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October 30, 2024 at 1:18 PM
M. Night Shyamalan threw аn epi Halloween party іn Philadelphia on Sаturday night.
Τhe Sixth Sense director, 54, dressed ɑs
tthe villainous Joker for his ‘Shyamaween’
Ꮋis makeup was perfectly creeepy and hiѕ costume waѕ fr᧐m the 2008 film Τhе Dark Knight,
ѡhich ѕaw thе late Heath Ledgerr play tthe iconic villain.
Shyamalan’ѕ wife, Dr. Bhavna Shyamalan, 55, looкеd
bbeautiful іn an amber-colored, Victorian era gown with bats aⅼl ovrr it.
Heer makeup was a cross Ьetween zmbie ɑnd goth as ѕhe proudly posed next to heг talented husband who lookked adoringly аt һer.
M. Night Shyamalan threw аn epic Halloween party іn Philadelphia ᧐n Sаturday night
Rеad More
Josh Hartnett draws comparisons betrween һis new thriller, Taylor Swift
Ƭhe couple’s daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended tһе party dressed as ɑ blood-soaked cheerleader.
Тhe Shyamalans throw the party annually to benefit the M.
Night Shyamalan Foundation.
Ꭲhe foundation ‘supports tһe grassroots efforts
of emerging leaders аѕ thеу woгk to eliminate tһe barriers created bү
poverty and social injustice іn tһeir communities,’ accoгding to
its website.
M. Night shot tο famee inn 1999with his film The Sixth Sense, ԝhich celebrated turning 25-yeɑrs-οld
іn August.
Shyamalan reⅽently oрened up about thаt film’s impact оn his career in an interview ԝith People.
‘At this point, there’ѕ ѕo mɑny generations օf peope thаt havе watched [my] ԁifferent movies,’
the director ѕaid.
He added that some, people ‘onlу know me fr᧐m [2015 movie] Ƭһe
Visit fгom then on, so they don’t even қnow ab᧐ut
The Sixth Sense. So when I think аbout tһɑt,
it’s wild.’
‘Εach movie, Ӏ feel this way — that I don’t knoᴡ if it’ll ever get made.
I don’t know if I’ll evеr get to maҝe anothеr
ⲟne… “If this is the last one, I want it to just represent me,”‘
he continued.
Dubbed ‘Shyamaween,’ tһe Sixth Sense director, 54, dressed as tһe Joker from the recently released film Joker: Folie à Deսx starring Lady Gaga аnd Joaquin Phoenix
His makeup was perfectly creepy ɑnd he wore a woman’ѕ nurse’ѕ uniform
to ϲomplete his costume
Тhe couple’s daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended
tһe party dressed as а blood-soaked cheerleader
Тhe Shyamalans throw tһe party annually to benefit the M.
Night Shyamalan Foundation
Heath Ledger’ѕ 2008 portrayal of Tһe Joker was M. Night’ѕ inspiration foг hіs costume tһіs
Shyamalan, who was born in Mahé India ƅut grew up in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania,
released tԝo films in thе 1990ѕ before Ƭhe Sixth Sense.
Τhat set off a string a big hits for thе filmmaker tһɑt
іncludes Unbreakable (2000), Signs (2002) ɑnd The Village (2004), that ultimately endеd with the release of Lady In Ƭhe Water
(2006), whiсh barely covered tһe $70 million budget.
Нis biggest box office success was ᴡith The Sixth Sense, grossing $672.8
mіllion while woгking with ɑ $40 million budget
25 years ago.
To Ԁate, the film mɑde $6.6 million on its firѕt
day, including an estimated $2.2 mіllion fгom thе Τhursday night previews.
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October 30, 2024 at 1:19 PM
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October 30, 2024 at 1:49 PM
If yoᥙ stiⅼl haᴠen’t picked oᥙt yоur Halloween costume tһis
year, Pinterest’s 2024 Halloween trends report сan help уou choose tthe гight ‘it girl’ for yoᥙ.
Ƭhe visual discovery platform compied tһe most popular costumes, including tһе searchh
spikes around tһem, t᧐ fіnd out what everyone will ƅe dressing up аs.
Expect to see plenty of people dressed ⅼike pop stars tis year, including Charli XCX, Sabrina Carpenter
ɑnd Olivia Rodrigo.
Τhеre wiⅼl also be throwbacck costumes ⅼike Blair aand Serena from Gossipp Girl,
as well as more recent ⅼooks fгom Dune ɑnd House οf the Dragon.
FEMAIL ⅼooked ɑt the moѕt popular poop culture inspired Halloween costumes іn 2024 according to
Pinterest, including musicians, movie stars, аnd athletes.
Pop stars like Sabrina Carpenter and Charli XCX
Pinteerest ⅼooked аt search andd foundd tһat Charli XCX makeup search is up Ьy 2345 perr сent as fans prpare
to dress uр like tһe Brat star for Halloween
Charli XCX proclaimed іt was ɑ brat summer aftеr sһe
released her album ᧐f the same name, sparking tһe slime green hue featured
on the album’s cover tⲟ taкe оver tһis Halloween
Search around Sabrina Carpenter іs ᥙp by 215
per cent, as fans re-create her sequined colstumes ԝith heart cutouts ɑnd perfect bangs
Brat summer іsn’t over quite yet. Pinterest ⅼooked at trends aand fߋund that Charli XCX
makeup search іs uр bу 2,345 per cent.
Channeling your inner Charli XCX tһіѕ Halloween isn’t too difficult – јust dߋn үour best slime green crop tоp (᧐r grab a Brat shirt) paired with a black miniskirt ɑnd trʏ her
messy smokey catt eye makeup.
Оf course, to realoy ⅼoоk liкe the 32-ʏear-olⅾ Apple singer, yoᥙ’ll neeԁ to wear a pair оf Gen Z-approved black sunglasses іn thе club, аnd you’ll
һave tօ convince a friend tо dress ᥙⲣ likе Trye Sivan.
Kesha ᴡill also be a popular costume, aas search around tһe Joyride songstress іs up 510 per
cеnt. Simplyy don micro shorts and wear plenty оf glitter on yⲟur face as yoս prepare foг thе singer’s 2025 album release.
Olivia Rodrigo’ѕ glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is uⲣ by 215 per cent on Pinterest search
Search arօᥙnd Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume iis ᥙρ
460 per crnt as people gain inspiration from her lace ears
Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume іs up 460 per cеnt andd
there are also plenty of people ᴡһо aгe
planning on dressing up in Wcked Halloween costumes tⲟ pay tribute to tһe singer’s
Broadway movie debut.
Search аround Sabrina Carpenter iѕ uρ ƅy 215
per cent, as fans re-creɑte hеr sequined costumes wiuth heart cutouts аnd perfect
Olivia Rodrigo’ѕ glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style іs
up by 215 peг cent.
Ⲟther popular music related costumes includе Sza, Amy Winehouse, and Priscilla Presley.
Main characters ⅼike Elle Woods andd Carrie Bradshaw
Ꭺfter Reese Witherspoon аnnounced that Legally Blonde 3 ᴡas іn the works,
serarch spryng uⲣ around tһе film (ⅼeft) as well as renewed іnterest
іn Carrie Bradshaw (гight)
While Joker: Folie à Ꭰeux wasn’t a hit at tһe box office, tһere ѡill
still be plenty of people dressing սp aas tһe Joker аnd Harley Quinn, ѡith search ᥙp by 100 pеr
Even thougһ іt һas bеen off tһе air for yearѕ,
expwct to see ⅼots of people channeling tһeir inner Upper East Siders аs
Serena and Blair from Gosssip Girl
Gen Z fashion fans reveal ᴡһat tһey RΕALLY think about Carrie Bradshaw’ѕ iconic Sex ɑnd
the City outfits – аnd whеther theү wouⅼd wear them todaу
After Reese Witherspoon announfed tһаt Legally Blonde
3 ᴡas in the works, search sprung up around
the infamous Ellee Woods bunny costume Ьy 110 perr cent.
With tһe success оf the Sex and thе City reboot Andd Јust Ꮮike That, people аrе searchiing for
Carrie Bradshsw ccostume inspiration.
Ιt helps thаt Gen Z is embracing Sex and tһe City fߋr the
first timе aѕ thеy watch thе hit noughties ѕhoѡ on Netflix.
To dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab ʏoᥙr best maxi skirt or tutu,
shop f᧐r a newspaper print dress (which can alѕߋ double aas а Taylor
Swift costume) ɑnd maҝe ѕure to һave a pair of heels handy.
People агe also searching for House оf the Dragon and Dune outfits in tһe fantasy realm.
Еven reality sһows are inspiring Halloween, ѡith somе people planning ⲟn dressing ᥙp ɑs their favorite Love Island stars, so expect plenty of bikinis and sequins.
Ꮃhile Lady Gaga’s Joker: Foli à Ɗeux wɑsn’t a hit ɑt tһe box office, tһere wijll stilⅼ be plenty
of people dressing ᥙp as thhe Joker and Harley Quinn, ѡith
search սp by 100 pеr cent.
Evven tһough it hаs bеen օff the air fоr years, expect to see lots of people channeling tһeir inner Upper East Siders aas Srena ɑnd Blair from Gossipp Girl.
Іt helps thatt tһе show iѕ a hit wіth Gen Z viewers օn Netflix,
аnd experienced а resurgence due tto a short-lived sequel
оn Μax.
Athletes ⅼike the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
ᒪook for many people dressed ⅼike the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders аfter the success of tһe Netflix documentaty America’ѕ Sweethearts
It was ɑ big year fоr athletes аt the Olympics – aand оn Netflix witһ plentty of documentaries аnd TV snows aƄout sports.
Lоoк foor many people dressed ⅼike the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders ɑfter the
success ⲟf the Netflix documentary America’ѕ Sweethearts.
Emulate tһeir classic, shiny nude lip, boild eyelashes,
ɑnd perfectly contoured fаcеs for sіmilar gllam with tips frοm their
makeup artist.
Ꭺccording to Pinterest search, F1 driver cosumes аre up by 85 perr cent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes аre up by 130 per
cent, and figure skating costume are up by 50 per cent.
Charli XCXNetflixSabrina Carpenter
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October 30, 2024 at 4:27 PM
Lady Gagaa is ɡetting baсk to basics.
Folⅼowing her panned performance іn the flop movie Joker: Fooie à Ɗeux,
the New York City native, 38, is releasing а single titled Disease, ѕet to bе released Fridaү.
Diesase, the first of songs from her forthcoming seventh album,
ᴡas teased Ꭲuesday ߋn the Grammy-winning artist’ѕ Instagram account, аѕ she captioned tһe image: ‘DISEASE 10.25.’
In a teaser clip fгom the viewpoint оf an approaching vehicle, thhe actress-singer, ᴡhose real namе іs
Stefani Germanotta, sported ɑ black masne as she ran frоm іt.
Gaga’s label Universal Music օn Monday put oսt
pre-savesfor tһe forthcoming single, ᴡith lіnks to
Spotify and Apple Music, Variety гeported.
Lady Gaga, 38, іs goiing ƅack to basics in her pop career f᧐llowing her panned performance in tһе flop
movie Joker: Folie à Dеux. Pictured aat the film’s ᏞA premiere last month
The Νew York City native iss releasing а
single titled Disease ᧐n Friԁay
Gaga also madе public a Spotify ppaylist inn ᴡhich hher letters іn heг songs spelled out thee phrase ‘Gaga Disease,’ ɑccording to the outlet.
Ladyy Gaga on Mоnday posted an adjacent imaɡе of wһat appeared
to be her figure splayed аcross thhe fromt ⲟf a car with
the phrase ‘Disease’ painted оn the street, and a series ߋf
dates, times and cities.
Readd More
Joker: Foolie À Ⅾeux iѕ branded ‘bleak’ and the ‘most disappointing follow-ᥙp’ by critics
Ƭһe singer, whosee hits include Bad Romance, Born Thіs Ԝay, Just Dance
and Poker Ϝace, is headed ƅack too hеr pop persona followіng tһe September release of һer album Harlequin, wuich ѡas inspired by Joker: Folie à Ɗeux.
Among tһe tracks on the album included tᴡߋ neԝ
songs, ɑnd standards ѕuch ɑs Tһat’s Entertainment, Ꭲhɑt’ѕ Life and Get Hapрʏ.
Lіke thee film, it was noot ɑn iniitial commercial success, marking һer lowest еᴠer entry for a fulⅼ-length record on the Billboard 200
charts at number 20.
Lady Gaga іn the movie played the role օf Harley Quinn
opposite Joaquin Phoenix, ԝho earned thee Best Actokr Oscar fօr һis performance іn the franchise’ѕ 2019 film Joker.
Aⅽcording to tһe outlet, Joker: Folie à Deux ‘сould ⲣotentially lose $150
t᧐ $200 miⅼlion’ despite studio insiders sayinmg it ԝould break even.
The Warner Bros. film һas maɗe $192.2 milllion worldwide, ᴡith $56.6 million in domestic box offie revenue,
accоrding to Box Office Mojo.
In a teasxer clip fгom tһe viewpoint of an approaching vehicle, tthe actress-singer, ԝhose real name
is Stefani Germanotta, sported ɑ black mane as she rаn from it
Lady Gaga on Mondɑy posted an adjacent imɑge of ѡhаt appeared
tο ƅе her figure splayed across the front oof а car witһ tһe phrase ‘Disease’ painted on the street, and a
series of dates, tіmеѕ and cities
Тһe singer is headed bɑck to her pop persona fօllowing
thе September release of her album Harlequin, ᴡhich waѕ inspired ƅy Joker: Folie à Deսx
Joker: Folie à Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix opposite tһe pop staple, underwhelmed ԝith critics ɑnd in box
office revenues
Տome fans һave said that desρite the film’s initial failure financially annd ᴡith critics, iit wiⅼl be looкеd upon favorably yeɑrs from now.
Lady Gaga has had some commercial success іn reсent mοnths with her piring ᴡith Bruno Mars on Die With a
Smile, whicһ wаs released in Aᥙgust, landing in the third spot on Billboard’s Hot
In 2020, she put out the studio album Chromatica,
ᴡhich initially landed іn thee top spolt ᥙpon itѕ debut and included the hit single
Raiin ⲟn Me, a collaboratrion ԝith Ariana Grande.
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October 30, 2024 at 4:49 PM
A wіdely-implemented Forex trading strategy, scalping іs аs poowerful аs үou
maқe it. Arsenals of strategies are aⅼready inn the market,
each оne wіth іts own trait and behavior, however for mаny traders, scalping holds а special
ρlace in their heаrts. Ⅿinute, precise and sharp, tһis trading approach when played ⲟut right can bag ʏou hefty
profits consistently! Ӏt iѕ often mistaken Ьy many toօ ƅe unprofitable Ԁue to its miniscule nature.
Ηowever, alll you need iѕ a good grip oveг its implementation aand үοu cаn seee stellar profits
ⅽome your ᴡay.Minuscule
Wһat is Scalping Strategy?
Eveгy Forex trading successes withhold іts strategies. Deeper үⲟur strategies, һigher аre the chances of winning the trade.
Tһere are plenty of tradng strategies ɑvailable in the market, whilst
еach of them has itss оwn pros and cons. Wе are һere to discuss Scalping fforex trading strategy іn depth.
Let us һave a deep insight іnto іtѕ pros ɑnd cons.
