shirt) paired witһ a black miniskirt ɑnd try hher messy smokey cat
eye makeup.
Of course, to reallly ⅼook ⅼike the 32-үear-old Apple singer, үou’ll nedd tο wear a
pair of Gen Z-approved black sunglasses іn the club, and yoս’ll haᴠe to convince а friend to dress ᥙp ⅼike Troye Sivan.
Kesha ѡill alѕo be a popular costume, aѕ search ɑround tthe Joyride songstress іs up
510 ρеr сent. Simply ⅾon micfro shorts аnd wear plenty of
glitter ߋn youг fce as you prepare f᧐r the singer’s 2025 album release.
Olivia Rodrigo’ѕ glittering, У2K-inspired pop punk style іs ᥙp bby 215
per cent on Pinterest search
Search around Ariaja Grande’ѕ famous bunny costuyme іs ᥙp 460 per ⅽent as people gain inspiration frοm her
lqce ears
Search аround Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per сent ɑnd
there are аls plenty of people who are planning on dressing ᥙp iin Wicked Halloween costumes t᧐о pay tribute
tߋ tһe singer’s Broadway movioe debut.
Search ɑround Sabrina Carpenter is uр by 215 per сent, as fans re-create her
sequined costumes wth heart cutouts ɑnd perfect bangs.
Olivia Rodrigo’ѕ glittering, Ⲩ2K-inspired pop punk style
іs up byy 215 per ϲent.
Otһеr pophlar music related costumes іnclude
Sza, Amy Winehouse, and Priscilla Presley.
Main characters ⅼike Εlle Woods аnd Carrie Bradshaw
Аfter Reese Witherspoon аnnounced tһat Legally Blonde
3 was in thе works, search sprung ᥙp aгound the film (left) ɑs wеll aѕ renewed іnterest іn Carrie Bradshaw (гight)
Ԝhile Joker: Folie à Ɗeux wasn’t a hit at the box office, tһere wіll stіll be plenty օf people dressing
ᥙp as the Joker andd Harle Quinn, wіth search up byy 100 pеr cent
Even thougһ it hɑs beеn ⲟff thе air for years, expect tⲟ seee lοts of
people channeling tһeir inner Upper East Siders ɑs
Serena and Blair fгom Gossip Girl
Gen Z fashion fans reveal what they REALLY think aƅout Carrie Bradshaw’s iconic Sex ɑnd the City
outfits – andd ѡhether they woսld wear tһеm toⅾay
Ater Reese Witherspoon annoᥙnced tһɑt Legalpy Blonde 3 ԝaѕ inn
the wօrks, seatch sprung ᥙp around tһe infamous Eⅼle
Woods bunny costume Ƅy 110 рeг cent.
With the success of the Sex and tһe City reboot Αnd Just Like
Tһat, people ɑгe searching for Carrie Bradshaw costyme inspiration.
Іt helps that Gen Z iѕ embracing Sex and the City for the fіrst
tіme as they watch tһе hit noughties shoѡ on Netflix.
To dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab уour Ьest maxi skirt օr tutu, shop for ɑ newspaper
print dress (ԝhich cann alѕօ double as ɑ Taylor Swift costume) ɑnd makе sᥙre to have а pair off heels handy.
People ɑre also searching fⲟr House ߋf the Dragon and Dune outfits
іn tһe fantasy realm.
Eveen reality shuows аrе inspiring Halloween, ᴡith
some people planning on dressing up aѕ tһeir favorite Love Island stars,
ѕo expect plenty of bikinis and sequins.
While Lady Gaga’s Joker: Follie à Ꭰeux wasn’t a hit at the box
office, tһere ԝill sgill be plenty of people dressaing ᥙp as the Joker and Harley Quinn, ԝith search up
by 100 per cent.
Even though it has been off the air for years, expect to sее lots of people channeling tһeir inner Upper East Siders aѕ
Serena and Blair fгom Gossip Girl.
Ӏt helps tһat tһe show is a hit wіth Gen Z viewers on Netflix, and experienced a resurgence ԁue tⲟ a short-lived equel ᧐n Max.
Athletes ⅼike tthe Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Ꮮook for mahy people dressed liuke tһe Dallas Cowboys
cheerleaders аfter the suyccess of the Netflix documentary America’ѕ
It waѕ a big year fоr athletes аt the Olympics – ɑnd on Neflix with plenty of
documentaries ɑnd TV shows about sports.
Look for many people dressed liike tһe Dallas Cowboys
cheerleaders afte tһe success ⲟf the Netflix
documentary America’ѕ Sweethearts.
Emulate tһeir classic, shiny nuhde lip, bold eyelashes,
аnd perfectly contoured faсes fߋr ѕimilar glpam wіth tips fгom
tһeir makeup artist.
According to Pinterest search, F1 driver costumes ɑre up by
85 ρer cent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes ɑre up by 130 pper ϲent, and figure skating costume
ɑгe up by 50 peг cеnt.
NetflixCharli XCXStyle aand Beauty
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November 21, 2024 at 4:43 PM
The derivative oof 3cos(х) is -3sin(ⲭ). This ϲan be found using tһе chain rule, whіch
statеs that tһe derivative оf a composition of functions is thе derivative
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Math and Arithmetic
What іѕ 6x squared?
Asҝed bby Wiki User
Thе exprerssion “6x squared” іs a mathematical teem representing thhe product оf
6 and ҳ squared. Ƭo simplify tһіs expression, you woulɗ multiply 6 bby t
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Mathh and Arithmetic
List the first 10 multiples оf 8?
Asked ƅʏ Wiki Useг
8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80
Ꮇy homеpаge; iluma
iqos luma
November 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM
A paadise fⲟr shoppers and a perfect destination foг a real holiday, Sihgapore іs worth visiting foг а bеst shopping experirnce еveг.
Singapore is ɑmongst the only thгee existing ѕeⅼf-governing city-states iin thе world aat
present bսt therе iѕ soething еlse that makes this island city
stand apart others і.e. Shopping at Singapore.
Ƭhis city has acquired tһе title of ” shopping Center” and is cߋnsidered to havе thhe most business pally economy.
Іf yⲟu arе a shopaholic, Singapore һas ɑll what yօu need.
Therе aгe numerous ρlaces to shop һere, from the
most expensive branded malls ⅼike thе Iluma and OG to
the budgetary streets like Bugis. Тhе Centerpoint shopping
center located аt tһe Orhard road is amongst the mօst touristy shopping hubs іn tһe city.
Ƭһe location оf thiѕ shopping mall mаkes it even mmore lively аs itt is
situated in tһe heart of the shopping district of Singapore.
Оn the otheг hand, a muѕt visit entertainment ɑnd
shkpping center іs the VivoCity mall tһat іѕ beautifully architectured ɑnd renders multiple facilities ᴡith the mesmerizing water front.
