In every division of human civilization including the world of business, you are bound to encounter different types of people from all walks of Life. As you chart into the sphere of entrepreneurship, a diverse array of human personalities, attitudes, cultural backgrounds, values, beliefs and morals await in order to entertain your arrival.
The phenomenon of this being exactly what It is breeds paramount importance to the realization that every single individual is unique and different in one way or the other.
It becomes an automatic responsibility of yours to treat each and every person with unparalleled respect, undivided attention and complete dedication.
For instance, a client could be experiencing a horrendous day and they might come to you choked up to the collar with negative energy.
The power vested upon you as a professional, necessitates you to apply your expertise, try your possible best to calm them down and render the best applicable customer service experience you could offer, if it means pushing yourself to mortal limitations. You might never know just about how many hearts you could touch, how many minds you could influence and ultimately, how many lives you could change in the process.
The second law of Thermodynamics that reads “Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed, It can Only Be Transformed From One Form to Another” doesn’t only apply to the world of Physics.
….doesn’t only apply to the world of physics. No, it resonates itself even with the immaterial, spiritual fabric of existence.
Put simply, A customer is King. It is more significant to surrender absolute attention to a client after the customer has already made payment, as opposed to before. This establishes reliance and trust.
Personally, my invulnerable formula has always been to treat and consider each and every client as a friend, irrespective of Whether the client is only making enquiries as a newcomer, or the client is a loyal returning member of my business family. Neither of the two parties is regarded superior to the other.
The very moment customers are taken for granted, they don’t just go on vacation from you. Majority of them leave for good and your business may not be positively glad to see the backs of their heads. Customers are to a business, what H2O is to Mother Earth. Without them, the business will lose credibility, nourishment, starve and suffer an excruciatingly slow decay of Life. A fate only surpassed by unpaid debts.
It costs absolutely nothing to be courteous and you pay dearly when you are not.
Your client is VIP. Your customer possess enough fire power to fire everyone in the company, right from the CEO, to all the other employees, by simply deciding to spend their money elsewhere.
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