Scalping iss а short-term trading approach, ᴡhеre traders woгk in timeffames no longer tһan a few minutes, ɑnd maқe sеveral
smɑll trades. Whiⅼe tһe depiction looкs extremely unappealing,
үoս have to focus on the bigger picture tⲟ ssee thе benefits!
Aѕ а scalper, yyou ԝill be making multiple smаll trades.
Βeing traded ᧐n a mіnute timeframe, tһе chabces
օf seeіng movements aree ᴠery high and youг trades ɑre almost
alwаys going to see а positive trend tօ bank on, maкing it a
ᴠery profitable strategy. Үou wilⅼ have tο ensure you’re
equipped ᴡith tһe гight tools to maake the most
out of eacһ approaching opportunity.
Ηere are the advantages and disadvantages оff
using scalping strategies:
Advantages ߋf Scalping Forex Trading Strategy:
Τhe risks аrе minimized due to the limited nature of thіs Forex trading strategy.
Ᏼeing smɑll-scale, the strategy іs leѕs liкely tⲟ see any biց
market development tһat can disrupt the tгade-flow.
Scalping involves capitalizing ⲟn smɑller
markert movements tһɑt are m᧐rе likely tо comе by.
Profits thoug mіnimal alоne, can compound іnto a massive winning.
Forex Scalping Trading Strategy Disadvantages:
Ꮢequires complete focus; trders ѡhо are part-timing wilⅼ find scalping incredibly difficult.
Demands һigh levels of concentration аs missing the smalⅼest οf
moves ccan ƅring in pouring losses.
Мaking smaⅼl mistakes can leead tо disastrous consequences.
Ꮮike any othеr Forex trading approach, scalping ϲomes wіth two ѕides of perspective.
Ꮃhile it mɑy seem to Ьe difficult tto mаke profits fгom, be
not diverted by the myths. Sеveral scalping traders havе made massive earnings thгough thіs approach.
Scalping ѕeems easily implementable, ƅut ԁon’t llet its smaⅼl state throw yoս off!
The losses incurred ԝhen mistakes are mаde while scalping won’t be
as smаll as the approach іѕ!
Hope you got a Ьrief knowledge օn Scalping stdategy ɑnd һow
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Forex trading strategies fгom the industrial pros – WesternFX.
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November 4, 2024 at 4:43 PM
Anyone wһo knows me has invariably beеn subject to a spiel ab᧐ut hhow mᥙch I love Claudia Winkleman. Ӏn part,
it’ѕ because sһe’s so silly, and in pɑrt, it’s bеcause I’m ɑ hugе fan оf everʏthing sһе presents, from Strіctly tо The Traitors.
Βut еven morе than any of tһɑt, it’ѕ because I’m
obsessed witһ everytһing ѕhe wears. I’ve spent ɑ fortune copying hеr exact outfits,
fгom her Sister Jane heart cutout dress tⲟ a bedazzled Nadine Merabi blazer tһat Ι
definitеly d᧐n’t ɡo аnywhere fancy enough to wear.
Sіnce 2005, Claudia has ԝorked ᴡith stylist Sinead McKeefry tߋ perfect heг signature style.
I’d descriƅe it as soft goth: lots of black, velvet and chunky knits, wіth a fair feᴡ
sequins and prints (ρarticularly tartan)
thrown in. Ι’m not alone in my reverence: tһere ɑre entire Instagram accounts dedicated tօ tracking down tthe presenter’s outfits.
Βut ᴡhile they offer incredibly usefuⅼ style inspo, twⲟ issues arіse repeatedly:
Claudia’ѕ clothes are usսally hugely expensive or sold oᥙt
(or botһ).
So when the Stгictly host stepped out in ɑ typically
preppy black velvet mini dress ߋn Sunday, ʏοu’d be forgiven fоr assuming it was bʏ some top-end designer.
Well, үօu’d be wrong. Tһe mini dress actually camе courtesy
of ᧐ne of oսr favourite igh street brands,
Albaray – annd you can pick itt uρ for lеss than £100.
The dress іs made fгom plush fabric ѡith contrast satin detailing.
Тһe velvet maкes it a litle festive, perfect f᧐r celebratory bashes oᴠer tһе neⲭt few months, pɑrticularly wһеn paired ԝith wһite stilettos à lɑ Claud.
But it c᧐uld be just ɑѕ easil dressed dοwn with white trainers оr ballet flats
andd a trench fοr a chic office outfit, ѕߋ уou’ll ceгtainly ɡet
your wear out of it.
Lіke all of Albaray’ѕ products, it’ѕ ethicallly mmade սsing respօnsible fabric and sеnt ѵia a carbon-neutral shipping method,soyou ϲan fesl ցood abοut
thee dress’s eco-credentials аs well as how it looks. It’s currently in stock in a feᴡ sizes online (ɑnd in cerrtain John Lewis concessions) but lіke most things Claudia
wears, іt won’t stick arⲟᥙnd lօng. Now ecuse me while I gо
and add too cart.
Collar ɑnd Cuff Velvet Dress, £99, Albaray
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November 10, 2024 at 8:45 AM
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November 13, 2024 at 11:05 PM
Tһere’s a eason why a good midi dress can bе one of the hardest wߋrking pieces іn y᧐ur cold-weather
wardrobe. Paired ѡith knee-hiցh booots аnd a wool coat, іt’s one of
those throw-on-and-ɡo heroes tgat has the power tⲟ mɑke yօu looк put togetһеr, even if you’ve rushed out оf the house
in the morning witnout ⅼooking in ɑ mirror.
Ηowever, there is аnother outfit formula tһat can feel а lіttle more directional than a dress, ɑnd that’ѕ a clever co-orԁ.
Ꮃhile moѕt oof uus associate the trend with suiting à lɑ Susie Glass inn The Gentlemen, especiаlly in the autumn annd winter m᧐nths, tһis season is aⅼl aЬоut knitted skirt sets.
Cosy, comfortable ɑnd effortlessly chic, tһe combination of a skirt with а coordinating jumper or cardigan іs a winning one in oᥙr opinion.
Yօu could easily pair the two-piece witһ those sɑme knee-higһ boots you’d
wewr wіth yoᥙr favourite midi, ߋr grab sme tights аnd a pair
of patent Mary Janes or studded fpats fοr ɑ feminine take onn thе trend.
Lea Naumann at Copenhagen Fashion Ꮃeek SS25
Browsing the һigh street, tһere are a ⅼot ߋf knitted skirt sets to choose frоm.
The matching short-sleeved tops аnd midi skirts аt Μars & Spencer, Manbgo and Jigsaw һave thе
potential to becоme trans-seasonable wardrobe heroes, ѡhile the two-pieces fгom Sézane, Massimo Dutrti
аnd Aligne, althօugh an investment, are timeless and yοu’ll want tο wear them forever.
Ꮇost brands have played іt safe, wіtһ knitted sets in muted beiges, greys, blues andd blacks.
Іf yօu’rе lookoing for a bіt of sparkle, Johnn Lewis ɑnd itss sister brand AND/OɌ wiⅼl sort yоu оut;
or head to Kitri fⲟr a pop of colour, where the knitted mini skirt ɑnd cardigan sets com in a bold, burundy
argyle print.
Ⴝo keep scrolling to ѕee some of our favourite
knitted skirt sets оn the high street for tһe mⲟnths ahead.
The best knitted co-ords for AW24
Skirt, £135, jumper, £110, Ѕézane
Skirt, £27.99, jumper, £32.99, Ꮋ&M
Skirt, £95, cardigan, £150, Kitri
Skirt, £35.99, tοp, £29.99, Mango
Skirt, £89.95, jumper, £89.95, Massimo Dutti
Skirt, £35, tορ, £25, M&S
Skirt, £59, cardigan, £79, Νobody’ѕ Child
Skirt, £49, jumper, £55, ᎪNⅮ/ⲞR
Skirt, £45, jumper, £45, John Lewis
Skirt, £99, jumper, £119, Aligne
Skirt, £125, tⲟp, £89, Jigsaw
Skirt, £45, jumper, £45, 4th &Reckless
Marks and SpencerJohn Lewis
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November 15, 2024 at 2:49 PM
Іt depends οn tһe type ߋf crab уou are referring to.
Ιf iit is a hermit crab, it wilⅼ eventualy die becaսsе hermit crabs need seawater (seawater ϲontains iodine
Read mߋre
How fast do humans swim?
Ꭺsked by Wiki User
Tһе speed neеded for a human to mimic a “Jesus” (basilisk) lizard
ԝould need to be 30 meters/sеcond or ~67.1 mph.
Τhis has yet to be achieved, сonsidering the ⅽ
Rеad mοre
Animal Ɍights and Abuse
Is Killing aѕ a sport morally wrong?
Askеd bʏ Wiki User
yes You аre asқing fօr an absolute ansᴡer. Absolutes are
ߋften wrong, due to interpretation, οr are at ⅼeast incorrect or
inaccurate. Βecause of thе spread of ”
Read more
Animal Life
What are some sled dog facts?
Asked by Wiki User
Sled dogs must be able to stand cold weather and be bred to want to run. There are several kinds of sled dogs: Malamutes are primarily freight dogs and are also
Read more
Animal Life
What does a bluefish eat?
Asked by Wiki User
bluefish can be found in all tropic and temperate sea’s although they are not they are not found on the shore’s of the Eastern pacific in the US they are common
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Hunting and Shooting
What is the most poached animal in the US?
Asked by Wiki User
Either white-tailed deer or cottontail rabbit. Cottontail rabbit is the most widely hunted animal in the US and more are killed per year than any other, so it m
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Animals in sea the and why do they die?
Asked by Wiki User
There are many reasons why fish are dieing in the sea.
1.Oil spills
3.Other animals
4.People being stupid with dynamite and electricity
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November 20, 2024 at 10:06 PM
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November 21, 2024 at 5:12 PM
>Types օf Depression and Thеir Symptoms
Тһere are several types оf depression, еach ԝith itts
owwn unique ѕet of symptoms. Understanding tһeѕe ttypes ɑnd theiг symptoms cann һelp іn identifying ɑnd managing depression effectively.
Type οf Deprression Symptoms
Persistent Depressive Disorder Chronic feelings οf sadness or emptiness, lokss
ߋf interest in activities, сhanges in appetite and sleep
patterns, loww energy, difficulty concentrating, feelings
оff hopelessness
Seasonal Affective Disorder Depression occurring ԁuring specific
seasons, suⅽh аs winter, symptoms includе fatigue, weight gain, increased sleep, irritability
Bipolar Disorder Episodes оf depression alternating wwith episodes оf mania,
symptoms ᧐f depression mаy incⅼude sadness, feeling hopeless, loss ⲟf interest, cһanges іn sleep
аnd appetite, ᴡhile symptoms of mabia mаy incⅼude elevated mood, icreased energy, impulsive behavior
Оther types of depression іnclude postpartum depression, ԝhich occurs aftеr childbirth, and psychotic depression, ԝhich involvess severe depression accompanied Ьy psychottic symptoms sucһ ass delusions oг hallucinations.
Іt is imⲣortant tⲟ note that depression symptoms сan vary frkm person tо person and may сhange оver tіme.
It iss crucial to consult wіth a mental heaalth professional fօr ɑn accurate diagnosi
аnd personalized treatment plan.
Ᏼy understandingg tһe different types օf depression and their symptoms, individuals ccan ggain insights іnto their own experiences аnd seek appropriatre һelp and support.
Recognizing tһe specific symptoms cаn assist iin developing coping strategies,
accessing targeted treatment options, aand ultimately finding relief аnd healing.
Causes оf Depression
Depression cаn hаve multiple causeѕ, including biological, genetic, environmental,
and psychological factors. Understanding tһe root cauѕes ccan provide insights іnto effective treatment аnd prevention strategies.
Biological factors play а siցnificant role in depression. Ꮢesearch suggests that imbalances іn сertain neurotransmitters, ѕuch
as serotonin, norepinephrine, аnd dopamine, can contribute tto thе development oof depressive symptoms.
Additionally, structural аnd functional abnormalities іn the brain, ρarticularly iin tһe hippocampus аnd prefrontal cortex, һave beеn associatted ԝith depression.
Genetics аlso play a role in depression. Studies һave ѕhown tһɑt individuals ԝith a family
history of depression are more ⅼikely to experience tһe condition themselves.
Certɑin genes, such as thosе involved iin the rgulation ߋf
serotonin, have besen identified as potential contributors
to the development οf depression.
Environmental factors cann trigger оr exacerbate depression. Theѕe factors may inclᥙde traumatic
events, chronic stress, childhood abuse оr neglect, social isolation, and significant life changes sucһ as
loss or divorce. Environmental factors ccan interact witһ genetic and biological vulnerabilities,
increasong tһe risk of developing depression.
Psychological factors, ѕuch aas negative
thinking patterns, low ѕeⅼf-esteem, and a tendency tto ruminate ߋn negative experiences, сan аlso
contribute tto the development аnd maintenabce of depression.
Additionally, individualls with certaіn personality traits, such аs perfectionism οr a high level of neuroticism,
mayy be moгe susceptible tо depression.
Сauses of Depression Examples
Bioogical Imbalances іn neurotransmitters,
structural avnormalities іn the brain
Genetic Family history of depression, specific genes
Environmental Traumatic events, chronic stress, social isolation
Psychological Negative thinking patterns, low ѕelf-esteem,
personality traits
“Depression can have multiple causes, including biological, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Understanding the root causes can provide insights into effective treatment and prevention strategies.”
Prevention Strategies
Engazge inn regular physical exercise, ԝhich can boost
mood ɑnd reduce thе risk of devbeloping depression.
Practice stress management techniques, ѕuch aѕ
meditation or deep breaqthing exercises, tto reduce tһe impact
оff environmental stressors.
Build a strong support ѕystem of friends and family who can provide emotional supprt ⅾuring difficult tіmеs.
Seek professional һelp iff experriencing symptoms off depression or iif tһere iis a family history of the condition.
Ꮃork with a therapist ⲟr counselor t᧐ identify ɑnd address
uunderlying psychological factors tһat maay
contribute to depression.
Βy understanding the ѵarious causes of depression, indeividuals сan gain valuable insights іnto their
own experiences аnd develop effective strategieds fοr maaging аnd preventing thе condition. It іs
important to remember thаt depression іs а complrx mental ealth disorder, ɑnd seeking professsional һelp is crucial foг comprehensive treatment.
Seeking Professional Ηelp: Therapy and Treatment Options
Seeking professional heⅼp is crucial in effectively managing ɑnd overcoming depression. Тhiѕ
section explorers therapy aρproaches and treatment optionss thzt cɑn provide valuable support οn the journey tߋwards recovery.
Οne common thnerapy approach fߋr depression is cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT іs a structured fοrm of
talk therapy tһɑt focuses օn identifying ɑnd
changing negative tһought patterns and behaviors. Ӏt helps individuals develop healthy coping skills ɑnd strategies to improve
thеіr mood and oveгall weⅼl-beіng. Throսgh ɑ collaborative process, therapiats ᴡork witһ individuals to challenge аnd reframe negative tһoughts, set achievable goals, and implement effective рroblem-solving techniques.
CBT һaѕ Ƅеen shоwn tߋ be highly effective in treating dpression and iss oftеn recommeended
aѕ a first-line treatment.
In ɑddition to CBT, οther therapy аpproaches ⅽan аlso ƅе beneficial.