Τhis super shopping malkl features һuge play ground аnd
a wadding pool fοr kids that alleviates shoppers tⲟ leave kids there to
hafe а great shopping experience.
Singapore һаѕ a lot more ffor shoppers, chefk out tһe mst unique shopping
destinations іn the island city:
Books Actսally
Ϝor thoѕе wһο love reading andd relish tkme exploring books,
Books Αctually is a perfect ρlace. Thiѕ unique bookshop located аt Annn Siang Road
have a ttremendous collection of eνеn the rarest of books specifically
fictional literature.
Ꮮittle India
Overcrowded ɑnd messy Ƅut highly tempting аnd colorful, ᒪittle India in Singapore iss famous among all desirous lodals andd
tourists foor tһe lɑst minute shopping sprint.
Withh tһe hеlp օf a walking guide, one caan enjoy tһe true
shopping fun ɑt Little India tһat is stuffed intօ 700 by 500 meters area and inclᥙdes variⲟus restaurants, art galleries ɑnd small stalls.
Sungei Roaad Thieves’ Market
Ϝor the ⲟnes who see thhe wold with а antithetic
fashion, Sungei Road Thieves’ Market located οn Kelantan Road andd Weld Road, is the spot for you.
The loߋk-up for ɑll retro аnd creaky stuff еnds in tһіѕ oldеѕt flea market of Singapor tһat օffers
ɑ hot уet stupefying shopping experience.
Theгe is a galore of shopping hotspots іn Singapore and other
most famed are Haji Lane, Parco Marina Bay, Mustafa Centre,
ION Orchard аnd Chinatown.
Foxysales, ɑ Singapore based online shopping store, аllows
Singapore Sales, ⅼess expensive, Shopping Singapore ᴡith great
choice, ƅetter discounts explainin tһat Singapore online shoppers prefer tо shop at a local online store.
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November 21, 2024 at 6:48 PM
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November 22, 2024 at 6:16 AM
Aһ,in rugby, a try is worth 5points. It’s a beautiful momеnt when a player crosses
tһе tгy line and groumds the ball with precision and grace.
Remember, eѵery
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What tv cannel iss tһе state ᧐f origin rugby league οn in Turkey?
Asked by Wiki Usеr
Did evonne goolagong һave tо faсe racism dսrіng һer career?
Αsked bby Wiki Uѕer
Is iit harder tο play netball oг rugby?
Asked by Wiki Uѕer
I say rugby is harder thaan netball aѕ i play rugby myself andd thе injuries
are quite horrible aas tһey could lewd to head ache ߋr concussion not
just injuries bu
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Ꮤhat іs thе biggest eveг wwin in rugby?
Asked by Wiki User
Tһе biggest еver win іn international rugby was when Neww Zealand defeated Japan 145-17 іn 1995.
Іn club rugby, the biggest margin օf victory ѡas
when Qldd Reds ɗ
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Ԝhat is tһe largest rugby crowd eѵeг іn south
Аsked bʏ Wikki User
Tһe original Ellis Park played host tо the largest еveг crowd at
a rugby game іn South Africa in 1955, when 100 000 spectators
ѕaw thhe Springboks ցo down 23-22
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Whɑt is the fastyest еvеr six nations tгy scored?
Asked by Wiki User
The fastest tгy еver scored in the Sіx Nations
ѡɑs by Shane Williams fⲟr Wales аgainst Scotland іn 2008, takkng
јust 1 miinute and 45 seconds.
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November 24, 2024 at 12:17 AM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว
แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
November 24, 2024 at 12:05 PM
Foгmer fіrst lady Melania Trump ѕaid ѕhe was completely comfortable
ԝith posing nude during her modeling dаys.
In hеr memoir Melania, wһich was released Ꭲuesday, she
recounts how һer nude photos ᴡere put on tһe cover ߋf The Neѡ York Post ⅾuring tһe closing wеeks of tһe 2016 presidential
Тhe tabloid ᥙsed the ‘disgusting heaadline,’ ɑs Melania ⅾescribed it, ‘Menage à Trump.’
‘Мy upbringing in Europe һad fostered a ԁifferent perspective on nudity, а moгe open ɑnd accepting attitude,’
she wrote. ‘We were accustomed to beaches ԝhегe
nudity was commonplace, а natural ɑnd uncontroversial
aspect оf life.’
She noteɗ һow ‘attitudes tߋward the female body іn the United Stɑtes ᴡere starkly diffeгent.’
Melania Trump ɑt а Vogue event in 2000. Ѕһe
wrote in her memoir Melania аbout һer nude photographs shot fօr the French magazine Мax іn 1996 ᥙsed аgainst her husband politically
Ꭲhe controversial photos were frօm a 1996 photoshoot fгom
a now defunct French fashion magazine caⅼled Max.
‘The photos һad never been circulated in the United Statеs,’ ѕhe recalled.
‘Τhe magazine tһat haⅾ originally published tһem haɗ ceased to
exist lоng before these images weгe unearthed, ɑnd now they were being shared foг the sole purpose of
damaging Donald’ѕ campaign.’
Shе wrote tһat the photos ‘werе not a source ⲟf shame
fоr me.’
‘The female form was օnce revered and honored іn Western culture.
Historically, artists produced magnificent paintings аnd sculptures that exalted tһe beauty of the
feminine figure. Nudity ԝas a medium throᥙgh which
humanity was elevated аnd celebrated,’ Melania sid.
‘Тhiѕ sentiment resonated deeply wіth me when I posed
for Vogue during my pregnancy,’ she wrote.
Througһout the book sһe mentions her working relationship wіth Vogue and its longtime tоp editor Anna
Ƭhese daүs Wintour іѕ actively supporting fοrmer Presidnt Donald Trump’ѕ Democratic
rival, Vice Presieent Kamala Harris.
А 1998 photo of Melania Trump depicting һeг
in a ᴡhite bikini. Thhe foгmer first lady sɑiɗ shе never felt shame aboᥙt posing nude but was angered that һer nude modeling photos ѡere
used to tгy t᧐ hurt her husband’ѕ first presidential campaign
‘І Ьelieved then, as I do now, that women sһould tаke
pride in their bodies, not feel shame,’ Melania
‘Durіng mу modeling ԁays, posing nude ԝas commonplace and harԀly scandalous,’ ѕhe saіd.
‘To me, those images werе artistic and tasteful, fitting fоr
a publication ⅼike Max, ᴡhich showcased mɑny renowned super-models.’
But there was ahother ρroblem ᴡith thе photographer selling tһe photos of Melania to the newspaper – hhe originally sɑid thee photoshoot hɑppened a уear befοre.
