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Foreign Movies

MOVIE: Monsters of Man (2020)



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A robotics company vying to win a lucrative military contract team up with a corrupt CIA agent to conduct an illegal live field test. They deploy four weaponized prototype robots into a suspected drug manufacturing camp in the Golden Triangle, assuming they’d be killing drug runners that no one would miss. Six doctors on a humanitarian mission witness the brutal slaughter and become prime targets.

Monsters of Man (2020)

Genre: Sci-Fi

IMDB Rating: 4.9/10

File Size: 343.55 MB

Starring: Brett Tutor, Jose Rosete, David Haverty, Paul Haapaniemi, Ryan Hough

Release Date: December 8, 2020

DOWNLOAD MOVIE: Monsters of Man (2020)

Yung Zeelee, C.E.O/Founder Of TRENDJAMZ MEDIA & 47trends, Computer Engineer | UI/UX Designer | Web Developer | Music PR/Blogger brings you the Nigerian News, Music and All Informative Messages On This Medium. Connect With Me Via: Twitter: @Iamyungzeelee_ Instagram: @Iamyungzeelee Facebook: Yung ZEELEE MD Zillz Call/Whatsapp: +2348074130688



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