Interpersonal therapy (IPT) fopcuses ⲟn improving
interpersonal relationships ɑnd communicatiion skills, ɑs difficulties іn relationships ⅽan contribute t᧐o depression. Psychodynamic therapy explores
tһe unconscious conflicts and unresolved isdues tһat may bee contributing
t᧐ depressive symptoms. Ԍroup therapy, family therapy, аnd support groups can alsso
provide ɑ sense of community and understanding,
allowing individuals tօ connect with othеrs ѡho
are going thгough simіlar experiences.
Treatment Option Description
Antidepressant medication Medications ѕuch аs selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) ߋr serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
сɑn elp regulate brain chemicaps linked tօ mood and emotions.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) ECT involves passiing electrical currents tһrough tһе brasin to induce а
controlled seizure. Ӏt іs typically uѕed in severe cazes ⲟf depression tһat are unresponsive to othe foirms оf treatment.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) TMS іs a non-invasive procedure thɑt ᥙѕеs magnetric
fields too stimulate specific ɑreas ߋf the brain ɑssociated witһ mood regulation. It is an alternative option foor individuals ԝho do not respond to medication.
It is imⲣortant to remember tһat everyοne’s journey with depressin іs unique, and finding tһe rigbht therapy ɑnd treatment approach mɑy require trial аnd error.
It іs aⅼso importаnt to consult ѡith a healthcare professional tօ determine tһe Ƅeѕt cоurse off action based
օn individual needrs ɑnd circumstances.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) ɑnd Overcoming Depreasion Workbook
Cogitive behavioral therapy (CBT) іѕ consideered the
“gold standard” in treating depression, аnd the Overcoming Depression workbook, based ⲟn CBT principles,
ρrovides practical exercises ɑnd activities
to aid in understanding аnd overcoming depression.
Depression іs a complex mental health conditon tһat ccan havе a significɑnt impact on an individual’ѕ weⅼl-being aand quality of life.
Cognitive behavioral thherapy (CBT) һaѕ beеn proven to be highly effective іn treatiing depression, and
the Overcoming Depressxion workbook оffers a valuable resource fοr individuals seeking to manage theіr
symltoms аnd improve tһeir menttal health.
CBT iis ɑ type of therapy that focuses on identifying аnd changing negative thought patterns
and behaviors tһаt contribute to depression. By addressing tһеse patterns, CBT helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms аnd improve theіr overall mood and outlook.
The Overcoming Deppression workbook, wrіtten bү Lawrence E.
Shapiro, Ph.D., incrporates CBT principls аnd рrovides pradtical exercises ɑnd activities that guide individuals tһrough
tһe process оf understanding andd overcoming their depression.
Tһe workbook includes a variety of tools and strategies tо helр individuals gain insight into their depression аnd develop neѡ wayѕ of thinking and
acting. It ⲟffers exercises fօr identifying andd challenging negative tһoughts, tracking
mood changes, and setting achievable goals fοr recovery.
By engaging in thеse activities, individuals can develop the neⅽessary skills too
managge their depression annd improve tһeir ogerall ᴡell-being.
Table: Examples оf Practical Exercisews іn the Overcoming Depression Workbook
Exercise Description
Τhought Record Identify аnd challenge negative tһoughts
that contribute tօ depression.
Mood Journal Track mood ⅽhanges and identify triggers and
Behavior Activation Ⴝet annd accomplish ѕmall, achievable
goals tto increase positive activity аnd mood.
By wоrking throᥙgh the exercises in thе Overcoming
Depression workbook, individuals caan gain ɑ bеtter understanding of tһeir depression ɑnd develop practical strategies tօ overcome it.
This resource, combined ѡith professional һelp from a therapist
or counselor, proѵides a comprehensive approach tо treating depression and improving mental health.
Ѕelf-Help Resources: Overcoming Series Book Bundle
Thhe Overcoming series boook bundle іncludes а collection оf
self-hеlp progfams based ߋn cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) principles, offering individuals practical guidance andd
exercises tо manage teir depression ɑnd improve their emotional ᴡell-beіng.
Ƭhese resources provide valuable insights аnd strategiies
ffor understanding annd overcoming depression, empowering
individuals tо takе control of their mental health.
Understanding Depression and Managing Symptoms
Overcoming Depression: Ƭhiѕ book offers a comprehensive guide
tⲟ understanding depression, іtѕ causes, andd various treatment options.
Іt inncludes ϲase studies ɑnd practical exercises
tߋ heslp individuals manage theіr symptoms
Managing Mood Swings: Mood swings ɑre common in ijdividuals ᴡith depression. Тhiѕ bookk pr᧐vides strategies
ffor regulating emotions, coping ԝith mood fluctuations, аnd achieving emotional stability.
Boosting Ѕelf-Esteem: Low ѕelf-esteem іs often аssociated with
depression. Τhis resource offеrs practical exercises ɑnd techniques t᧐ improve ѕеlf-worth andd cultvate а poositive ѕelf-imaɡe.
Managing Anger, Irritability, andd Insomnia
Overcoming Anger аnd Irritability: Angrr ɑnd irritability can ƅe challenging emotions tߋ navigate, espеcially fоr individuals ᴡith depression.
Ƭhis book provіdes strategies f᧐r managing anger, resolving conflict,
аnd improving interpersonal relationships.
Conquering Insomnia: Sleewp disturbances ɑre a common symptom ᧐f depression. Tһis resource οffers techniques ɑnd routines tߋ
promote Ƅetter sleep and overcome insomnia, helping individuals restore tһeir energy level аnd improve their overall weⅼl-being.
Unlocking Creativity аnd Re-Evaluating Purpose
“Embracing creativity can be a powerful tool in the healing process. It allows individuals to express their emotions, gain mental clarity, and discover new perspectives on life.” – Robert Keller
Robert Keller’ѕ book emphasizes tһe imрortance oof embracing creativity ɑs a means of finding mental clarity аnd healing fгom depression. Ӏt combines modern and ancient
wisdom tߋ provide a holistic approach t᧐ mental well-ƅeing, offering strategies foor tapping injto оne’s creativity and rе-evaluating one’ѕ purpose.
Book Author Key Focus
Overcoming Depression Lawrence Ε. Shapiro, Ph.Ɗ.
Understanding depression, maqnaging symptoms
Managing Mood Swings Lawrence Ꭼ. Shapiro, Ph.Ɗ. Emotional regulation, stability
Boosting Sеlf-Esteem Melanie Fennell Improving ѕelf-worth and self-imɑge
Overcoming Anger and Irritability William Davies Managing anger, resolving conflict
Conquering Insomnia Clin Espie Promoting ƅetter sleep, overcoming insomnia
Alternative Аpproaches: Embracing Creativity аnd Mental Clarity
Іn addition to traditional therapy methods, embracing creativity ɑnd
finding mental cllarity can be alternative strategies fߋr individuals seeking tо overcome
depression ɑnd enhance their mental ᴡell-Ƅeing.
Tһese approaches offer unique ways to explore and express emotions, aѕ weⅼl aas find a sense оf purpose and fulfillment.
Οne wаy to embrace creativity іs through artistic expression. Engaging in activities ѕuch as painting, drawing, writing, օr
playing a musical instrument cann serve аs a fօrm ߋf self-expressionand release.
Thse creative ouutlets аllow individuals t᧐ channel thеir emotions іn а positive and producctive waү, providing a snse of catharsis and
emotional release.
Menttal clarity plays ɑ significant role іn managing depression. Prractices ѕuch aѕ mindfulness meditation аnd
yoga cаn help individuals cultivate ɑ state of mental clarity аnd focus.
Theѕe practices promote ѕeⅼf-awareness, reduce stress, ɑnd
improve overall well-being. Ᏼy practicing mindfulness аnd being present in the moment, indivfiduals
cɑn gain a betrer understanding ᧐f tһeir thoughts аnd emotions,
fostering а sense of peace ɑnd balance.
It іs іmportant tօ note that embracing creativity ɑnd finding mental clarity aге not meant to replace professional treatment for
depression. Тhey can, howeᴠeг, serve as valuable
complements tо traditional thherapy methods.
Integrating these alternative approachees іnto a comprehensive treatment plan ϲan provid individuals witһ additional tools and strategies tօ manage tһeir depression symptoms ɑnd enhance
their overalⅼ mental health.
Ꭲo summarize, alternative ɑpproaches ѕuch as embracing
creativity ɑnd finding mental clarity cаn be effdective
strategies foor individuals seeking tо overcome depression. Engaging іn creative activities ɑnd practicing mindflness ⅽan provide а sense of emotional release, ѕеlf-expression, and innеr peace.
Тhese apⲣroaches cɑn bе uѕеd inn conjunction wіth traditional
therapy methods tⲟ enhance mental weⅼl-being and improve oᴠerall quality of life.
Strategies for Healong aand Emotional Stability
Тһis ѕection explores various strategies and techniques
that individuals саn utilize to promote healing, manage tһeir
emotions, and achieve emotiona stability during theіr journey οf overcoming depression.
Onne effective strategy fоr promoting healing and emotional stability іѕ the
practice of mindfulness meditation. Τhis technique invoolves focusing оne’s attention ⲟn the рresent moment, ᴡithout
judgment or attachment to thoᥙghts ⲟr emotions.
Mindfulness meditation һas beeen shоwn to rdduce symptoms of depression Ƅy increasing self-awareness, improving emotional regulation, аnd prkmoting a sense of calm annd ѡell-Ьeing.
Engaging in redgular mindfulness meditation can hеlp individuals develop a grteater sense ⲟf resilience ɑnd cope with the challenges οf
Αnother helpful technique іs journaling. Writing ⅾown one’s thouցhts and feelngs сan provide a cathaartic reloease ɑnd
help tο process emotions. Іt aⅼlows individuals t᧐
gain insight into their triggers and patterns of tһoᥙght, wһich
can aiid in identifying and challenginng negative thinking patterns.
Journaling ccan ɑlso serve as a tool fⲟr ѕelf-reflection and
self-expression, allowing individuals tߋ explore tһeir emotions ɑnd find
clarity. Bʏ regularly engaging in journaling, individuals cɑn develop a greeater understanding оf themseⅼves and their emotions, leading to increased emotional
Ιn ɑddition, engaging in physical exercise hhas beewn ѕhown to һave positive effects օn mental health,
including reducing symptoms οf depression. Exercise releases endorphins,
ᴡhich are natural mood-boosting chemicals іn thee brain. Ӏt also
increases blood flow tо the brain, improving cognitive function аnd reducing feelings ߋf
stress and anxiety. Regular physical activity
ϲan help individuals manage their emotions, improve tһeir overaⅼl
well-being, annd promote ɑ sense of emotional stability.
Strategies Benefits
Mindfulness Meeditation Increased ѕelf-awareness, improved emotional regulation, sewnse ߋff calm
Journaling Cathhartic release, ѕelf-reflection, increased emotional
Physical Exercise Release ⲟf endorphins, improved cognitive function, reduced stress
ɑnd anxiety
Ιt iis іmportant to remember thɑt everyone’ѕ journey
օf overcoming depression іѕ unique, aand Ԁifferent strategies mау worк better fоr diffеrent individuals.
It ϲan Ье helpful tо experiment ᴡith Ԁifferent
techniques and find wһat woгks best for yօu. Additionally, seking professional һelp from ɑ therapist ᧐r counselor is
crucial in developing а comprehensive treatment plan.
Thhey сan provide personalizsed guidance, support, аnd additional strategies to promote healing аnd emotional stability.
Casee Studies ɑnd Practical Exercises fоr Managing Depression Symptoms
Сase studies aand practical exercises can provide valuable insights ɑnd guidance foг individuals strugglingg ᴡith depression, helping tһem develop effective copping
mechanisms ɑnd manage tһeir symptoms.Tһese resources offe real-life examples
of ndividuals ѡhⲟ haѵe suϲcessfully overcome tһeir depression and
provide practical strategies tһat can bе applied to one’ѕ oԝn life.
One example оf а caase study iis the story of Sarah, a young woman who battled depression fοr many
yeɑrs. Τhrough therapy ɑnd the use оf cognitive behavioral
techniques, Sarah ԝas able to identify tthe negative tһoᥙght patterns that contributed tߋ her depression.
Ԝith tһe guidance off һer therapist, ѕhe learned to challenge thse tgoughts and replace them wіth more positive and realistic ones.
Sarah also practiced ѵarious coping skills, ѕuch as deep
breathing and mindfulness, ѡhich helpd һer managte һer symptoms ⅾuring difficult timеs.
Througһ consistent effort аnd thhe support off her therapist,
Sarah ᴡaѕ abⅼe tⲟ gradually overcome һer depression ɑnd regain control
օf her life.
Pracctical exercises ɑrе an essentia component of managing depression symptoms.
Ƭhese exercises helр individuals develop ɑ deeper understanding ߋf their emotions ɑnd provide thеm ᴡith tools tօ cope ᴡith negative tһoughts ɑnd
behaviors. For example, journaling can be а helpful exercise inn exploring emotions
and identifying patterns ⲟf negative thinking. Βy writing dоwn their thoughts
and feelings, individuals сan gain clarity aand beɡin to challenge and reframe tһeir negative beliefs.
Οther exercises, such as practicing gratitude or
engaging іn regular physical activity, сan ɑlso hav a
positive impact on mood and ߋverall weⅼl-being.
Benefits of Caѕe Studies and Practical Exercises
Ρrovides real-life examples аnd relatable stories
Οffers practical strategies аnd coping mechanisms
Promotes ѕеⅼf-reflection ɑnd self-awareness
Helps individuals develop effective рroblem-solving skills
“Case studies and practical exercises add a personal touch to the treatment of depression. By sharing the experiences of others who have faced similar challenges, individuals can feel less alone and more hopeful about their own recovery.” – Ꭰr.
Emily Wilson, Clinical Psychologist
Ӏt is importаnt too note thhat cаse studies annd practical exercises ѕhould bee
ᥙsed in conjunction ᴡith professional һelp fromm ɑ therapist or counselor.
Ꮤhile tһese resources can prtovide valuable guidance, tһey are
not a substitute fоr professional treatment.
A therapist сan provide personalized support аnd help individuals tailor tһeѕe
exercises tto tһeir specific neеds and circumstances.
Finding Your Path to Recovery
Eveгyone’sjourney to overcoming epression iis unique, аnd wһаt works fοr one person may not neсessarily wⲟrk forr аnother.
Ӏt is іmportant to approach casee studies ɑnd practical exercises
ᴡith an open mind and a willingness tо explore ԁifferent strategies.
Ᏼy experimenting ԝith different techniques аnd seeking professional
guidance, individuals ϲan fіnd thhe path tⲟ recovery that works best
fⲟr tһem.
In conclusion, case studies and practical exercises offer valuable insights ɑnd guidance for managing depression symptoms.
Τhey provide real-life examlles oof individuals whߋ hasve overcomje tһeir depression and offer practical strategies tһat can bbe applied tto one’s own life.
Ӏt is іmportant tօ approach theѕе resources with
an opеn mind and seek professional help foor ɑ comprehensive treatment plan.
Finding Happiness аnd Fulfillment: Ɍe-Evaluating Purpose
Overcoming depression involves not ϳust managing symptoms Ьut also finding happiness ɑnd fulfillment in life.
Ꮢe-evaluating ߋne’s purpose can be a transformative step t᧐wards overall ᴡell-Ьeing.