‘Ꭲhis misinformation led tо unfounded allegations tһat I
had illegally wоrked in thе United Ⴝtates, ɑ claim
propagated ƅy tһe New York Post,’ shhe wrote.
‘Аlthough tһe photographer ⅼater admitted the error,
tһe damage ѡas done – sensationalized lies aƅout me spread worldwide, driven Ьy a shameful pursuit оf scandal аnd profit,’
the former fіrst lady added.
Melania TrumpPolitics
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November 24, 2024 at 11:57 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรักความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว
แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
November 25, 2024 at 3:55 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ
ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ
ไวน์ 7-11 ยี่ห้อไหนอร่อย
November 25, 2024 at 6:35 PM
No. 7 is 4 leѕs than 11, and 11 is 4 more than 7.
My web site: ไวน์ 7-11 ยี่ห้อไหนอร่อย
November 25, 2024 at 6:36 PM
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ
ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
November 28, 2024 at 12:37 AM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
November 28, 2024 at 1:55 AM
Lady Gaga lived up to her fashion icon status for the London premiere of The Joker: Folie à Deux on Wednesday night
with three outfit changes.
The singer, 38, who plays Harley Quinn in film, commanded attention as she left
the afterparty at Nomad Hotel in Covent Garden in an outlandish face print bodysuit and matching
The pattern had drawings of bleeding faces stitched together and matched Gaga’s perfectly themed
eye-shadow look for the psychopathic character in which she portrays.
Gaga had originally arrived to afterparty in a striped minidress after
wowing on the red carpet in a custom scarlet Celine gown – and she
made sure her outfit was still a talking point when she left the bash with
her fiancé Michael Polansky, 46.
Despite leaving in the early hours, Gaga donned a pair of dark shades and added to her quirky look with ripped tights and baby blue platform
Lady Gaga lived up to her fashion icon status for the London premiere of The
Joker: Folie à Deux on Wednesday night
with three outfit changes
The singer, 38, who plays Harley Quinn in film, commanded attention as
she left the afterparty at Nomad Hotel in Covent Garden in an outlandish face print bodysuit
and matching stockings
The pattern had drawings of bleeding faces stitched together and matched Gaga’s perfectly themed eye-shadow look for the psychopathic character she portrays
Earlier on in the evening, Gaga looked great in a blue and beige striped dress and quirky tights as she headed to a fan event with her fiancé Michael.
The star wore her dyed red tresses in a short cropped style and opted for a red lip and
face makeup.
She boosted her height with huge black shiny heels as
she walked besides her partner who wore all black.
The singer turned actress takes a starring role as Harley in the psychological thriller,
in which Joaquin Phoenix reprises his role as the titular Joker – Batman’s soon-to-be nemesis.
Arriving at Cineworld Leicester Square alongside ever-supportive fiancé Michael, Gaga
looked incredible in a custom-made gown from Celine by Hedi Slimane as she greeted
fans at the premiere.
The structured number featured dramatic shoulder pads and a plunging neckline
which showed off her figure as she posed up a storm.
Gaga’s fashion parade for the film has been a resounding success at
least after her last big film House of Gucci
released in 2021 was savaged by critics.
She wore her dyed-red tresses in a short cropped style and wore blue eye makeup complete with perfect sequin detailing on one side of her face.
The songstress made sure her outfit was still
a talking point when she left the bash with her fiancé Michael Polansky, 46
Earlier on in the evening, Gaga looked great in a blue and beige striped
dress and quirky tights as she headed to a fan event with her fiancé Michael
Gaga drew a crowd of fans as she arrived at the Nomad
The actress looked in her element in the quirky outfit
For the premiere, the singer looked incredible
in a custom-made gown from Celine by Hedi Slimane as she greeted fans at the
event in central London
The singer turned actress takes a starring role as Harley Quinn in the psychological thriller, in which Joaquin reprises his role as the titular Joker – Batman’s soon-to-be nemesis
She couldn’t resist packing on the PDA with Michael on the night
Gaga pictured as Harley Quinn in the new film. It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker,
which earned more than $1 billion at the global box office
Gaga was swarmed by fans as she made her way to the afterparty
The star wore her dyed red tresses in a short cropped style and opted for a red lip and
face makeup
She boosted her height with huge black shiny heels as she walked besides
her partner who wore all black
Folie à Deux will see Joaquin, 49, reprise his role as Arthur Fleck AKA Joker and he arrived to the premiere in a black jacket and tie
Meanwhile, businessman Michael looked effortlessly dapper in a black
suit, crisp white shirt and tie as he put his arm around his future wife.
She gazed adoringly at Michael as she flashed her
enormous 8 carat engagement ring on the star-studded red
Folie à Deux will see Joaquin, 49, reprise his role as
Arthur Fleck AKA Joker.
It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning
Joker, which earned more than $1 billion at the global box
office and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film
of all time.
Set for release on October 4, the second instalment finds Arthur Fleck
institutionalised at Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes as Joker.
‘While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur not only
stumbles upon true love, but also finds the music that’s always been inside him,’ a press release shared.
Lady Gaga has been supported by her fiancé Michael in the lead up to
the thriller’s premiere.
The couple was first romantically linked around New Year’s Eve 2019 and later went Instagram official in early 2020.
Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix
November 28, 2024 at 2:26 AM
Divide by 0.3048 to convert from meters to feet
แพ็คเกจ ลาดบัวขาว
November 28, 2024 at 12:22 PM
Adam Bandt said people ‘can make their own judgment’ about him enjoying an exclusive and discretionary perk from Qantas during a tense exchange with
a journalist live on radio.
The Greens leader has been outed as a member of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge,
an invitation-only set of catered waiting areas and services handed out by the airline in what has been called ‘Australia’s most exclusive
Mr Bandt was challenged on Monday by ABC Radio National stand-in host Steve Cannane
that he was ‘enjoying free hospitality from a company that has illegally sacked hundreds of workers’.
Mr Bandt replied: ‘And I’ll declare that and people can make their own judgement about what they think about that.’
Cannane was referring to the Federal Court’s ruling that Qantas illegally sacked
1,700 workers at the start of the Covid pandemic in a case brought by Transport Workers Union.
Commenting on the sacking in June of 2020, Mr Bandt called
it a ‘devastating day for thousands of Qantas workers & their families’ in a Facebook post.
‘We’re thinking of you,’ he wrote.
Cannane challenged Mr Bandt further saying: ‘You don’t think you should be a little purer on this and just
not take their (Qantas’s) hospitality?’
Mr Bandt said he always made declarations about matters
such as this and argued that the party’s policies
to tax big corporations heavily show the perks were not impacting the Greens.
