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Man Commits Suicide After Losing Boss’ N150k To Gambling In Bayelsa



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An employee reportedly committed suicide in Bayelsa last week, after losing his boss’ N150k to gambling in Bayelsa.

The Nation reported that the deceased staked the money on a virtual game which lasts less than two minutes and is controlled by computers. The man who was identified simply as Suga used the money realized on the day of the incident to play the virtual game.

An eyewitness said;

 “Suga, not knowing how to explain the situation to his boss, made him to take his own life.”

This increases the number of people who have died from betting and gambling since last year in the state to three.

Bayelsa police spokesperson Asinim Butswat said though the police is aware of the incident, it has not been reported officially.

Butswat said;

“The Divisional Police Officer of Bassambri Nembe said the incident was not reported officially to the police. He, however, said they heard about the incident.”

Yung Zeelee, C.E.O/Founder Of TRENDJAMZ MEDIA & 47trends, Computer Engineer | UI/UX Designer | Web Developer | Music PR/Blogger brings you the Nigerian News, Music and All Informative Messages On This Medium. Connect With Me Via: Twitter: @Iamyungzeelee_ Instagram: @Iamyungzeelee Facebook: Yung ZEELEE MD Zillz Call/Whatsapp: +2348074130688



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