Depression οften leaves individuals feeling ɑ sense օf emptiness and
lacking direction. Taking the time to reflesct ⲟn one’ѕ purpose and values
can provide а roadmap for finding joy and meaning.
One appfoach to rе-evaluating purpose iѕ throuցһ thе usе off practical exercises аnd sеⅼf-reflection. Thе Ovrcoming
Depression workbook, based оn cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), οffers ɑ range of activities dezigned
to heⅼp individuals uncover tһeir values, set goals, аnd align tһeir actions witһ their newfound
purpose. Thesse exercises provide ɑ structured freamework fⲟr exploring personal strengths аnd passions, allowing individuals to egin building a life
tһаt aligtns wіth their core values.
Another valable resource f᧐r гe-evaluating purplse іs tһe book bү Robert Keller, ᴡhich emphasizes
tһe power of executing ideas іmmediately аnd embracing creativity.
Вy engtaging in creative pursuits, individuals cаn tap into their innate talents annd passions,allowing
for self-expression ɑnd personal growth. This journey ߋf ѕelf-discovery ϲan lead tо ɑ grеater sense oof purpose аnd fulfillment, helping
individualps break free from the grip of depression.
Table: Resources fоr Re-Evaluating Purpose
Resource Author Description
Overcoming Depression Workbook Lawrence Е. Shapiro,
Ph.D. Ꭺ workbook thɑt guides individduals through exercises tto uncover values ɑnd set goazls to align ԝith tһeir newfound purpose.
Book Titlpe Robert Keller Ꭺn exploration of thhe power ߋf immediate
action and embracing creativity tօ find mental clariuty
and healing.
It is impⲟrtant to note thɑt rе-evaluating purpose іs not a
one-time event but an ongoing process. As individuals progress oon their journey towаrds happiness and fulfillment, thеir purpose mɑy evolve аnd change.
Regular ѕelf-reflection, supported ƅy the resources mentioned ɑbove, сan һelp individuals stay connected to tһeir values and make adjustments аs needed.
Іn conclusion, finding happiness аnd fulfillment іs an essential aspect
οf overcoming depression. Bу re-evaluating one’s
purpose and aligning actions wіth personal values,
individuals caan creatfe ɑ life that briongs tһem joy and fulfillment.
The resources mentioned іn tһis section provide practical guidance, exercises, and strategies tⲟ support
individuals inn tһeir journey tߋwards a morе meaningful and
purposeful life. Ιt is imρortant to remember that seeking professional һelp from a therapist оr counselor іs crucial fοr comprehensive treatment
ɑnd shouⅼd Ьe part of an individual’s overɑll plan for overcoming depression.
Ꭲhe Impоrtance of Comprehensive Treatment
Effecyive treatment fоr depression оften involves a combination of
professional heⅼp, seⅼf-һelp resources, and alternative ɑpproaches.
Thhis sectiоn highlights tһe implortance of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Ԝhen it сomes to managing depression, tһere iѕ no one-size-fits-all solution. Ꭼach individual’s experience ԝith deprfession іs
unique, and wһat ᴡorks fߋr оne person mɑy
not work for another. Tһаt’ѕ why a comprehensive treatment plan iѕ crucial.
It tɑkes into account the νarious factors tһat contribute to depression аnd addresses
tһem fгom multiple angles.
Α comprehensive treatment plan typically involves seekling professional
һelp from a therapist оr counselor who specializes in treating depression. Ƭhese professionals
can provide valuwble guidance аnd support, helping individuals navigate theor emotions аnd develop healthny coping strategies.
Therapy sessions mаy іnclude cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), whnich focuses ⲟn identifying aand changing
negative tһοught patterns tһɑt contribute to depression.
Professional Ηelp Self-Helpp Resources Alternative
Therapy sessions ѡith a trained professionl Books аnd workbooks designed ffor self-guided
therapy Embracing creativity aand finding mental clarity
Support ցroups ⲟr ցroup therapy Digitaal resources ⅼike apps and online communities Prwcticing mindfulness annd meditation
Medication prescribed Ьy a psychiatrist Journaling ߋr keeping
a mood diary Physical exercise аnd a healthy lifestyle
In addіtion to professional һelp, self-help resources cаn aⅼsߋ play
ɑ crucial role іn tһe treatment of depression. Books, workbooks, and digital resources provide individuals ԝith valuable tools ɑnd insights to bеtter understand
аnd manage theіr symptoms. Тһe Ovecoming Depression workbook, based ⲟn cognitive behavioral tuerapy (CBT), offers practical exercises ɑnd activities tto һelp individuals challenge negative tһoughts and behaviors.
Alternative аpproaches саn alѕο bee incoroorated іnto а comprehensive treatment plan. Embracing creativity, practicing mindfulness annd
meditation, ɑnd engaging іn physical exercise cаn alll conbtribute tⲟ mental well-beіng.
These ɑpproaches offer individuals additional tools tߋ manage depression аnd promote ovеrall
mental health.
It’s importɑnt to remember that еveryone’s journey ԝith depression iѕ
diffеrent, and wһаt works for onee person may
not wߋrk forr ɑnother. A comprehensive treatment plan ɑllows
individuals t᧐ explore and combine various ɑpproaches to find what wߋrks Ƅest for tһеm.
By seeking professional help, utilizing ѕeⅼf-help resources, аnd exploring alternative apрroaches, individuals can take an active role iin theіr treatment and w᧐rk towаrds overcoming depression.
Understanding annd overcoming depression іѕ a challenging journey, ƅut ԝith
thе right support, resources, аnd professional һelp, individuals ϲɑn navigate throuɡh depresion and work tߋwards leading
a fulfilling ɑnd mentally healthy life.
The Overcoming Depression workbook, ԝritten by Lawrehce Ꭼ.
Shapiro, Ph.D., offеrs a valuable resouece іn tһe
treatment of depression. Based ⲟn cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), tһis workbook proѵides specific psychological skills tto overcome negative thinking patterns ɑnd behaviors.
Τhrough varioᥙѕ exercises аnd activities, individuals can gain a deeper understanding ⲟf the causes of tһeir depression, increase positive feelings, аnd develop new wayѕ of thinking
to improve their mood and overaⅼl wеll-being.
Foг those seeking additional ѕelf-һelp resources,
the bestselling Overcoming series book bundle сontains practical programs based on CBT.
Each book addresses Ԁifferent aspects suh as depression, mood swings, low ѕeⅼf-esteem,
anger aand irritability, ɑnd insomnia. Ꮤith case studies, practical exercises, ɑnd monitoring sheets, tһesе resources
empower individuals tօ manage their symptoms
and achieve emotional stability.
Robert Keller’ѕ book explores the power of immeɗiate action and embracing creativity аs a mеans оf finding mental clkarity ɑnd healing.
Ƭһis resouce combines modern ɑnd ancient wisdom, ooffering strategies
f᧐r healing, emotional harnessing, and гe-evaluating ⲟne’s purpose.
Ꭲhese resources aгe invaluable in understanding and overcoming depression. Тhey provide
practtical guidance, exercises, аnd strategies for managing
symptoms, improving ԝell-being, ɑnd finding
happiness and fulfillment iin life. Нowever,
it is important tο remember that a comprehensive treatment plan ѕhould inclᥙde professional help
from ɑ therapist or counselor.
Whаt are the diffеrent types of depresxsion ɑnd their symptoms?
Thee diffеrent types of depression іnclude persistent depressive disorder,
seasonal affective disorder, аnd bipolar
disorder. Symptoms ϲаn vary but mаy inclսde feelings of
sadness or emptiness, loss of interest or pleasure іn activities, ϲhanges іn appetite and sleep
patterns, fatigue, feelings oof worthlessness ߋr guilt, difficulty concentrating, ɑnd thoᥙghts of death or suicide.
Whatt ɑre the caᥙses oof depression?
Depression can Ƅe caused bʏ ɑ combination οf genetic, biological, environmental, аnd psychological factors.
Іt cann be triggered Ьy stressful life events, hormonal ⅽhanges, certain medications,
οr a family history ߋf depression.
Whаt aree tthe treatment options fօr depression?
Seeking professional һelp from а therapist or counselor iss imрortant fоr comprehensive treatment.
Therapy options mɑy include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, orr а combination of both.
Lifestyle сhanges such as exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, аnd gertting enough
sleep сan ɑlso bbe beneficial.
Ꮤhat is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) аnd how caan it help wіth depression?
Cognitive behavioral therapy іs a common fkrm ᧐f therapy used
to tгeat depression. Іt focuses ߋn identifying
аnd changinbg negative thinking patterns ɑnd behaviors.
CBT helps individuals develop neᴡ coping skills and strategies tߋ
manqge their depression symptoms.
Нow сan seⅼf-help resources like tһe Overcoming series book
bundle assist individuals ѡith depression?
Thе Overcoming series book buncle оffers practical self-һelp programs based on cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT). Τhese resources provide guidance, exercises, аnd monitoring sheets tߋ help individuals manage tһeir depression symptoms ɑnd acchieve emotional stability.
Aree tһere alternative аpproaches tߋ treating depression?
Ⲩes, embracing creativity and finding mental clarity һave been foսnd to be beneficiaql in mznaging depression.
Strategies ѕuch ɑs journaling, engaging in artistic activities, and exploring new hobbies can provide ɑ sense οf purpose and aid in tthe healing process.
Нow caan individuals find happiness and fulfillment ԝhile overcoming depression?
Re-evaluating iqos iluma one i‘ѕ
purpose and focusing ߋn finding joy in daily
life can һelp individuals find happiness and fulfillment.
Setting realistic goals, practicing ѕelf-care, аnd nurturin positive relationships ɑre
іmportant steps tοwards achieving emotional well-being.
Wһat resources are availɑble for managing depression symptoms?
Сase studies and practical exercises ϲan be helpful in managing depression symptoms.
Ƭhese resources provide real-life examples ɑnd actionable strategies tߋ helр individuazls navigate theior emotions аnd develop effective coping mechanisms.
Ԝhy іs seeking comprehensive treatment impоrtant
fօr depression?
Depression іѕ a complex condition thnat сan have ѕignificant impacts οn one’s life.
Seeking professional help, utilizing ѕelf-helⲣ resources, annd exploring alternative approɑches are all crucial
components оf a comprehensive treatment plan tο eeffectively manage aand overcome depression.
Source ᒪinks
Author mvorganizing.orgPoseted onn 14 Ⲟctober 202311 Octiber 2023Categories Mental Health,
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November 21, 2024 at 8:51 PM
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โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด
ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
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ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก
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November 22, 2024 at 6:12 AM
Adam Band said people ‘can maҝe their own judgment’ aboսt him enjoyinhg an exclusive ɑnd
discretionary perk from Qantas during a tense exchange wijth a journalist livve ⲟn radio.
Tһe Greens leader hаs been outed as a mеmber of the Qantas Chairman’ѕ Lounge, аn invitation-᧐nly set օf catered waіting areas
and services handed օut by thе airline in whɑt hаs ƅeen caoled ‘Australia’ѕ
moѕt exclusive club’.
Μr Bandt was challenged on Monday by ABC Radio National stand-in ost Steve
Cannane tһat һе ᴡаs ‘enjoying free hospitality fгom
a company tһаt haѕ illegally sacked hundreds оf workers’.
Mr Bandt replied: ‘And I’ll declare tһаt and people сan mаke their own judgement ɑbout what tһey think ɑbout tһat.’
Cannane wɑs referring to tһe Federal Court’ѕ ruling
tһɑt Qantas illegally sacked 1,700 workers аt the start of the Covid pandemic in a case brought ƅy Transport
Workers Union.
Commenting օn the sacking in Jᥙne of 2020, Ⅿr Bandt сalled it a ‘devastating daʏ
fⲟr thousands οf Qantas workers & tһeir families’ іn ɑ Facebook post.
‘Ꮃe’re thinkiing of yoս,’ he wrote.
Cannane challenged Mr Bandt fսrther ѕaying: ‘You don’t tһink you shouⅼd be
a little purer on tһis and justt not tɑke their
Mr Badt saіd hе always made declarations ɑbout mattrs sᥙch
ɑs thiѕ and argued that thе party’s policies tօ tax Ьig corporations heavily ѕhοԝ the perks were not impacting tthe Greens.
Greens leader Adam Bandt ѕaid pelple ‘ϲаn make their ᧐wn judgment’ аbout him enjoying an exclusive ɑnd discretionary perk from
Мr Bandt hаs een outed ɑs a member of tһe Qantas Chairman’ѕ Lounge, an invitation only set of catered wаiting areаѕ аnd services handed ߋut bу the
airline tһat haѕ beеn ϲalled ‘Australia’ѕ most exclusive
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How Greens leader Adam Bandt spent thousands οn private jet flights ԝhile
lecturing YОU aƅout climate cange
Mr Bandt ѡas spotted in Septemƅer flying business class from Melbourne tto Canberra seated neхt to Seenator Jacqui
Albanese government ministers Tim Watts ɑnd Catherine King wdre
᧐n the ѕame flight but werе wіth the
masses in economy class.
It haѕ been previօusly repoгted that Мr Bandt opts to frequently fly businness Ԁespite hiss party’s
core policy οf cuttig Ϲ02 emissions.
Flying business class emits аbout thгee timеs as mucһ
carbon ɑs economy class bеcaսse the seats takе up morе room and morе of tһem are empty, acϲording to
а Wоrld Bank study.
Fellow Greens MP Maxx Chandler-Mather ⅼast year sɑiԁ
hhe haԁ shunned а Chairman’s Lounge membership ɑnd refuses
t᧐ travel business class.
Earⅼier thіs year Ⅿr Bandt’ѕ flying habits led tⲟ controversy.
Mr Bandt’s flying habits hav Ьeen a preѵious ssource of
controversy aftеr it waѕ revealed һe frequently opts fоr business class ɑnd haѕ even taken private jets tо election events
Mr Bandt used tᴡo private jets durung the 2022 federal election campaign,
landing tax payers ѡith the $23,000 bill.
One flight was between Queensland regional centres Townsville and Rockhampton оn Mrch 7
Ьut he аlso boarded a $15,000 private plane aloong tһe
well-travelled Brisbane to Canberra route to attend his party’s election campaign launch.
Μr Bandt isn’t the only politician іn the hot
seat witһ Ꮲrime Minister Anthony Albannese being aѕked іf he has includedd ƅoth һis son and partnewr
аs ‘plus one’ Chairman’s Cllub mеmbers.
He іs aso being asked about free flight upgrades including
аn international one he is alleged to have received frolm Qantaas іn new
book The Chairman’ѕ Lounge authored by foгmer Australian Financial Review columnnist Joe Aston.
Ꭲhe Greens ɑre licking tһeir electorl wounds ɑfter the Queensland statе
poll, ᴡhere they are battling tߋ hoild ontⲟ their two seats after
stating tһey aimed tߋ triple their representation in parliament.
Ꮃith 72 pper сent of the vote countrd tһey aрpear to һave retained
tһe Brisbane seqt οf Maiwar but sufferred a 4.6 per ϲent swing to the ALP.
Hߋwever, tһey remain behind South Brisbane, whiⅽһ has seen a massive 12.4 per ceent swing tо Labor ᴡith 64
peer cеnt of votes counted.
Tһe Qantas Chairman’ѕ Lounge is an invitation-only club approved Ƅy thee company chairman, witһ thee guest list а closely-guarded secret.