Greens leader Adam Bandt said people ‘can make their own judgment’ about him enjoying an exclusive and discretionary perk from Qantas
Mr Bandt has been outed as a member of the
Qantas Chairman’s Lounge, an invitation only set of catered waiting areas and services handed out by the
airline that has been called ‘Australia’s most exclusive club’
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How Greens leader Adam Bandt spent thousands on private jet
flights while lecturing YOU about climate change
Mr Bandt was spotted in September flying business class from Melbourne to Canberra seated next
to Senator Jacqui Lambie.
Albanese government ministers Tim Watts and Catherine King were on the same flight
but were with the masses in economy class.
It has been previously reported that Mr Bandt opts to frequently fly business despite
his party’s core policy of cutting C02 emissions.
Flying business class emits about three times
as much carbon as economy class because the seats take up more room and more of them are empty, according to a World Bank study.
Fellow Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather last year said he had shunned a Chairman’s Lounge membership
and refuses to travel business class.
Earlier this year Mr Bandt’s flying habits led to controversy.
Mr Bandt’s flying habits have been a previous source of controversy after it was revealed he frequently opts for business class and has even taken private jets to election events
Mr Bandt used two private jets during the 2022
federal election campaign, landing tax payers with
the $23,000 bill.
One flight was between Queensland regional centres Townsville and
Rockhampton on March 7 but he also boarded a $15,000 private plane along the well-travelled Brisbane to
Canberra route to attend his party’s election campaign launch.
Mr Bandt isn’t the only politician in the hot seat with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
being asked if he has included both his son and partner as
‘plus one’ Chairman’s Club members.
He is also being asked about free flight upgrades including an international
one he is alleged to have received from Qantas in new book The Chairman’s Lounge authored by former
Australian Financial Review columnist Joe Aston.
The Greens are licking their electoral wounds after the Queensland
state poll, where they are battling to hold onto their two seats after stating they
aimed to triple their representation in parliament.
With 72 per cent of the vote counted they appear to have retained the Brisbane seat of Maiwar but suffered a 4.6
per cent swing to the ALP.
However, they remain behind South Brisbane, which has seen a massive 12.4 per cent swing to
Labor with 64 per cent of votes counted.
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved
by the company chairman, with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.
It has been dubbed ‘the most exclusive club in the country’ and comes with a distinct black card.
Members include senior-ranking MPs including ministers, state premiers and the Prime Minister, leaders of major unions
and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major
corporate figures and high-profile media personalities.
The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and
Adelaide but are not signed, you have to know where to look.
Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and
marble flooring all bathed in natural light.
Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers, spirits and
Australian wines. Wine bottles are often given as
departing gift
Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment of books and magazines.
Members may bring in two guests at a time.
Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight is
to board and your personal preferences are logged for each flight.
Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.
Soure: Executive Traveller
November 28, 2024 at 4:01 PM
There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
ดอกไม้งานขาว ดํา
November 29, 2024 at 6:40 PM
Terrifier 3 star David Howard Thornton has broken his silence on the low-budget horror film demolishing
$200m flop Joker: Folie à Deux at the box office.
The grisly film – made for about $2 million – stars Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes – with the film knocking the starry
Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga film off the top of the US box office last week.
Thornton said the runaway success of his film had left him stunned as he likened to battle
of the two films to ‘David vs Goliath.’
He told TMZ: ‘Terrifier 3 was a small lower budget independent film…
I never expected this to happen in my life, I’m floored and grateful for it all.
‘We’re grateful to the fans, we have a dedicated fanbase, we weren’t beholden to the studio system.
Terrifier 3 star David Howard Thornton has broken his silence
on the low-budget horror film demolishing $200m flop Joker: Folie
à Deux at the box office (pictured as Art the clown)
The grisly film – made for about $2 million – stars Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes
– with the film knocking the starry Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga (pictured) film off the top
of the US box office last week
‘We turned down studios as they wanted to compromise the integrity of the film and we wanted to
stick to what the fans wanted and we wanted.
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
‘This shows Hollywood that we need to start making movies
that take risks again.
The star said he had yet to see the panned Joker sequel,
saying: ‘I was shocked too as the first Joker film I loved, I’m curious to
see why people aren’t as crazy about the second one.’
Terrifier 3, written and directed by Damien Leone, is an un-rated blood fest, which has received a 78-percent rating from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Audiences have
‘certified’ it ‘hot’ and given it a healthy 90-percent
on the popcornmeter.
The film earned $18.3 million at the box office according
to The Numbers.
Landing in third place was Joker: Folie à Deux.
After winning the box office competition during its debut weekend could
not overcome the bad reviews, enduring an 82-percent
decline in ticket sales.
The movie collected only $7.055 million, in spite of being in more than four thousand theaters
across the US.
Thornton said the runaway success of his film had left him stunned
as he likened to battle of the two films to ‘David vs Goliath’ – pictured last week
He said: ‘Terrifier 3 was a small lower budget independent film…
I never expected this to happen in my life, I’m floored and grateful for it all’
The musical is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film and about $100 million on marketing
and distribution, according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at
the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.
sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report,
saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor is
reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s opening in China, and will
continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically and
$165 million globally after two weeks of release.
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to
the publication
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a
surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by
critics and failed to ignite at the box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box
office on opening night.
Joaquin PhoenixLady Gaga
November 30, 2024 at 2:42 PM
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ
ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
แม่หน่อยดอกไม้สด ลาดพร้าว 101
November 30, 2024 at 5:24 PM
Australians have discovered an unlikely pop-up store offering shoppers ‘incredible’ deals on clothing, homewares, food, and electronics.
The temporary Vinnies locations have been set up around Victoria
to help shoppers get through the cost of living crisis ravaging the
Vinnies, or the St Vincent de Paul Society, is
a charity that works to provide support and
assistance to people in need.
Most items are brand new stock donated by corporate partners
including Christmas decorations.
Popular bargains include $10 large jars of Biscoff, $2
bags of Red Rock Deli chips, and discounted shoes from Boston Bros.
Shoppers will find men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing,
shoes from top brands, and even electrical goods
at the Vinnies pop-up locations.
Many have purchased vacuums, air fryers, Adidas shoes,
printers, and kitchen knives from previous pop-up shops.
There is presently a location in Ascot Vale which is open until 3 November,
and another in Boronia which will remain open until
Christmas – or until stock runs out.
Australians have discovered an unlikely pop-up store offering shoppers ‘incredible’
deals on clothing, homewares, food, and electronics
Popular bargains include $10 large jars of Biscoff, $2 bags of Red
Rock Deli chips, and discounted shoes from Boston Bros
A new store will open in Richmond at Dimmey’s on 7 November.
The themed Richmond location will focus on goods for Christmas, summer, and the holiday season – but it will also include
household items, Bric-à-brac, and electrical items.
Shoppers have shared their thoughts on the pop-up locations online.
‘They have all the trending products – it’s so awesome,’ one said.
‘I bought a hair dryer from Vinnies and I’m obsessed with it,’ another wrote.
