Agbosblog had an exclusive and mind blowing interview with Nollywood Actress/Producer turned business woman ”Tobi Awosoga Bamgbelu” CEO ONILEONILE GLOBAL SERVICES’. and this is all she has to say about her career as a Nollywood actress/film maker and a successful entrepreneur.
Read below
1. What’s your name please?
My name is Tobi Awosoga-Bamgbelu.
2. Where are you from and where do you reside?
I am from Ogun State. Owu Ijebu to be precise; and I live in Lagos State.
3. Are you married or Single?
I am married and I’m blessed with three beautiful kids
4. Can you tell us about your business and what it’s all about?
I am a Realtor. I sell land and landed properties, and I have a registered company named ‘ONILEONILE GLOBAL SERVICES’. I am also a film maker. I act and produce movies.

5. In what year did you establish Your Business and what inspired you?
I registered my movie/entertainment company ‘THESPIAN WORLD VENTURES’ in year 2006 and I have a registered company called ONILEONILE GLOBAL SERVICES for my land and landed properties which I did register in 2015.
6. How did you come about starting your own business?
I actually studied Theatre Arts in the University. That’s where my inspiration, passion and love emanated from. I shot my first film in 2004 and down the lane, l have acted so many films.
My real estate practice started with ambassadorial appointments which l had with some Real Estate firms in the past. Moreso, my husband is an Estate Surveyor and Valuer by profession and he encouraged me to start off the business few years ago.
7. Do you encounter any problems acquiring lands and selling to customers?
No! Before I acquire a land I go through due diligence and once I have done that, it will save me from a whole lot of shenanigans. You have to know the title documents on the land, how genuine the papers are, and if the land is free from any dispute. Once you’re done with that, you can pay for the land. As an estate firm, we’re doing well by the grace of God likewise my customers. So no issues!

8. Do your buyers encounter any problem from the touts (Omo onile) when building?
No! My clients cannot experience any problems from ‘Omo Onile’ because that is why they are buying from an estate firm; our company ONILEONILE GLOBAL SERVICES. We have done all that and seen through all that; they’re just to buy and use. So, it’s so safe for them.
9. We heard you are a Nollywood actress/producer.
Yes, I’m an actress and a producer. I produce films and I act too.
10. How do you combine both acting, producing and being an entrepreneur all together?
It’s so sweet, yeah! We’re working it all out together. We’re doing well. You know, my first love is acting because I studied Theatre Arts in the University. So I love acting. Whenever I have to go for acting, I leave the office for that and once I am done, I get back to work at the office.
Basically, I produce my own films but sometimes I just act in some of my colleagues’ movies. That’s my work routine.
11. How many states in Nigeria do you cover?
For now, we have in six (6) states in Nigeria.
12. What has been your customers response so far?
My customers, (smiles)…
We’re not customers again but family. You know, the joy is that they appreciate what we do for them and some will even buy things for me, send to Nigeria, because 90 percent of my customers live abroad. Once they come to inspect the land, you just see them buying. Next thing you hear is “Auntie, I’ve sent you shoes, perfumes, bags and so on…” you know, just to say thank you. That means they appreciate what we are doing and what we have done for them at ONILEONILE GLOBAL SERVICES
13. Where is your head office Located?
Our Head Office is at Epe, Lagos State. Epe is the New Lagos, the Small London.
14. Where do you see yourself and your company in the next few years?
Well, (smiles…) This question… You know, people know me to be Hope Ambassador. I believe in great things happening to me, my friends, my family, my loved one. In the next few years I know it will be great, I know I will be so wealthy and more powerful, I would have achieved a lot and I know my people will also achieve good things, a lot of good movies will also be produced by me. So next few years, well, let’s wait and see. But I know we all shall be happy
15. Has the Corona Virus affected you in anyway?
Oh, yes. The sad one is that some of my close pals died of corona virus, and it’s really saddening. I have 2 or 3 of them. That’s the sad aspect of it. Others can be handled and controlled later, like business being dull, people that are paying for land, we can’t even ask for money when we are not working. So everybody is just chilling, but we still thank God.
16. Do you intend taking your business world wide in time to come?
Of course we have to go international. Since my people are buying, and those who are buying are the people in diaspora. So hopefully very soon we have to go visiting. We’re taking the business worldwide. There’s no crime in having our office abroad, or even selling properties abroad. We are aiming high.
17. Do you have more male or female clients?
I have both of them, both male and female. They are my brothers and sisters, my fathers and mothers.
18. What are you presently working on to boost and improve your business ?
We have a lot and we’re trying to facilitate our estate schemes; we want to start a Rent-to-Own, to build for people to move in paying some percentage and then spread the remaining. It’s called Rent-to-Own where you can be paying installmentally, and after you’ve paid completely, the property becomes yours.
19. Do you have brand ambassador canvassing for your business online?
All my clients are my ambassadors. They tell others “Go and buy from Tobi, her land is so cheap and genuine”, and I am so happy I have them.
20. Can you be referred as the Queen of Realtors?
I don’t mind. They can call me the Queen of Realtors but believe me, we have other females doing well in this same real estate business; even much better than men. So we all are Queens. Not just me, but I’m sure I’m one of the Queens. That’s all I can say.
21. Is your husband in full support of your business?
Of course. I married my friend. My husband is in full support and has been very supportive; that’s because I married my best friend, I married a father, and in all, I married a man. A responsible man. A man that supports and wants to see his wife the ‘boss lady’. Sincerely, he’s the best!
22. What do you have to tell your fans and customers out there?
To all my fans and customers, I say God bless you. Thank you for the love and trust. I pray that we all will do more good things together. No weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Now please, if you want to be a great person in life, you need to hustle well and do legit business. With that and faith, you’ll get to where you’re going or that place you want to be.
Thank you, and God bless you.
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