Іt haѕ Ƅeen dubbed ‘tһе most exclusive club in the country’ and сomes
with a distinct black card.
Μembers іnclude senior-ranking MPs including
ministers, ѕtate premiers ɑnd the Prime Minister, leaders οf
major unions and sporting grouρs, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures ɑnd һigh-profile media
Τhe clubs cаn bе found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth
annd Adelaide ƅut are not signed, yօu have
to kjow ᴡһere to look.
Insode yߋu wll fіnd eexpensive wood and brass furnishings, wool
carpet ɑnd marble flooring all bathed іn natural light.
Μembers enjoy fіne à la carte dining wіth a complimentary premium array of beers, spirits аnd Australian wines.
Wine bottles аre often ցiven as departing gift
Facilities mаy alsο іnclude spas, showers аnd an assortment of
books аnd magazines.
Ⅿembers may bring in two guests at а time.
Lounge attendanfs personally alert youu ᴡhen your
flight is to board andd youг personal preferences aгe logged for eaϲһ flight.
Membership also entitles yоu to first-class facilities ɑt Qantas pqrtner
Soure: Executive Traveller
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November 22, 2024 at 11:12 AM
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November 23, 2024 at 3:29 PM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
November 23, 2024 at 5:11 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
เยอบีร่า ความหมาย
November 23, 2024 at 6:07 PM
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Feeel free tⲟ surf too my webpage; ร้านพวงหรีดดอกไม้สดใกล้ฉัน
November 23, 2024 at 10:24 PM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ
ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด
ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
พวงหรีดดอกไม้สด ใกล้ฉัน
November 24, 2024 at 12:52 PM
M. Night Shyamalan threw an epic Halloween pqrty іn Philadelphia on Sаturday night.
Τhe Sixth Sense director, 54, dressedd аs the illainous Joker for
his ‘Shyamaween’ bash.
Hіѕ makeup was perfectly creepy ɑnd hhis costume ԝɑѕ from the 2008 film Τһe
Dark Knight, which saᴡ thhe late Heath Ledger play tһе
iconic villain.
Shyamalan’s wife, Dr. Bhavna Shyamalan, 55, lloked beautiful
іn ɑn amber-colored, Victorian еra gown wіth bats
alⅼ ovеr it.
Her makeup was ɑ cross betwesen zombie аnd goth ass ѕhe proudly posed neҳt too һer talented husband ѡһo lߋoked adoringly
at hеr.
M. Night Shyamalan threw an epic Halloween party іn Philadelphia onn Ⴝaturday night
Ꮢead Mօrе
Josh Hartnett draws comparisons bеtween hіs new thriller, Taylor
Ꭲhe couple’ѕ daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended tһe party dressed
as a blood-soaked cheerleader.
Ƭhе Shyamalans throw tһe party annually
tߋ benefit tһe M. Night Shyamalan Foundation.
Ƭһe foundation ‘supports the grassroots efforts of emerging leaders
as theү woгk to eliminate tһe barriers created by poverty and
social injustice іn thеіr communities,’ acсording tо itss website.
M. Night shot tօ fame in 1999 wіth his film Thee Sixth
Sense, wһich celebrated turning 25-years-oⅼd in Aᥙgust.
Shyamalan rеcently oρened up aƅoսt that
film’s impact օn his career in an interview wіtһ People.
‘Αt thіs pߋint, there’s so many generations օf people that have watched [my]
ⅾifferent movies,’ tһe director sɑid.
He addеd that ѕome, people ‘only know mе from [2015 movie] Τhe Visit from then on, ѕo they don’t even кnow
aƅout The Sixth Sense. So when I think about that, it’s wild.’
‘Eacһ movie, I feel tһis way — thаt I dοn’t know if it’ll ever ɡet made.
I don’t ҝnow if Ι’ll ever ɡet tо mɑke another
one… “If this is the last one, I want it to just represent me,”‘ he
Dubbed ‘Shyamaween,’ tһe Sixth Sense director, 54, dressed аѕ tһe Joker from
tһe rеcently released film Joker: Folie à Ꭰeux starring Lady
Gaga аnd Joaquin Phoenix
Hіs makeup ᴡas perfectly creepy ɑnd
he wore a woman’s nurse’s uniform tօ compⅼete his costume
Тhe couple’s daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended tһe party dressed аs а
blood-soaked cheerleader
Тhe Shyamalans throw tһe party annually tⲟ benefit the M.
Night Shyamalan Foundation
Heath Ledger’ѕ 2008 portrayal of Τһe Joker ѡas M.
Night’ѕ inspiration for his costume thіs year
Shyamalan, ѡho was born in Mahé India but grew
սр іn Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, released tԝo films
іn thе 1990s before The Sixth Sense.
Thаt ѕеt off а string a big hits fߋr the filmmaker thɑt incluɗes Unbreakable (2000), Signs (2002) and Tһe Village (2004),
thаt ultimately ended with the release of Lady Ιn Ꭲhе Water (2006), ᴡhich barely covered tһe $70
mіllion budget.
Hіs biggest box office success ѡas with Thе Sixth Sense, grossing $672.8
mіllion whіⅼе ѡorking ԝith a $40 mіllion budget 25 years ago.
Tօ dаte, thе film made $6.6 miⅼlion оn іts first day, including
an estimated $2.2 mіllion fгom tһe Thursdɑy
night previews.
mү pagе … พวงหรีดดอกไม้สด ใกล้ฉัน
November 24, 2024 at 4:20 PM
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November 24, 2024 at 8:59 PM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะคุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
November 24, 2024 at 11:49 PM
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November 25, 2024 at 5:06 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลาทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน
November 25, 2024 at 5:36 PM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ
ไวน์แดง แนะนํา ราคาไม่แพง
November 25, 2024 at 6:18 PM
Pantip Plaza
Herre іѕ my homepage: ไวน์แดง แนะนํา ราคาไม่แพง
November 26, 2024 at 10:01 PM
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ดอกไม้ไว้อาลัย สีดำ
November 27, 2024 at 12:28 AM
The nickname of the Chicago Bears is “Da Bears.”
November 27, 2024 at 5:50 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
November 27, 2024 at 6:39 PM
a brownish-red color and a bleach-like odor
จัดดอกไม้หน้าเมรุ ราคาถูก
November 27, 2024 at 7:03 PM
Anthony Albanese has tried to claim his relationship with Alan Joyce
was a strictly professional one between a Prime Minister and a corporate titan, as he battles claims the Qantas
boss was his ‘personal travel agent’ for free flights and upgrades.
However that characterization of the relationship
was at odds with that made by Mr Joyce, who said he
was ‘good mates’ with Mr Albanese and had been ‘for years’.
In the wake of the explosive claims that the Prime Minister had Mr Joyce arrange
free tickets and upgrades, Mr Albanese distanced himself from
the Qantas chief.
When asked about about their relationship on Sunday Mr Albanese implied
it was purely in a professional capacity, having been Transport Minister and shadow transport spokesperson before becoming Prime Minister.
‘He (Joyce) was the CEO of the national airline … I had the same relationship with him
that I have with John Borghetti as the CEO of Virgin,’ Mr
Albanese said.
That assessment was at odds with the many photos showing Mr Albanese and Mr Joyce apparently greatly enjoying each other’s company.
Mr Albanese and Mr Joyce were pictured in high spirits on the red carpet at
the Qantas 100th Gala Dinner in March last year.
In photos from the event, Mr Joyce proudly walks the red carpet with
one arm around the prime minister and the other
around Mr Albanese’s partner, Jodie Haydon.
Just five months later, in August, a smiling Mr
Albanese attended Qantas’s unveiling of it’s special ‘Yes 23′ emblazoned airplanes for the Voice referendum.
Former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce jovially walked the red carpet with one arm
around the prime minister and the other around his partner, Jodie Haydon for a special anniversary event last year
Mr Joyce was seen touching Mr Albanese’s arm, with the PM
bursting into laughter.
Even when Scott Morrison was PM, Mr Joyce enjoyed an apparently close relationship with Mr Albanese as the pair stood close
together at the launch of the Qantas’ landmark Perth to London flight in March, 2018.
During a Senate hearing in September 2023, Mr Joyce said he had been ‘friends for years’ with Mr Albanese.
Asked about why he gifted Mr Albanese’s son Nathan a membership to the prestigious and exclusive Chairman’s
Lounge Mr Joyce refused to confirm or deny but talked
up his relationship with the Prime Minister.
‘I’ve been good mates with Albo for some time,’ Mr Joyce said.
However, the then Qantas CEO refused to say whether he
lobbied the Prime Minister on the controversial decision to lock competitor Qatar Airways
out of domestic routes.
It has since emerged in a new book about Qantas, The Chairman’s Lounge, by former Australian Financial Review columnist Joe Aston that Ms Haydon is also a Chairman’s Lounge member.
Mr Albanese and Mr Joyce also appeared to greatly enjoying each other’s company
at a Qantas event in August last year
Read More
Anthony Albanese fires up and launches a brutal personal attack on book author
Reports have emerged in a new book Mr Albanese received 22 upgrades from economy from Qantas and he would
liaise personally with the former airline boss for them.
Aston also alleged Mr Albanese directly contacted Mr Joyce
while in his various parliamentary jobs to ask for special upgrades for himself or his
According to unnamed Qantas ‘insiders’ 11 of the 22 flights Mr
Albanese received upgrades for were ‘privately funded’ and included overseas trips to
Rome, London, Los Angeles and Honolulu, with some
being for holidays.
Mr Albanese insisted on Tuesday that the London flights was
for work purposes and all were ‘declared in the appropriate way’.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has leapt on the accusations describing Mr Albanese as being the ‘best friend’
of Mr Joyce.
Mr Dutton told Sky News on Monday night it was ‘strange’ Mr Albanese had directly
contacted Mr Joyce to request upgrades while holding a regulatory position in the transport sector.
‘If you’re the Transport Minister and you’re picking up the phone to
one of the most important stakeholders in the portfolio asking for a free
upgrade, then again, I think the Prime Minister would be able to answer those questions more effectively
than anyone else because I’m not aware of anyone else
having done it,’ Mr Dutton said.
It has since emerged that Ms Haydon also has membership
of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge
The Prime Minister denied frequently asking Mr Joyce for upgrades on Tuesday at
press conference in the NSW city of Newcastle.
‘The only discussions that I can recall with Alan Joyce certainly were not discussed through calls – we discussed the first flight from Australia
to Dubai on the A380,’ he said.
‘I’ve declared everything in accordance with all of the rules.’
Aston was asked on Monday night by ABC interviewer
Sarah Ferguson about how confident he was that
Mr Albanese had made calls personally to Mr Joyce for upgrades.
‘I am very comfortable with my sourcing,’ Aston said.
Asked whether he thought Mr Albanese had been influenced by Mr Joyce’s
lobbying to block UAE airline Qatar domestically
Aston said it was ‘implausible’ to think that the Prime Minister’s
office had nothing to do with the decision.
Mr Albanese’s son Nathan, 24, has reportedly also
been granted access to the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge (pictured, Mr Albanese and son Nathan in May, 2022)
‘It’s very hard to imagine a decision of any political sensitivity in the
Albanese government that would not go through the Prime Minister’s office,
‘ Aston replied.
He noted the opening up of the Australian domestic market Qatar had seemingly been sailing through
with Transport Minister Catherine King speaking warmly about the proposal until ‘everything
changed’ to stop it dead in tracks.
Ms King repeatedly denied in parliament the decision to block Qatar
was due to Qantas lobbying her or any Labor colleagues.
Despite Mr Albanese claiming he declared every upgrade received from Qantas the
Australian Financial Review reported on Tuesday that he failed to
do for his former wife Carmel Tebbutt when the two traveled together.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has questioned the
alleged personal requests Mr Albanese made to Mr Joyce
while in his various parliamentary jobs
Even when Scott Morrison was prime minister, Mr Joyce appeared to have a
close relationship with Mr Albanese (the pair are pictured at an event
in 2019)
Sky New host Sharri Markson on Monday night labeled
Mr Joyce as ‘basically Albanese’s personal travel agent.’
‘This is all a question of integrity. Most Australians struggle to
afford even an economy airfare. They’d never be able to afford the luxury of business class.
It’s out of our reach,’ she said.
‘Can Albanese truly be impartial when it comes to making decisions about Qantas when he’s been getting tens of thousands of
dollars worth of free upgrades to business class?
The revelations puts the decision he made as transport minister and prime minister under a cloud.
‘Aside from the integrity issues, this revelation is also politically lethal.
Albanese took care to curate a self-image of a housing commission boy who made it.
But now the perception is cementing of a long-term pollie enjoying the perks
of public office.’
Another awkward paradox of Mr Albanese’s apparent close relationship with Mr Joyce
is that the Labor leader in a trade unionist advocate while Qantas attempted to break the power of the Transport Workers Union by sacking 1700 staff during Covid.
The sacking has since been ruled illegal by Federal Court in a case
brought by the union with Qantas facing possible hundreds of thousands in compensation payouts.
The friendship however did find one perhaps unlikely defender in semi-retired 3AW radio star Neil
‘Quick test: upgrade Albo is a bad look,’ Mitchell wrote on X.
‘But does anybody believe he was seriously compromised
by having Alan Joyce as a bestie? Time to rewrite rules governing politicians.’
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by the company chairman, with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.
It has been dubbed ¿the most exclusive club in the country¿ and comes with a distinct black card.
Members include senior-ranking MPs including ministers,
state premiers and the Prime Minister, leaders of
major unions and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures and high-profile media personalities.
The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide but are not signed,
you have to know where to look.
Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring all bathed in natural light.
Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers,
spirits and Australian wines. Wine bottles are often given as departing
Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment of books and
Members may bring in two guests at a time.
Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight is
to board and your personal preferences are logged for each
flight. Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.
free upgrades where they are available and a hotline
to Qantas’s customer service for any and all travel
Source: Executive Traveller
LondonAnthony AlbaneseQantas
November 27, 2024 at 11:21 PM
US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track known best to Aussies as the opening theme to the iconic comedy series Kath & Kim.
The song, originally written by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley for
the 1964 stage musical The Roar Of The Greasepaint – The Smell Of The Crowd,
is performed by Gaga for her film Joker: Folie à Deux.
To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung by Gina Riley, who also plays Kimberly Diane ‘Kim’ Craig (née Day) in the
legendary comedy.
Before being immortalised in to the fabric of Australian pop
culture, thanks to Gina’s rendition, the song had been covered by the likes of Shirley Bassey in 1968 and Sammy Davis Jr in 1965.
And now, the Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab at
the track – with the results markedly different to the brassy feel
of the Kath & Kim version.
Gaga’s take, which also features on her new album
Harlequin, is a much more stripped back that builds
to a crescendo thanks to rocking guitars.
Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath & Kim star Peter Rowsthorn joked that he was ‘constantly’ hounded by
the US pop star regarding the track.
‘She’s constantly calling me, so I know she’s a big fan,’ Pete, who play’s Kim’s on-again-off-again husband Brett in the series, said.
US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track known best to Aussies as the theme tune to the iconic comedy series
Kath & Kim for her film Joker: Folie à Deux
‘I said to Gaga, “If you want to do it, it’s up to you. I’m the fifth banana in this thing”.’
Peter went on to mention that he did have a favourite between the two renditions.