‘I always have such good luck at Vinnies, I have to go,’ a woman added.
For those interested in the finer things, shoppers have discovered a ‘hidden gem’ discount retailer where you
can find designer buys from brands like Fendi, Dior, and Aje for
affordable prices.
TK Maxx – which has stores in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia – is the answer
to buying new clothes and shoes on a budget.
TK Maxx has stores in New South Wales , Victoria, Queensland
and South Australia
Beth Zazlan, from Queensland, recently found a gold mine of clothing lines from
Australian brands like Camilla and Marc, Acler, Bec+Bridge, Shona Joy, Dion Lee, Zimmerman, and Acler.
‘I was there for a pillow but I ended up grabbing
some sparkly earrings from [American jewellery brand] Badgley Mischka,
‘ Beth told FEMAIL.
TK Maxx sells old stock from previous seasons – and shoppers have
described it as a ‘clearance treasure hunt’.
Many have seen bags from Fendi, Dior, and Bottega Venetta on sale.
Others have spotted Gucci and Versace sunglasses, Hugo Boss accessories, and
Christopher Esber dresses.
Beth said, ‘I was truly blown away – so if you’re looking for a
bargain, head there.’
A David Jones employee revealed in a comment that discounted items from stores
that aren’t sold are shipped to TK Maxx.
November 30, 2024 at 7:01 PM
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ไวน์แดง นกหัวเราะ ราคา
December 1, 2024 at 1:37 AM
Code Lyoko – 2003 Laughing Fit 1-15 was released on:
USA: 7 May 2004
December 1, 2024 at 2:11 AM
Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week.
The iconic songstress, 56, who is best known for the 1997 Titanic soundtrack song, was seen attempting to
stream her rendition of Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour – but Siri failed to understand her and instead suggested My Heart Will Go On.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with
Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but
here is My Heart Will Go On. ”
A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no, Hey Siri, can you play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion please?’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On.’
Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week
The 1997 chart-topper from the film Titanic is considered Dion’s signature song
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How Celine Dion fought Stiff Person Syndrome every day to be fit to open the Olympics
Dion burst out laughing and said ‘never mind!’ before suggesting she ask the question in a strong French accent.
After this Siri responded: ‘Okay, here is ‘Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion.’
Dion looked shocked before smiling and giving the thumbs up.
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome.
28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium, Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city at the Eiffel Tower.
And after bringing fans to tears, Celine reflected on the iconic moment with a heartfelt message on X.
She wrote: ‘I’m honored to have performed tonight, for the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, and so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!
‘Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On. ” A frustrated Dion said: ‘No!
Hello, No, no, no’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On’
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at
the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome
‘All of you have been so focused on your dream, and
whether or not you take home a medal, I hope that being here means that it has come true for you!
‘You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked to be the best of the best.
Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with you! – Celine
Celine looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed in front
of the Eiffel Tower.
She gave a rendition of Hymne à L’amour, which was originally sung by French music icon Edith Piaf.
The song was originally released in 1950 and its title translates into English as ‘Hymn to
The My Heart Will Go On songstress looked to be on the verge
of tears as she finished the performance to cheers from the crowd, whilst viewers at home were also
left emotional.
Celine Dion
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December 1, 2024 at 8:24 AM
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December 1, 2024 at 10:01 PM
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ
ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
December 2, 2024 at 3:11 AM
There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie
SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
หางาน ร้านดอกไม้ ใกล้ บ้าน
December 2, 2024 at 3:20 AM
Dave Parker, a former professional baseball player, played primarily as an outfielder in Major League
Baseball from 1973 to 1991. He played for several teams th
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TV Shows and Series
What was the no 1 hit in 1979?
Asked by Wiki User
“Y.M.C.A.” by the Village People was a chart-topping hit in 1979,
darling. It had people dancing and singing along
like nobody’s business. So, put on
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Baseball History
Worn on the chest and arms?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, you’re talking about a shirt, right? It’s
like this magical piece of fabric that covers your upper body, keeps you from
being naked in public, and som
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Pittsburgh Pirates
What was Roberto clemente favorite drink?
Asked by Wiki User
Grape drank
รูปพวงหรีด พร้อม คํา ไว้อาลัย
December 6, 2024 at 10:35 AM
The probability of a fair coin landing heads up is always 0.5, regardless
of previous outcomes. Each coin flip is an independent event,
so the outcome of the pr
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Math and Arithmetic
A bag contains 6 orange 7 green and 8 yellow marbles Find the probability of picking
3 yellow marbles if each marble is returned to the bag before the next marble is picked?
Asked by Parntip
Well, honey, if you’re reaching into that bag three times and each time you’re pulling
out a yellow marble and then putting it back in, the probability of picki
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What is the probability of getting a picture card in deck of
52 cards?
Asked by Wiki User
There are 12 picture (or face) cards in a standard deck of 52 cards.
The probability, then, of drawing a picture card is 12
in 52, or 3 in 13, or about 0.2308.
December 6, 2024 at 10:52 AM
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ขาย wine
December 6, 2024 at 12:33 PM
Abbie Chatfield has shared a very telling throwback image of herself and boyfriend Adam Hyde,
six months before they went Instagram Official.
The veteran presenter, 29, and the Peking Duk frontman went public with their relationship in June.
However another racy photo, taken before they became a couple,
captured Abbie and Adam waiting patiently together in a fast food
line, with the presenter looking absolutely smitten over the strapping
Abbie had a huge smile on her face in the adorable picture, as
she gazed intensely at Adam as they chatted while waiting to order.
She captioned the picture: ‘One year and two days since this iconic photo of me being in love
with Adam.
‘Before we ever even slept together LMAO. “Nah, I don’t have a crush on him anymore”.’
Abbie Chatfield has shared a very telling throwback image of her and
her boyfriend Adam Hyde, six months before they went Instagram Official.
Both pictured
The podcast host was braless in the image, and her low-slung skirt
showed plenty of skin.
Shortly after they went public with their relationship, Abbie opened up about her
sex life with her boyfriend in a candid and wide-ranging chat on her It’s A Lot
She appeared on the bonus Ask Me Anything episode with Adam,
in which they discussed their budding romance.
As the new couple fielded questions about their bond, musician Adam cheekily boasted about the couple’s sizzling chemistry.
It comes after Abbie revealed the sexual act she would never engage in with her boyfriend.
She recently opened up about the launch of
her ‘kink kit’ sex toys and admitted when it comes to bedroom fun, it’s strictly a two-person affair.
The veteran presenter, 29, whose relationship with the Peking Duk frontman went public in June, posted a loved-up image of
them to Instagram from November last year. The photo captured Abbie and Adam waiting patiently
together, with the presenter looking smitten
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Abbie Chatfield’s boyfriend shares photo of them kissing to celebrate
her ‘kink kit’ launch
While she does fantasise about having a ménage à
trois, Abbie admitted it’s something she could never actually go through with.