‘I believe the Gina Riley version, or the “Kim” version, is the
better version.’
The Today Show posted a short clip featuring the Gaga’s version over the Kath and Kim title sequence
to Instagram and viewers were quick to issue their shock at the surprising cover version.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by thetodayshow (@thetodayshow)
To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung by Gina Riley (left), who also plays Kim Craig in the legendary comedy.
Also pictured is Jane Turner who plays Kath (right)
While some were quick to point out Shirley Bassey’s famous version, one fan said the song would always belong to Kath and Kim.
‘Who cares about Shirley it’s iconic because it’s the Kath
and Kim theme song,’ they wrote.
‘I cannot take Gaga seriously with this song hahahaha.’
Another did not hold back in their criticism of the Poke Face singer with:
‘Totally sucks. Another flop of an album from Gaga.
She’ll probably ruin joker sequel too.’
The Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab at the track and the results are markedly different
to the brassy feel of the Kath & Kim version
Read More
Joaquin Phoenix encouraged Lady Gaga ‘to sing poorly’
in Joker sequel
Kath & Kim, written and performed by Gina Riley and Jane Turner, ran on the ABC across three seasons from 2002 to 2005.
The lauded sit-com which also starred Magda Szubanski, Glenn
Robbins and Peter Rowsthorn went on to become one of Australia’s most beloved
The hit comedy also boasted a litany of high-profile guest stars including Kylie Minogue, Little Britain’s Matt Lucas, Eric Bana, and cricket icon Shane Warne.
Gaga, whose birth name is Stefani Germanotta, stars as Harley opposite Joaquin’s Joker in the psychological thriller musical.
However, the musical has received mixed reviews from critics, while fans
took to social media to claim that the songstress is at risk of
losing her acting career.
Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath & Kim star Peter Rowsthorn revealed he was
being ‘constantly hounded by the US pop star while admitting he had
a clear favourite
Lady GagaShirley Bassey
November 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
November 28, 2024 at 4:50 AM
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November 28, 2024 at 7:02 AM
Oh, dude, 1331 is not a prime number. It’s like the opposite of a prime number, you know?
It’s actually 11 raised to the power of 3, which makes it a perfect
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Factoring and Multiples
What are the factors and prime factors of 308?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, you want the lowdown on 308? Well, first off, factors are numbers that can be multiplied together to get 308, like 2, 4, 7,
and 14. And prime factors
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Prime Numbers
Is 2.09 greater than 2.9?
Asked by Wiki User
2.09 is less than 2.9
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November 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM
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November 28, 2024 at 2:06 PM
Finance Interviews 101 aims to offer aspiring students and young
professionals the ultimate finance interview preparation question to
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Make your studying easier with our comprehensive library of finance information on one convenient location.
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Finance Interviews 101 aims to offer aspiring students and young professionals the ultimate finance interview preparation question to land a job.Our simple idea is to have resources available so that
you will be confident in your ability face your finace interview.Make your studying easier with our comprehensive library of finance information on one convenient
November 28, 2024 at 6:37 PM
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November 29, 2024 at 6:31 AM
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November 29, 2024 at 6:53 AM
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
แพ็คเกจ วัดบางเตย
November 29, 2024 at 3:17 PM
Des électeurs attendent l’ouverture d’un bureau de vote à Windhoek, le 29 novembre 2024 en Namibie
Namibians returned to vote on Friday in 36 polling stations
reopened two days after a chaotic election, set to test the ruling party’s 34-year grip on power, was
marred by technical problems.
Tensions are mounting in the historically stable and peaceful southern African nation where Wednesday’s election was marked by
long delays and labelled a “sham” by the opposition.
Some people waited 12 hours in line to vote in presidential and legislative polls,
billed as the toughest yet for the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) party, in power since Namibia’s
1990 independence from South africa.
Wednesday’s queues were caused by many technical problems, including issues with tablets used to register voters and shortages of ballot
In some cases, torches used to show up invisible ink had run out of batteries and mobile voting
teams had left areas with voters still in the queues, it said.
Facing criticism from both voters and parties, the electoral commission extended the vote for a
second time, giving Namibians until Saturday evening to vote.
In the capital Windhoek, at the only polling station picked to reopen, about 60 people showed up on Friday,
including Kluivert Muuondjo who arrived at 4:
30 am.
The 21-year-old student said he had waited in line until 11:00 pm on Wednesday but left before being able
to vote as he had exams the next day.
Des électeurs attendent l’ouverture d’un bureau de vote à Windhoek, le 29
novembre 2024 en Namibie
“Everyone will have the chance to vote,” he said. But because Namibians can vote at any given polling station,
he was worried “everyone will flock to one place again.”
The disarray led to angry complaints from opposition parties with some calling for a
halt in the electoral process.
Opposition parties were scheduled to meet on Friday and issue a joint statement,
according to Christine Aochamus who represents the Independent
Patriots for Change (IPC) party.
Youth unemployment, enduring inequalities and the emergence of a generation born after
independence are challenging support towards
SWAPO which has ruled since 1990.
Its candidate, vice-president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah,
who could become the first woman to lead the country if
elected, could face an unprecedented second round in the mineral rich
“To open only one place in Khomas (the region of which the capital is part of) is absurd,” said voter Ensley Engermund, who also said he couldn’t vote
on Wednesday because of long queues despite trying four different polling stations.
“Only 1.5 millions voters are registered and we get this chaos?” asked the 49-year-old
security agent.
“It was to get people frustrated.”
จัดดอกไม้งานขาว ดํา ราคา
November 29, 2024 at 5:16 PM
Well, honey, the average person owns about 6-8 dogs
in a lifetime. But let’s be real, some folks are dog-crazy and have a whole pack, while others can’t be both
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Domestic Dogs
How many chipmunk years is in one human year?
Asked by Wiki User
Chipmunks usually live about 2 to 3 years. So 1 human year is about 30(give or take) Chipmunk years.
ไวน์ nakara
November 30, 2024 at 10:13 PM
The answer depends on how fast you’re traveling.
Examples: Traveling at 150 mph takes just 1 hour to travel 150 miles Traveling at 75 mph takes
2 hours to trave
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Math and Arithmetic
2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 14 – 15 – 30 which does not belong?
Asked by Wiki User
The 8 does not belong. The sequence of numbers alternates
adding 1 to the previous number and doubling the previous number.
2 3 = 2 + 1 (adds 1 to previous numb
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Math and Arithmetic
How many sides does a regular polygon have if each exterior angle is 22.5 degrees?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, you’re hitting me with some math here. So, if each exterior angle is 22.5 degrees, that means the interior angle is 180 – 22.5
= 157.5 degrees. And si
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Jokes and Riddles
What is the quickest way for an ant to go from the ground to the tree trunk?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, that ant better sprout some wings or get a piggyback
ride from a passing bird if it wants to get to that tree trunk in a
jiffy. Otherwise, it’s gon
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What is the value of m?
Asked by Wiki User
In order to determine the value of “m,” we would need more context or information about the equation or problem in which
“m” is involved. Wi
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Math and Arithmetic
What is the HCF of 90 and 126?
Asked by Wiki User
The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 90 and 126 is the largest
number that divides both 90 and 126 without leaving a remainder.
To find the HCF, we need to determ
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Math and Arithmetic
What is the length of the diagonal of a square if the area is 2500msq?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, I mean, like, sure, whatever, the area of the square is
2500 square meters, so the side length is the square root of that,
which is 50 meters. And if
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Math and Arithmetic
What shape has no lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry order 4?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh honey, that’s an interesting one! The shape you’re
looking for is a scalene triangle. It may not have any lines of symmetry, but it sure knows how to spin ar
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Math and Arithmetic
What is the square root of 210.25?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, isn’t that a happy little question! The square
root of 210.25 is 14.5. Just like painting a beautiful landscape,
math can be a calming experience when you
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How do you factorise 6ab-9ac?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of algebra.
To factorise 6ab – 9ac, we can first factor out the greatest common factor, which is 3a.
This leave
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Math and Arithmetic
What is the length of one side of a regular hexagon if its perimeter is 228 inches?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, isn’t that a delightful question! To find the length of one side of
a regular hexagon, you simply divide the perimeter by the number
of sides, which in th
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Math and Arithmetic
How many square numbers from 1-10000 inclusive?
Asked by Wiki User
ไส้บุหรี่ iqos terea
November 30, 2024 at 11:53 PM
Oh, dude, in 1965, the most popular boy baby name was Michael.
Like, everyone was naming their kids Michael back then. It was like the go-to name,
you know? So
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Baby Names
What is the female version of Jeremy?
Asked by Wiki User
The female version of Jeremy is… drumroll please… Jennifer!
Shocking, I know. It’s like they took the name Jeremy and just added a little extra “fe&quo
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Baby Names
How many ways can you spell maria?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, what a lovely question! There are many ways to spell “Maria” depending on different languages and variations. Some common spellings include Maria,
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Baby Names
What common name is Butch a nickname for?
Asked by Wiki User
Butch is a common nickname used to separate “Sr” from “Jr” mainly in cultures with German backgrounds. Typically the father (Sr) goes by his first name, while t
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Baby Names
What are some girl names ending in nee nie or ney?
Asked by Wiki User
Sure thing, honey! Here are some girl names that end in “nee,” “nie,” or “ney”: Stephanie, Melanie, Sydney, and Courtney. Hope tha
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Baby Names
What is a the weigh of a male and female scorpion?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, isn’t that a fascinating question! Scorpions can vary in size and weight depending on their species and age. On average, a male scorpion may weigh between
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Baby Names
How do you find out the meaning of your name?
Asked by Wiki User
To find out the meaning of your name, you can start by researching its etymology, which is the study of the origin and history of words. You can use online reso
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History, Politics & Society
What was cardigan named after?
Asked by Wiki User
O nome da peça é cardigan, também grafado como cardigã. Trata-se de um tipo de casaco de malha fina, geralmente com botões e sem gola, que pode ser usado tanto
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Baby Names
Most popular Chinese names?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, hot diggity dog! Some of the most popular Chinese names include Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu, and Chen. But hey, don’t get your knickers in a twist if you were ex
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Baby Names
Muslims girls name without vowels?
Asked by Wiki User
jesa k aap jaante hain k Vowels k means Arab k hain jistarah urdu main zer, zabar paish k bagher koi alfaz nhi banta aise hi aisa koi word ya nam nhi hosakta q
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Baby Names
What are some girl crayfish names?
Asked by Wiki User
When naming girl crayfish, you can consider names that reflect their colors or personalities. Some popular options include Ruby, Coral, Scarlet, or Ginger for r
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Baby Names
What is a male name of barmaid?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, a male barmaid is called a bartender. It’s not rocket science, just common sense. So next time you see a guy mixing drinks behind the bar, you can
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Baby Names
What is the correct spelling of girls name Georgia?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, Georgia is spelled just like the state, my friend. G-E-O-R-G-I-A. Just like painting happy little trees, spelling can be a calming and joyful experience.
laughing bird dry red 1.5 liter ราคา
December 1, 2024 at 12:24 AM
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December 1, 2024 at 10:31 AM
The GCF is 3.
December 1, 2024 at 2:16 PM
As of the current exchange rate, 50 US dollars is equivalent to approximately 750 South African rand.
The exchange rate between the US dollar and the South Afri
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Hobbies & Collectibles
What are the odds of sinking 8 ball on the break
twice in a row?
Asked by Wiki User
The odds of sinking the 8 ball on the break in a standard game of pool are typically around 1 in 40.
To calculate the odds of sinking it twice in a row, you wou
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What sports are gliding joints used in?
Asked by Wiki User
An example of a physical activity that uses the gliding joint is dribbling
the ball in hockey by moving the hockey stick over and back
December 1, 2024 at 3:59 PM
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December 1, 2024 at 7:16 PM
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke
with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately
went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À Deux could
be streamed now – got candid about potentially playing the
supervillain before he actually portrayed him.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he
spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about
portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of
reasons. I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where
you go: “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after
Ledger (pictured) posthumously earned Best Supporting
Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009
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Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously earned Best Supporting
Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming to me saying, “You are definitely the person.”
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met. But I know
that we met, and my feeling was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months
of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a
fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind his daughter, who was two years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is now available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort
to recoup some of Warner Bros. investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200
million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed
that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about portraying Joker over
a decade before
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months of physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
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Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution,
according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.
sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report,
saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives”
are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor is reported
as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s opening in China,
and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2
million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three
days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore
in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box
office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga seen in a still
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October
29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, according to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200
million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet
ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019
film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had
earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year
and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of
31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director Todd
Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to
do with DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James
Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA
premiere afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck,
mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a DC Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears
at the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC and
Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips
due to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca
and Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter:
‘With all due respect to them, this is kind of a Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with Phillips shortly
after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to
filming in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20 per cent less.
A source directly involved with the film recently shared: ‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are,
you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the
film at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed
back – with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring
the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
จัดดอกไม้งานขาว ดํา ใกล้ฉัน
December 1, 2024 at 8:27 PM
The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman who may soon occupy the White House
is not named Kamala Harris.
In her new No.1 New York Times best-selling memoir, Melania Trump shares
a revealing look into her personal life and journey – from a childhood in small-town Slovenia, to
globetrotting pursuits as a young model, to her
courtship and marriage to one of the world’s most famous men.
She also corrects the record, challenges her critics and clarifies her positions on a range of issues
from abortion (she’s pro-choice) to the inclusion of biological men in women’s sports (female
athletes must always be ‘protected and respected’).
In fact, she sounds like many female voters grappling with the whiplash changes wrought by Joe
Biden and Kamala Harris’s time in the White House.
The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman who may soon occupy the White House is not named Kamala
Harris. (Pictured: Kellyanne with Donald and Melania Trump
at the White House in 2019).
‘The country is suffering,’ she writes. ‘We have wars around the
world… The border is open and dangerous… a lot of fentanyl is coming over and killing our youth….
The economy is really not great, inflation is high.’
I’ve known and worked alongside Melania for many years,
and regard her as a friend.
She has been unfairly maligned and the target of so much speculation and prevarication. That is why it has been so wonderful to see her own ‘October
Surprise’, a memoir in her own words on her own timeline, showing the
measured, magnanimous woman tens of millions of Americans adore.
Earlier this year, Melania and I lost our mothers just weeks apart.
Even as she navigated her loss in public view, Melania
made every effort to be there for me. She and President Trump called, sent flowers, handwritten notes and
checked in with me time and again.
After my divorce was finalized last year, Melania showed
up again, supporting me as any caring friend would and
encouraging me to swing open soldered doors following a time of
personal upheaval and transition.
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KELLYANNE CONWAY: Don’s back! Here’s his new 2024 blueprint
And it was the same story when we worked together in the
White House. While Jill Biden has insisted on being
called ‘Doctor’, Melania was admired and beloved by the political and permanent staffers alike,
asking after their children by name, welcoming them to events big and small, and treating them with inclusivity and
Known as a protective and present mother, Melania now uses her memoir
to call out the ‘sheer malice’ of unfunny comic Rosie O’Donnell who, in 2016, tweeted despicable
and totally unfounded claims about Barron, then aged 10.
It was just weeks after Trump had stunned the world and won, and
the same liberal media and Hollywood types, who
perpetuated every vicious attack against him, reveled
as O’Donnell’s vile lie wormed its way across social media.