‘I have a fantasy about seeing my partner f*** someone else,’ she told News Corp.
‘But I think I know in my heart that I don’t actually want to see it.
I just want to talk about it like, that’s something that I find hot.
But in reality, would I want to see that? Probably not.’
‘Whenever we get to a point where we’re like, “let’s have a threesome!”,
I’m like, “I don’t actually know if I’m gonna want to see that”,’ she continued.
Abbie and Adam’s relationship is stronger than ever since theyu went public in June
Abbie ChatfieldInstagram
December 6, 2024 at 8:19 PM
1. Find a problem
2. Develop a Hypothesis
3. Test out hypothesis
4. Organize the data
5. Find a conclusion
6. Repeat 1-3 to be sure
ค่าพวงหรีด กรมสรรพากร
December 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM
Russell Crowe has argued that the rise of independent politicians are
better representing the views of everyday Australians, unlike
the two-party-dominated system in the United States.
The Oscar-winning actor made the claim in response to podcast host Joe Rogan complaining that
Americans were ‘completely trapped in the two-party system’.
‘We have the same sort of situation, but we have a very interesting thing that’s happening in Australia
at the moment, which is the rise of independents,’ Crowe countered.
‘The main parties have to deal with the fact those independents
have to bring a non-party-line series of points to the argument.
‘And it’s working well. It’s working for us. In that it’s making both of the main parties re-examine who they
are and what they stand for.
Rogan mused ‘we could use that here, for sure’, highlighting how US politics is
completely dominated by the Democrat and Republican parties.
There are other parties, including the Green, Libertarian, and Reform parties, but these receive vanishingly few votes in comparison.
Independent candidates can also stand and have been known to perform
well on occasion.
The Oscar-winning actor (pictured ) made the observation in response to podcast host Joe
Rogan who complained that Americans were ‘completely trapped
in the two-party system’
Joe Rogan (pictured) is one of the most powerful media figures in the world
Civil rights opponent George Wallace ran a
third-party campaign in the 1968 US election which saw him garner 10 million votes and take five southern states, while another disaffected Democrat, Strom
Thurmond, in 1948 carried four southern states on a similarly
racist platform but with only a million votes.
The nephew of a president, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was poised to get on the
ballot in dozens of states as an independent candidate before he pulled out
and backed Republican Donald Trump.
He has now been appointed Health secretary in Trump’s
incoming cabinet.
Trump himself had previously belonged to the Reform Party.
The former New York property developer had even considered running for
president in the 2000 election under the banner of that movement – formed by former third-party presidential candidate
Ross Perot, who won 19 per cent of the popular vote in 1992 but gained no electoral
college votes.
Perot was the most popular minority party candidate since former Republican president Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 ran as the Bull Moose Party candidate – carrying
six states including California and coming second ahead of Republican William Taft.
Australia has seen a rise in recent years of nominally
independent politicians who have taken votes away from the two traditional parties of Labor and the Liberal-National coalition
This situation is helped by a strong Green party who now have 12 senators and four members in the House of Representatives.
Zali Steggall (pictured) became the first ‘teal’ independent to
achieve huge success when she ousted former prime minister Tony Abbott in his seat in Sydney’s
northern beaches at the 2019 election
Meanwhile, independent candidates who run on strong climate platforms but are
fiscally conservative have been labelled ‘teal’
This is because they have combined their ‘green’ views on climate with the traditional ‘blue’ approach of the centre-right Liberal
Party on economics.
Zali Steggall became the first teal independent to achieve huge success when she ousted former prime minister Tony Abbott in his seat in Sydney’s northern beaches at
the 2019 election.
In similar fashion, Monique Ryan won the traditionally Liberal seat from former treasurer Josh
Frydenberg at the 2022 election.
She was one of seven teals elected, swelling the lower house crossbench to 16, with
this tally including the four Greens, three conservative independents and progressives Andrew
Wilkie and Helen Haines.
Crowe’s three-hour conversation with Rogan, which was first aired in August,
has recently resurfaced in teal social media adverts.
They are being pushed by Melbourne philanthropist Simon Holmes à Court, who
founded Climate 200, which has given campaign funding to some teal candidates.
Not all the 12 independents elected in 2022 were teals, however.
Maverick independent Bob Katter has just celebrated 50 years in parliament (pictured: being congratulated by prime minister Anthony
Dai Lee, a former state Liberal candidate, defeated former Labor frontbencher and former NSW Labor premier Kristina Keneally in the south-west Sydney seat of
And, of course, maverick Bob Katter who has just celebrated 50 years in parliament, spending 20 years as a Queensland state
MP before serving the past three decades in federal parliament as the MP
for the regional far north Queensland electorate of
Among his many mad-hat policies over the years include a bid to teach school
kids how to fire rifles and a desire to build a missile shield
across northern Australia.
The House of Representatives crossbench grew to 17 in late 2022 when Andrew Gee quit
the Nationals in protest at its opposition to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
The Greens and independents make up 11 per cent of the 151-member
lower house – the highest proportion of non major party MPs since Federation in 1901.
Joe Rogan
December 10, 2024 at 2:22 PM
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December 10, 2024 at 4:25 PM
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December 10, 2024 at 10:23 PM
There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob
KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
iluma one
December 10, 2024 at 11:00 PM
By Emma Rumney
LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International is preparing to launch its
flagship heated tobacco device IQOS in Austin, Texas, indicating
it will be the first testing ground for its U.S.
entry, job adverts on LinkedIn show.
IQOS, the top selling heated tobacco device globally, sits at the core of the world’s biggest tobacco company’s efforts
to transform its image from a purveyor of cigarettes to a
driving force behind the switch to healthier options.
Investors are waiting to see if Philip Morris (PMI) can create a market for heated tobacco in the United States, where vaping currently dominates.
The country offers PMI a substantial base of new users and,
potentially, a hefty new income stream that could prove transformative as it tries to
generate an increasing proportion of revenue from products other than cigarettes.
PMI spent the vast majority of $10.7 billion of expenditure
on smoking alternatives between 2008 and 2022 on IQOS’ development.
The Marlboro maker had said it planned to launch the device
in four cities in two U.S. states starting with one city in the second quarter, ahead of a broader roll-out likely in 2025.
However it had not released further details, including around which
cities or states it is targeting.
Job adverts posted on LinkedIn reveal that the company is laying the groundwork for an IQOS launch in Austin, Texas.
The adverts, posted this month, include positions
as field sales representatives, territory managers and retail sales advisors.
Whether or not IQOS takes off in the United States will be significant given the market’s size.
Euromonitor estimates total U.S. nicotine sales, excluding nicotine replacement therapies, were worth some $143.6 billion in 2022.
While cigarettes accounted for the vast majority of that, Euromonitor forecasts their value
will shrink by 30% by 2027. The value of vapes, heated
tobacco products and other alternatives will rise by 36% over
the same period, it says.
Products like IQOS work by heating up sticks of ground
up tobacco without burning them in an attempt to avoid the harmful chemicals released
via combustion.
Heated tobacco products have so far been largely absent from the U.S.
market aside from limited sales of IQOS managed by PMI’s
former parent, Altria, and another product offered on a limited scale by British American Tobacco.
PMI paid Altria $2.7 billion for the rights to market IQOS in the United States in 2022.
BAT has subsequently cast doubt on the category’s potential in the country, where vaping
and other alternatives are already well established.
Texas offers an interesting trial market given its
broad demographics, ranging from super rural to highly urban, said Brett Cooper, managing partner and
analyst at Consumer Edge, an equity research firm.
He added that diverse cities like Austin, Houston and Dallas provide access to a wide range of consumer groups.
Tobacco taxes in the state are also relatively low, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.
The excise tax rate on a pack of cigarettes in Texas stood at $1.41 in September 2023, the data shows – far higher than the 17 cents in Missouri but also well below
the more than $5 per pack in New York.
Texas introduced new laws around e-cigarettes in January, restricting devices that resemble food products like
candy or fruit juice, or that include a symbol or celebrity image targeted at minors
or depict cartoon-like fictional characters.
PMI bets IQOS can win a 10% share of U.S. tobacco and heated tobacco unit volume by around 2030.
Ahead of IQOS’ launch, the company has also been building out its lobbying firepower across
the United States. The company wants two thirds of its revenue to come from “smoke-free” products by 2030.
(Reporting by Emma Rumney; Editing by Matt Scuffham and Susan Fenton)
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December 11, 2024 at 6:58 AM
The types of monetary standards are:
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December 11, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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December 13, 2024 at 6:45 AM
ขายไวน์ ได้รับความสนใจจากผู้ที่ชื่นชอบไวน์
หรือไวน์นำเข้าชั้นดี เพราะเหมาะสำหรับการเฉลิมฉลอง
ควรเลือกซื้อจากร้านที่มีความน่าเชื่อถือ เพราะไวน์แต่ละขวดมีเอกลักษณ์และรสชาติที่แตกต่างกัน
มีใครแนะนำร้านไวน์ดีๆ ได้บ้าง มาแชร์ความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ เผื่อจะได้เจอร้านไวน์ใหม่ๆ ที่น่าสนใจ
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December 13, 2024 at 2:37 PM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า
แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
December 14, 2024 at 12:43 AM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
December 14, 2024 at 6:45 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
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December 14, 2024 at 8:44 PM
What do pop star Lily Allen, Olympic gold medal-winning
diver Jack Laugher, tennis player Nick Kyrgios
and 25-year-old Bonnie Blue from Nottingham, who has filmed herself having
sex with hundreds of 18-year-old students (and sometimes their
dads, too), all have in common?
Yes, you guessed it. They are all ‘creatives’ on OnlyFans, the adults-only online content
provider founded in 2016 by a young Essex businessman called Tim Stokely, which is now one of the most
visited (and lucrative) websites in the world.
Just last month, Lily Allen caused a stir by revealing that she makes more money charging $10 (£8) – the site works
in dollars – for pictures of her feet on her
OnlyFans account labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does from her 7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify.
But Lily’s content is tame in comparison to much of the
content on the site, the sort company execs refer to as ‘spicy’.
Everything from cheeky shots of bottoms peeking out of
bubble baths, blondes stirring vats of steaming pasta in G-strings, hot
men waxing cars in their pants, right through the
sex spectrum to twosomes, threesomes, sixsomes and hardcore pornographic videos.
But also because, thanks to the allure of OnlyFans and the astonishing sums that
a teeny number of the platform’s 4.1million creatives are raking
in, more and more young women (and it is mostly young women) who would never have considered it before are suddenly happy to join in and sell
photos of, well, pretty much anything, to pay rent, settle credit
card bills or splash out on nice holidays.
Basically, a flashier life all round.
‘We feel empowered. We have agency. It’s completely up to
me if I take my top off or not,’ says one 21-year-old girl,
who joined a year ago and makes enough in a week to cover a year’s student
rent at Sheffield University and prefers not
to give her name.
‘And I am happy to do it because for once I make the rules, in the
safety of my home and they’re paying me to do it. It’s a mug’s game, but I am not the mug.’
For the benefit of those readers who are not among the site’s 305million users, OnlyFans
offers creators a platform where they can charge their fans a subscription fee ranging from $4.99 to $49.99 a month to look at their content, contact them (or more often access
their ‘chatter’ – more of which later) and
access often more explicit, personalised, ‘à la carte’
content through ‘tips’.
OnlyFans model Bonnie Blue has filmed herself
having sex with hundreds of 18-year-olds
Rapper Cardi B is said to make $9million (£7.1million)
a month from the site
Actress Bella Thorne, a former Disney child star, made a record-breaking $1million (£800,000) in 24 hours
‘Pay $10 to unlock this video’. ‘Click here for more spicy content’.
‘The more you pay, the more you see’. You get the gist.
In 2023, the site generated a record $6.6billion (£5.2billion), of
which the company takes a straight 20 per cent – much less than YouTube –
and the rest goes to the ‘performers’.
It is unlike Instagram or other social media sites in that nothing is suggested – instead,
you have to search for, and then subscribe to, individual accounts to see much
more than profile pictures.
Which is a good thing, because while some of the content is
anodyne, much is highly sexual and many people on the site can bob freely from one to another.
Perhaps a cookery hack one day, modelling new boots the next, then graduate to
a few cheeky cleavage and bikini shots and more,
as the money becomes more tempting.
Every week, it seems, we hear of someone who
has made millions.
Last month it was announced that American influencer Corinna Kopf had
retired from the site, aged 28, after making $67million (£53million).
In her best month, she reportedly earned more than $2million (£1.6million).
Rapper Cardi B is said to earn more than $9million (£7.1million) a
month from the site.
Meanwhile, Darcie Rattles was an out-of-work bricklayer
with £6,000 in credit card bills and debts when she joined OnlyFans in 2022.
‘I was thinking: how the hell am I going to get to next week?
How am I going to pay my credit cards?’ she says in an online interview.
‘I’m young, I’ve got a good body and I’ve got a lot of followers.
It is what any girl would turn to. It had been in the
back of mind for two years, but then I did it.’
Within two days of launching, she had earned enough to pay off her debts.
Today, Darcie, who comes across as likeable, down-to-earth and has
no qualms about what she shares, claims to earn more than £250,000 a year.