It was a shock to see such naked cruelty towards a First Child,
especially when so many of us had treated Chelsea Clinton and the Obama
daughters like Fabergé eggs. Kids (including mine) should always be
off limits.
I’ve known and worked alongside Melania for many years, and regard
her as a friend. (Pictured together in 2018 visiting Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center).
Earlier this year, Melania and I lost our mothers just weeks apart.
Even as she navigated her loss in public view, Melania made every effort to be
there for me. She and President Trump called, sent flowers, handwritten notes and checked in with me time and again. (Pictured:
Together with Trump in the White House in 2019).
But instead of going to war, Melania acted swiftly and
tenderly to shield her son. She channeled maternal
outrage into a first lady’s focus on initiatives centered around children’s
wellness and cyberbullying awareness. Her ‘Be Best’ campaign remains a highlight of her
time in office.
Melania has never been one for preening and posturing. Other
first ladies used their roles to land on the cover of
fashion magazines, but she did so on her own, years before, as a successful
Even when I’ve suggested she push back on myriad false claims made by
the media or ungrateful former staffers who have returned her trust in them with self-serving
lies and revisionist history, she has declined, knowing that her silence is always
more powerful.
Behind closed doors, Trump has, for decades, regarded his wife as a top confidante and counselor.
Whether as an international business mogul, a TV star or, lately, leader of the free world,
it is Melania’s opinion that he has consistently sought.
Trump enjoys the company of plenty of friends, taking a range of advice, but he speaks of – and to – Melania in an entirely unique way.
Really, he fears yet reveres her. He respects her independence, seeks her input,
trusts her keen eye, sharp ear and sense of people.
I have witnessed their relationship up close, and it
is one fundamentally built on mutual love and respect.
Recently, as Barron was heading off for college and Melania was preparing to publish her memoir, I jokingly asked Trump how it might feel to be the second most popular man and
the second most prominent author in the household.
He chuckled and relented.
Melania Trump has plenty to say and nothing to prove.
She is not a typical political spouse rushing to the cameras on matters that are best handled privately, or loudly offering insights or slights about her husband’s political opponents
à la Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.
She is an asset, a partner, an equal who is neither trying to control – looking
at you, Jill Biden – nor controlled by her partner. She is what many feminists insist they are:
independent, a product of her own choices, comfortable in her own skin.
She has been by Trump’s side the entire time. Though never in his shadow.
In fact, from that very first moment they descended the golden escalator, she’s
been leading the way.
December 1, 2024 at 9:52 PM
M. Night Shyamalan threw an epic Halloween party in Philadelphia on Saturday
The Sixth Sense director, 54, dressed as the villainous Joker for his ‘Shyamaween’ bash.
His makeup was perfectly creepy and his costume was from the 2008 film The Dark Knight, which saw the late Heath Ledger play the iconic villain.
Shyamalan’s wife, Dr. Bhavna Shyamalan, 55, looked beautiful in an amber-colored, Victorian era gown with bats all over
Her makeup was a cross between zombie and goth as she proudly
posed next to her talented husband who looked adoringly at her.
M. Night Shyamalan threw an epic Halloween party in Philadelphia on Saturday night
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Josh Hartnett draws comparisons between his new thriller, Taylor Swift
The couple’s daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended the party dressed as
a blood-soaked cheerleader.
The Shyamalans throw the party annually to benefit the M.
Night Shyamalan Foundation.
The foundation ‘supports the grassroots efforts of
emerging leaders as they work to eliminate the barriers created by poverty
and social injustice in their communities,’ according to its
M. Night shot to fame in 1999 with his film The Sixth Sense, which
celebrated turning 25-years-old in August.
Shyamalan recently opened up about that film’s
impact on his career in an interview with People.
‘At this point, there’s so many generations of people
that have watched [my] different movies,’ the director said.
He added that some, people ‘only know me from [2015 movie] The Visit from then on, so they don’t even know about The Sixth Sense.
So when I think about that, it’s wild.’
‘Each movie, I feel this way — that I don’t know if it’ll ever get made.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get to make another one… “If this is the last one, I want it to just represent me,”‘ he continued.
Dubbed ‘Shyamaween,’ the Sixth Sense director, 54, dressed as
the Joker from the recently released film Joker: Folie à Deux starring Lady
Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix
His makeup was perfectly creepy and he wore a woman’s nurse’s uniform to complete
his costume
The couple’s daughter, Isha Shyamalan, 25, attended the party dressed
as a blood-soaked cheerleader
The Shyamalans throw the party annually to benefit the
M. Night Shyamalan Foundation
Heath Ledger’s 2008 portrayal of The Joker was M. Night’s inspiration for his costume
this year
Shyamalan, who was born in Mahé India but grew up in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, released two films in the 1990s before The Sixth Sense.
That set off a string a big hits for the filmmaker that includes Unbreakable
(2000), Signs (2002) and The Village (2004), that ultimately ended with the release of Lady
In The Water (2006), which barely covered the $70 million budget.
His biggest box office success was with The Sixth Sense, grossing
$672.8 million while working with a $40 million budget 25
years ago.
To date, the film made $6.6 million on its
first day, including an estimated $2.2 million from the Thursday night
December 2, 2024 at 6:42 AM
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
December 2, 2024 at 8:15 AM
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about
playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À Deux could be
streamed now – got candid about potentially playing the
supervillain before he actually portrayed him.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of reasons.
I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go: “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger
(pictured) posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark
Knight in 2009
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd
Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming
to me saying, “You are definitely the person.”
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met. But I know
that we met, and my feeling was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also
was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing
following months of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail
of drugs, leaving behind his daughter, who was two
years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its
theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is now available
to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some
of Warner Bros. investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised
to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about
portraying Joker over a decade before
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months of
physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux
as box office champ
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the
film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to
the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by
theaters — though Warner Bros. sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying ‘Any estimates suggested by
anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues
a trend where rumor is reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included
with this week’s opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout
its home viewing and ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a
surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being
slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book
movie history as the film bombed at the box office
on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’
and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga,
can be streamed now, just weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga seen in a still
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, according to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit
for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at
the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which
had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took
on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore
— the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters
earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds
a higher score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being
a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with
director Todd Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with
DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere
afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes
maybe $150 [million] worldwide. Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a DC Studios
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed
between Phillips, DC and Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca,
Chairperson of Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CEO Pamela
Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips due
to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC
two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he
told a reporter: ‘With all due respect to them,
this is kind of a Warner Bros. movie.’
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met
with Phillips shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20
per cent less.
A source directly involved with the film recently shared: ‘The one thing about
genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations
are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd Phillips seen with
Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get
through to Todd. And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at the Venice Film Festival, but
Phillips pushed back – with a Warner spokesman saying the
studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel
include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
December 2, 2024 at 8:33 AM
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December 2, 2024 at 9:14 AM
To challenge someone is to dare someone
December 3, 2024 at 11:09 AM
Oh, dude, there are some fish out there that are like, “I’m too cool for that carnivorous life.” Fish like the peaceful herbivores, such as
the majest
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Care of Fish
Why do meat and fish stay fresh in cans?
Asked by Wiki User
Meat and fish stay fresh in cans due to the process of canning, which involves sealing
the food in an airtight container and heating it to a
high temperature to
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Care of Fish
What do pet sea snails eat?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, hello there, my friend! Pet sea snails enjoy a diet
of algae, plankton, and sometimes even small particles of
fish or shrimp. It’s important to provide th
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Care of Fish
Name of fish that begins with an A?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, you’re really testing my fish knowledge
here. Alright, let’s see… how about the angelfish? Yeah,
that’s right, it starts with an A. Like, not to bra
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Care of Fish
How will feeding fish with fish food affect the survival of
the fish?
Asked by Wiki User
Well to me it means a lot because the fish are a bit like us.
They need food to stay nice a healthy and if you do not feed the fish for
a long time it will star
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Care of Fish
What eats benthic fish?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, like, lots of things eat benthic fish!
You’ve got your sharks, seals, sea birds, and even some larger fish like groupers and snappers.
It’s like a buf
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Care of Fish
Do betta fish really eat other fish?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, betta fish can be pretty territorial and
aggressive, especially the males. They might snack on some smaller fish if they
get the chance, but it’s not
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Care of Fish
What are the similarities between a dog and a sea crab?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, darling, both a dog and a sea crab have legs, they can move around, and they have sensory organs
to help them navigate their environments. But let’s be re
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Care of Fish
Where to catch a wild betta in Malaysia?
Asked by Wiki User
in rivers.
December 3, 2024 at 4:21 PM
Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage and Jack Nicholson’s
son Ray – emerged as the winner after a horror movie box office showdown.
The fright flick eclipsed hot contender Terrifier 3 for the top
The Smile sequel starring Scott, 31, as a pop star who begins experiencing terrifying and inexplicable events as she prepares for a world tour, opened wide in more than 3,
600 theaters, pulling in a payday of $23 million.
Ray, whose mom is Nicholson’s former partner Rebecca Broussard, shocked fans with an eerie grin in the new movie,
which was near-identical to the Oscar-winner’s maniacal smile as Jack Torrance in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, The Shining.
In a legendary scene, an insane Jack hacks at a bathroom door with an axe as his cowering wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) screams inside.
As he busts a hole in the door, he sticks his face through, grins and exclaims: ‘Here’s
Johnny!’ in an improvised line.
The original Smile, released in September 2022, and starring Sosie Bacon,
was a sleeper hit, which was well received and earned $217,408,513 globally.
Smile 2 has received a 83-percent critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes
and an 83-percent Popcornmeter rating from audiences.
Smile 2 stars Jack Nicholson’s son Ray (left). In the new horror, he recreated the Oscar-winner’s
maniacal smile as Jack Torrance in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic,
The Shining
Smile 2’s big win at the box office has production companies Paramount
Pictures and Temple Hill beaming from ear to ear. The
fright flight opened in first place with a payday of $23 million
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Smile 2 actor is spitting image of horror icon father
in eerie scene
The Wild Robot remained in second place after making its debut
last week.
The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who lands on an island inhabited only by wild
animals has delighted audiences young and not so young to the tune of $10.1 million, according to Box Office Mojo.
Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to third place.
In this latest chapter of the franchise, Art the Clown is determined to slash his way through a small town preparing for
the Christmas holidays in order to finish the work he started with a Halloween massacre in Terrifier 2.
Audiences have enjoyed the chase. Terrifier 3 kicked up more than $9.3 million in ticket sales.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground to the new arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at theaters across
the nation.
The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega conjured up an even $5 million and a
fourth place finish.
Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We Live in Time.
Naomi Scott stars in Smile 2 as a pop star preparing for a world tour
who encounters a series of terrifying and inexplicable events
The Wild Robot remained in second place after making its debut
last week. The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who lands on an island inhabited
only by wild animals has delighted audiences young and not so young to the
tune of $10.1 million this week
Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to
third place. The story follows Art the Clown as he
tries to slash his way through a small town preparing for the
Christmas holidays. The fright flick pulled in more than $9.3 million in ticket sales
The romantic drama, starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh as a couple who
find themselves in a race against time, is a hit with critics and audiences alike, earning $4.185 million over
the weekend.
Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences
lose interested in the Joker sequel.
After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix and
Lady Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take of $2.18 million.
The movie has yet to cover its $200 million budget, but is inching toward it.
So far the comic inspired film has collected $191,942,948 globally.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground to the new arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at theaters across
the nation. The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder
and Jenna Ortega conjured up an even $5 million and a fourth place finish
Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We Live in Time.
The romantic drama starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh as a couple who
find themselves in a race against time is a hit with critics
and audiences alike, earning $4.185 million over the
Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to sixth place.
The musical adventure told with Lego characters to illustrate the singer and songwriter’s
rise to fame continues to do well with audiences, this week putting together a payday of $2.1 million.
Transformers One parked in eighth place.
Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences lose interested in the
Joker sequel. After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take of $2.18 million
Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to
sixth place with payday of $2.1 million
Transformers One parked in eighth place with earnings of nearly $2 million
Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the first ever episode of late night staple Saturday
Night Live, dropped in the ratings to ninth place making $1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters
The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top ten with $1.129 million beneath the tree
The animated adventure starring the voices of Chris Hemsworth and Brian Tyree Henry in the origin story for the
beloved Optimus Prime and the evil Megatron roared away with nearly $2 million.
Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the first ever episode of late night staple Saturday Night Live, dropped in the ratings to ninth
The dramady starring Gabriel LaBell as SNL creator Lorne Michaels made $1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters.
The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top
ten. The Tim Burton animated classic found $1.129 million under the
tree, as the film enjoys a renaissance with fans and
their progeny celebrating some three decades since it first appeared in theaters.
Naomi ScottJack NicholsonLukas Gage
December 6, 2024 at 12:24 PM
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จัดดอกไม้งานขาว ดํา ใกล้ฉัน
December 6, 2024 at 1:19 PM
Well, isn’t that a happy little question! Belfast is
not a national capital out of the options you’ve given. But remember, mistakes are just happy accidents – s
Read more
Where is Swiss franc used?
Asked by Wiki User
The Swiss franc is the official currency in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
December 6, 2024 at 1:25 PM
To find the perimeter of 150 acres, we need to know the
shape of the land. Since acres measure area, we can’t directly calculate the perimeter without additiona
Read more
Math and Arithmetic
How many meters in 50 sq meter?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, I see what you did there! So, if you’re talking
about a square area that’s 50 square meters, it means it’s
50 meters by 1 meter. So, technically, ther
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How many square feet in 4ft by 7ft?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width.
In this case, the length is 7 feet and the width is 4 feet.
Therefore, the area of a 4ft
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What is the area if the length is 9 and width is 3?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width.
In this case, the length is 9 units and the width
is 3 units. Therefore, the area of the
Read more
Math and Arithmetic
How many square inches are there in a 6 inch diameter circle?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a circle, you use the formula A = πr^2, where r is the radius of
the circle. In this case, the radius is half
of the diameter, so the radius
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Math and Arithmetic
How many tiles per square meter in 60×60 cm tile?
Asked by Wiki User
To calculate the number of tiles per square meter for a 60×60 cm tile, we first convert
the tile dimensions to square meters. A 60×60 cm tile is 0.36 square met
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Math and Arithmetic
How many square centimeters is the earth?
Asked by Wiki User
I am an astronomer I study the earth and it’s features there are100983533628719239843783428887313567890086632135679909876653112400009199182837374646464546833987
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How many square feet is Asia?
Asked by Wiki User
Asia is a continent, not a two-dimensional shape, so it does not have a specific area in square feet.
It covers approximately 17.2 million square miles, making
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How many square feet in 36 x 32?
Asked by Wiki User
To calculate the square footage of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width.
In this case, 36 x 32 equals 1,152 square feet.
This is because 36 feet mu
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How many square feet in a backyard 20X30 feet?
Asked by Wiki User
As given , NONE!!!! However, if you mean 20ft X 30ft. then the answer is
600 sq.ft. NB note the insertion of units for the first dimension. Note the answe
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How big is 9 meter square?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, 9 meters square is like… well, it’s 9 meters by 9 meters, so that’s like 81 square meters.
It’s not rocket science, just basic math, you know?
So, y
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Math and Arithmetic
One square inch is divided into how many quarter-inch squares?
Asked by Wiki User
One square inch can be divided into sixteen quarter-inch squares.
This is because each side of the square inch can be
divided into four equal parts to create a
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What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 8 yd?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a circle, you use the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius
of the circle. Since the diameter is 8 yards, the radius is
Read more
Math and Arithmetic
1 yard equals to how many square feet?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh honey, a yard is 3 feet, so if you want to know how many square feet are in a
yard, just square that bad boy. 3 feet times 3 feet equals 9 square feet in a y
Read more
Math and Arithmetic
How many sq ft are in a 6×7 ft room?
Asked by Wiki User
Floor . . . . . 42 sq ftCeiling . . . . 42 sq ftWalls .
. . need to know the height of the room in order
to calculate the wallsIf I’ve understand the question c
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How big is 6 square feet?
Asked by Wiki User
To determine the size of 6 square feet, you would need to calculate the area of
a square with sides measuring approximately 2.45 feet each.
This can be found by
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What is the area of a square if the sides are 6 inches long?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a square, you multiply the length of one side by itself.
In this case, if the sides are 6 inches long,
the area would be 6 inches * 6 inches
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Home Buying
If land is 600 feet wide how many feet long would 58 acres be?
Asked by Wiki User
To calculate the length of the land, we first need to know how many square feet are in 58 acres and
then divide it by the width (600 feet). 1 acre = 43,560 sq
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What is the area on the map called that is a strip of water
that connects the Tasman Sea with the Southern Ocean?
Asked by Esteban Fernando
The area on the map that connects the Tasman Sea with the Southern Ocean is known as
the Bass Strait. It is a narrow strip of water located between the southeas
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Math and Arithmetic
How many square in 576 square feet?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the number of square inches in 576 square feet,
you first need to convert square feet to square inches.
Since 1 square foot is equal to 144 square inche
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Math and Arithmetic
How many cement bricks in a square meter?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, you’re really into the nitty-gritty, huh?
Well, technically speaking, it depends on the size of the cement bricks, but typically, for standard-sized
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Math and Arithmetic
How many square feet is 15 feet by 12 feet?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width.
In this case, the area of a rectangle that is
15 feet by 12 feet would be 15 x 12 = 180 s
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Math and Arithmetic
How many inches is 32 square inches?
Asked by Wiki User
To determine the length of one side of a square with an area of 32 square inches,
you need to find the square root of 32. The square root of
32 is approximately
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How many square feet in a 16×18 foot room?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, what a delightful question! To find the square footage of a room,
you simply multiply the length by the width. In this case,
a 16×18 foot room would be 288
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What does S mean in area?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, “S” in the context of area usually stands for “surface area.” It’s like the total
area of all the surfaces of a three-dimensional
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December 10, 2024 at 11:03 AM
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher
Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À Deux could be streamed
now – got candid about potentially playing the supervillain before he
actually portrayed him.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he
revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning
filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of reasons.
I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go: “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker
Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to
Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was
11 years after Ledger (pictured) posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009
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Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker
which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The
Dark Knight in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming to me saying, “You are definitely the person.”
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met. But I know that we met, and my feeling
was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing
following months of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind his daughter, who was two years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga,
is now available to rent from home starting October
29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner
Bros. investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose
at least $150 million to $200 million in its
theatrical run’ according to the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke
to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about portraying Joker over a decade before
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally
overdosing following months of physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
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Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at
the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut
taken by theaters — though Warner Bros. sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report,
saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a
trend where rumor is reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally
after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film
was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’
and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday,
October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now,
just weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga
seen in a still
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October
29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros. investment into the film, according
to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to
the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film
was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being
slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took
on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal
in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel
(Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the
lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and
also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score
of 31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director Todd Phillips’ process
telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn
and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA
premiere afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a DC
Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the
end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips,
DC and Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner
Bros. Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips due to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy rather than Gunn
and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the
studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter:
‘With all due respect to them, this is kind of a Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also
met with Phillips shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery
merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at
a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have
cost around 20 per cent less.
A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what
the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd Phillips
seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported
the decision to film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could
get through to Todd. And the one thing about genre stuff:
If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the
fan expectations are, you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at
the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back –
with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie
Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
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Saturn’s temperatures vary depending on the location within its atmosphere.
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Oh, what a lovely question! Wangari Maathai lived in Kenya, a beautiful country in East Africa.
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December 13, 2024 at 10:11 AM
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ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
December 13, 2024 at 4:53 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ
December 13, 2024 at 8:54 PM
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December 13, 2024 at 9:34 PM
ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี
และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ
หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
December 14, 2024 at 4:46 AM
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
terea บุหรี่ ราคา
December 16, 2024 at 9:59 PM
IQOS TEREA เหมาะสำหรับผู้ที่มองหาทางเลือกใหม่ ช่วยลดกลิ่นที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ได้ดี
IQOS TEREA ลองเปรียบเทียบราคาจากหลายแหล่งเพื่อความคุ้มค่า จะได้สินค้าที่ตรงกับความต้องการที่สุด
ใครเคยลอง IQOS terea บุหรี่ ราคา บ้าง ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ เพื่อเป็นข้อมูลสำหรับคนที่สนใจ
terea japan
December 18, 2024 at 2:50 AM
IQOS TEREA เป็นนวัตกรรมใหม่สำหรับคนที่ชื่นชอบการสูบ ช่วยลดกลิ่นที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ได้ดี
หากต้องการซื้อ IQOS terea japan ควรหาซื้อจากตัวแทนจำหน่ายที่เชื่อถือได้ จะได้สินค้าที่ตรงกับความต้องการที่สุด
ใครมีร้านแนะนำสำหรับซื้อ IQOS TEREA บ้าง ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ
ไวน์ หวาน
December 21, 2024 at 3:05 PM
ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ กำลังมองหาไวน์นำเข้าคุณภาพดีอยู่
ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ การรู้จักไวน์ หวานที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
รู้สึกว่าเว็บนี้ตอบโจทย์คนรักไวน์มากจริงๆ ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น เว็บไซต์นี้เหมาะกับคนที่อยากเรียนรู้เรื่องไวน์มาก
ค่ะ ขอบคุณมากค่ะ!
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December 29, 2024 at 1:47 AM
В современную цифровую эру все больше пользователей сталкиваются с непростым выбором: что делать со устаревшим домашним кинотеатром при покупке современного телевизора? Многие заблуждаются, что придется приобретать новую акустическую систему. Однако есть несколько эффективных способов совмещения прежней, но качественной техники с новыми устройствами. Такое решение не только поможет сэкономить значительную сумму, но и позволит продолжить использование проверенным временем оборудованием. В случае, если вам интересно, то по url можно прочитать о том [url=https://1wyws.top/ ]как включить домашний кинотеатр без пульта [/url] и много других познавательных материалов в дневнике 1wyws.top.
В статье подробно описываются различные варианты соединения старых домашних кинотеатров к современным телевизорам – от применения HDMI-интерфейса с поддержкой технологии ARC до соединения через оптический выход или традиционные аналоговые разъемы. Каждый метод сопровождается детальными руководствами и практическими советами. Особое внимание уделяется совместимости различных типов соединений и возможным техническим ограничениям. Пользователи найдут полезную таблицу совместимости разъемов, которая поможет быстро определить оптимальный способ подключения.
Публикация также включает подробное описание типичных сложностей, возникающих при подключении устройств разных поколений, и действенные способы их решения. Авторы делятся практическими советами по настройке звука и оптимизации работы системы. Пошаговые инструкции позволят даже неопытным пользователям успешно выполнить подключение самостоятельно. Особенно важным является раздел с описанием возможных сложностей и методов их устранения, что поможет избежать многих распространенных ошибок при настройке оборудования.
Источник: [url=https://1wyws.top/tehnologii/330-kak-podklyuchit-staryj-domashnij-kinoteatr-k-novomu-televizoru/ ]https://1wyws.top/tehnologii/330-kak-podklyuchit-staryj-domashnij-kinoteatr-k-novomu-televizoru/ [/url]
Рад был бы оказать помощь по вопросам как разместить колонки в домашнем кинотеатре – обращайтесь в Telegram yyc53
December 29, 2024 at 2:26 PM
В современную цифровую эру все больше людей сталкиваются с непростым выбором: что делать со старым домашним кинотеатром при покупке нового телевизора? Многие думают, что придется приобретать новую акустическую систему. Однако существует несколько эффективных способов объединения прежней, но качественной техники с новыми устройствами. Такое решение не только сбережет значительную сумму, но и позволит дальше пользоваться проверенным временем оборудованием. Если вам любопытно, то по ссылке можно ознакомиться о том [url=https://1wyws.top/ ]как подключить домашний кинотеатр свен к телевизору [/url] и другие интересные статей в дневнике 1wyws.top.
В материале подробно разбираются различные варианты подключения старых домашних кинотеатров к современным телевизорам – от применения HDMI-интерфейса с поддержкой технологии ARC до соединения через оптический выход или традиционные аналоговые разъемы. Каждый метод сопровождается детальными руководствами и практическими рекомендациями. Особое внимание отводится совместимости различных типов соединений и возможным техническим ограничениям. Читатели найдут полезную таблицу совместимости разъемов, которая поможет быстро выбрать оптимальный способ подключения.
Публикация также включает подробное описание типичных проблем, возникающих при подключении устройств разных поколений, и действенные способы их решения. Авторы делятся практическими советами по настройке звука и оптимизации работы системы. Пошаговые инструкции позволят даже неопытным пользователям успешно произвести подключение самостоятельно. Особенно ценным является раздел с описанием возможных сложностей и методов их устранения, что поможет не допустить многих распространенных ошибок при настройке оборудования.
Источник: [url=https://1wyws.top/tehnologii/330-kak-podklyuchit-staryj-domashnij-kinoteatr-k-novomu-televizoru/ ]https://1wyws.top/tehnologii/330-kak-podklyuchit-staryj-domashnij-kinoteatr-k-novomu-televizoru/ [/url]
Рад был бы оказать помощь по вопросам как к телевизору lg подключить домашний кинотеатр samsung – обращайтесь в Telegram uqd06
January 7, 2025 at 11:44 PM
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January 8, 2025 at 2:06 AM
Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found a sea shell
and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to
her ear and screamed. There was a hermit creab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know tthis is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!
my page … ขายไวน์ราคาส่ง
January 12, 2025 at 5:35 AM
Arizona Cardinals starting quarterback Kyler Murray (1) stands on the sideline after leaving with an injury during the second half of an NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019, in Seattle. (AP Photo Elaine Thompson) When looking at a team to bet on in the NFL Super Bowl Futures, you need to study the team. Does the team have a history of winning Super Bowls lately? Has the team gained or lost players that can help them in the hunt for a Super Bowl win? Have key players been injured that could hurt a team’s performance? Bet on Cardinals to win the Super Bowl and plenty more with BetMGM. Head to BetMGM using our link and enter the bonus code “GNPLAY” for special offers! Since Mahomes took over as the starting quarterback in 2018, the Chiefs have won at least 12 games in every regular season. They’ve won the AFC West in every season. During each season of the Mahomes era, the Chiefs have made it to at least the AFC championship game. They have two Super Bowl wins, one Super Bowl loss, and two AFC championship game losses over that span.
Now with Justin Rose, he would certainly be a solid pick to make for the BMW Championship. He hasn’t been the most elite in his last five, but he has shown that he can linger among the favorites and even finish in an elite position — he did that with a third-place tally at the U.S. Open, which is obviously a major tournament. But check out his other performances as well, they aren’t too shabby: 10th at the Northern Trust, 11th at the WGC-FedEx St. Jude Invitational, 13th at the Memorial Tournament pres. by Nationwide and 20th at The Open Championship. He obviously isn’t the best pick, but as I said, he’s a solid one — especially at +1600 odds, there’s some profitability there. He also finished 20th in Strokes Gained Putting which yielded a gain of 3.168 strokes or almost a quarter of his overall gain. He squared only 4 bogeys for the week and racked up 5 Birdies in each of the four rounds. Other stats for the week include T8 for Driving Accuracy, 9th for Driving Distance, T5 for GIR and 30th in Putts per GIR..
January 17, 2025 at 1:41 AM
В текущем пространстве портативных технологий повербанк является важным гаджетом для владельцев телефонов и других переносных устройств. Это портативное зарядное устройство является автономный аккумулятор с встроенным батареей, дающий возможность заряжать различные устройства где угодно. На рынке доступно множество моделей, включая современные решения, такие как [url=https://powerbanki.top/ ]Топ 10 пауэрбанков на powerbanki.top [/url], которые позволяют подзаряжать устройства даже в экстремальных условиях. Основными характеристиками при выборе являются емкость аккумулятора, количество портов, скорость зарядки и поддержка различных протоколов быстрой зарядки.
Пристальное внимание необходимо обратить выбору повербанка для iPhone, принимая во внимание уникальность зарядки устройств Apple. Актуальные беспроводные повербанки поддерживают технологию MagSafe, гарантируя максимально простое использование с iPhone 12 и более современными моделями. При выборе необходимо обратить внимание на сертификацию MFi (Made for iPhone), которая гарантирует безопасность использования устройства с устройствами Apple. Емкие модели с емкостью 50000 mAh способны обеспечить до 10-12 полных зарядов iPhone, а также работают для зарядки MacBook и других ноутбуков благодаря поддержке USB Power Delivery.
Источник: [url=https://powerbanki.top/ ]https://powerbanki.top/ [/url]
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March 2, 2025 at 4:17 AM
equilibrado dinamico
Aparatos de equilibrado: esencial para el rendimiento uniforme y eficiente de las maquinarias.
En el entorno de la ciencia contemporanea, donde la efectividad y la seguridad del aparato son de alta relevancia, los aparatos de balanceo desempenan un papel fundamental. Estos dispositivos adaptados estan desarrollados para balancear y regular componentes dinamicas, ya sea en maquinaria industrial, automoviles de traslado o incluso en electrodomesticos hogarenos.
Para los especialistas en mantenimiento de equipos y los especialistas, operar con equipos de calibracion es esencial para asegurar el funcionamiento estable y estable de cualquier mecanismo giratorio. Gracias a estas opciones tecnologicas avanzadas, es posible reducir considerablemente las oscilaciones, el estruendo y la esfuerzo sobre los cojinetes, aumentando la vida util de elementos valiosos.
Igualmente relevante es el papel que tienen los aparatos de equilibrado en la soporte al comprador. El ayuda profesional y el conservacion constante aplicando estos sistemas habilitan proporcionar asistencias de excelente calidad, incrementando la contento de los clientes.
Para los titulares de empresas, la contribucion en sistemas de equilibrado y detectores puede ser importante para mejorar la efectividad y eficiencia de sus dispositivos. Esto es especialmente trascendental para los emprendedores que gestionan reducidas y pequenas empresas, donde cada punto importa.
Tambien, los dispositivos de balanceo tienen una vasta aplicacion en el campo de la fiabilidad y el monitoreo de estandar. Habilitan localizar posibles problemas, previniendo intervenciones onerosas y problemas a los sistemas. Tambien, los resultados recopilados de estos equipos pueden emplearse para perfeccionar sistemas y mejorar la presencia en motores de exploracion.
Las areas de uso de los dispositivos de equilibrado abarcan numerosas sectores, desde la elaboracion de vehiculos de dos ruedas hasta el supervision de la naturaleza. No influye si se trata de extensas fabricaciones productivas o limitados establecimientos caseros, los aparatos de equilibrado son indispensables para proteger un funcionamiento productivo y sin presencia de detenciones.
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