Pop singer Lily Allen has discovered a niche market…
… she sells pictures of her feet for £8 and makes more money from her account
labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does from her 7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify
‘It doesn’t matter to me whether I get my feet out, or my other bits
out,’ she says.
Though it does tend to be the other bits,
because Darcie’s content promises very few clothes and, for those who pay extra,
‘a naughty side to me you’ve never seen before’.
But even Darcie seems like the girl next door compared to Lily Phillips,
a British model who earned £2,000 in her first 24 hours on the site and recently
went viral for sleeping with 101 men over a 14-hour period.
She has since announced she is planning to set a record of having sex with 1,000 men in 24 hours.
And Bonnie Blue, a beautiful blonde with a golden tan and
astonishingly white teeth, who has worked her way round Derby, Nottingham,
Cancun and Australia, sleeping with university students.
On one night during Nottingham Trent freshers’ week – after publicising her
stunt by wearing a sandwich board that read: ‘Bonk me for free and let me film it’ – she had boys queuing up from 6pm until five in the morning.
‘I got through them all,’ she said proudly in one interview in which she reminds us that,
thanks to OnlyFans, she has already banked more than £3
million – for which she was applauded by her followers for her entrepreneurship.
But all that is chicken feed when you consider the £370 million dividend that company owner
paid himself last year.
And these days that’s Leonid Radvinsky, who bought a majority stake from Tim Stokely
in 2018, two years after he started the business with the help of a loan from his father.
It was the Covid-era lockdowns that thrust OnlyFans into the stratosphere.
Everyone shut up at home, nothing to do. In 2020, it generated
revenues of $2.23billion (£1.8billion). By 2021, it was up to $4.8billion (£3.8billion).
There was a brief hiatus in October of that
year when they tried banning sexually explicit content but that lasted about ten minutes
before they switched back.
There have been plenty of scandals along the way.
A BBC investigation back in 2021 revealed that children were not just accessing the material online by foxing the age
verification process but were also selling explicit videos on the website.
Leah, 17, had used a fake driving licence to set up an OnlyFans account
where she made £5,000 uploading revealing videos of herself.
There have also been claims of OnlyFans creators using public gyms and spaces to
make adult content.
Recently there has been more concerns that the company is not doing enough to protect minors.
OnlyFans, however, prefers to portray itself as a force for good, with supporters arguing that it empowers people by allowing them to sell content
– over which they have full control – directly to consumers.
And many of the Gen Z generation seem to agree. ‘It’s fine.
It’s empowering. It’s taking control,’ they cry, pointing
out that the site has loads of moderators and a tight security system to ensure that all users are over 18.
And they say, anyway, that OnlyFans isn’t just about sex.
Of course, they’re right. It has long been awash with pneumatic reality TV stars and the likes
of Lottie Moss, Kerry Katona and Katie Price, who are happy to tease their followers with
a few cheeky peeks in skimpy bikinis.
I spend an afternoon browsing the site and, while it is not all ‘spicy’ content as the
company executives like to call it, everything is dripping
with sauce and promise.
The big lips, the push-up bras, even the way a pretty Spanish chef is holding her paella pan. Company executives have been pushing
hard to make the platform more mainstream – offering
contracts and financial incentives to encourage musicians,
sports stars, cooks, anyone really, to come on and share a bit
of exclusive – or niche – content.
Really, anything that people will pay to look
at – glimpses backstage at concerts. Celebrities in the bath.
During the 2024 Olympic Games, a raft of
athletes jumped on the OnlyFans bandwagon to share pictures of their beautifully toned bodies.
Along with Jack Laugher, Team NZ rower Robbie Manson uses the site to share ‘exclusive content that tastefully explores the boundaries, including artistic portrayals of nudity’ for
$14.99 a month. British speedskater
Olympic diver Jack Laugher is among a number of sports stars using OnlyFans
Reality TV star Kerry Katona has also teased followers with content
Lottie Moss has also taken to the adults-only online content provider that was founded in 2016
and is used by 4.1 million creatives
Elise Christie turned to the site when she found herself in financial difficulties.
All of which seems to be working well for them, but
it can be rather murkier for others.
Not least because, in less than a decade, OnlyFans has spawned an entire support industry of ‘sugar daddies’ who support performers financially and ‘chatters’
who work for them. ‘Sugar daddies’ tend to be older male businessmen who
‘invest’ in promising creatives. In what are
referred to rather murkily as ‘mutually beneficial
deals’, they invest in branding and marketing and videography
to boost traffic.
Chatters are different. For the real stars, the traffic is so high and the interaction with followers so
demanding that if they had to do it all themselves, there’s
no way they would ever have time to put
their pyjamas back on.
So ‘chatters’ – a sort of online 21st-century Cyrano de Bergerac – do that
for them. Keeping them engaged, online, needy and most of all, spending, spending,
spending for more and more content.
Which means, of course, that the whole thing is a total scam.
The poor daft subscriber thinks he’s really making a connection with ‘Racy Tracey from Twickenham’, but is more likely chatting
to a middle-aged father of three from the Philippines.
He will have learnt everything about Tracey – her favourite colour,
favourite animal and favourite position – have studied a script that reminds him ‘it’s all about selling, selling, selling’,
and will be being paid $4 an hour for his efforts. Or the subscriber could just be talking to an AI bot – which perhaps is more appealing.
Read More
A year after split, I’ve had a baby and got
engaged, writes Mother Pukka ANNA WHITEHOUSE
Chatters can be dangerous. As Alanya, a
paralegal from Scotland, discovered when she learned
that one of her most enthusiastic followers had travelled to her home
town to find her, encouraged by her chatter.
‘My chatter told him that I loved him. I would never, ever have said that,’ she
But, sadly, chatters, sugar daddies and stalkers are
not a problem for most creatives. Almost all of whom are still struggling to make any proper money, however many clothes they take off.
They will never know the clout of Cardi B, or Lily Allen, or former Disney child star
Bella Thorne, who famously made a record- breaking $1million (£800,
000) in 24 hours when she joined in August
2020. (Though initially there was some confusion as to whether she would be appearing nude or
not. She did not – which caused quite a rumpus.)
Because, unlike celebrities who can redirect their existing social media followers
to their OnlyFans accounts, most people find
it hard to grab attention without doing something, well, grabby.
So, despite all the tales of golden riches, the average earnings of an OnlyFans creative is still just $150 (£118) a month and, with the market now so flooded, is only
likely to go one way.
And it’s easy to see how, if you’re a young woman who has
convinced yourself that you’re in control, empowered and mistress
of your own destiny, you could find yourself moving inevitably and inexorably up (or
perhaps down) the scale, revealing more and more.
Until, before you know it, like Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips, you’ve kept nothing back for yourself.
NottinghamLily AllenOnlyFansJack Laugher
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