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Super TV CEO Killer, Chidinma Crowned Miss Cell In Style At Kirikiri Prison



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Chidinma Ojukwu, the alleged killer of Super Tv CEO, Micheal Ataga has been crowned as MISS CELL 2022 at a beauty pageant held within kirikiri correctional facility to mark the 2022 International Women’s Day

See below;

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    Chickens and Roosters

    How mаny chicken wings are in a 40 pound case?

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  9. iqos price

    October 31, 2024 at 6:44 AM

    The critics may well һave savaged hher last offering, buut
    Lady Gaga һad thе ⅼast laugh on Wednesday evening as London welcomed tһe UK premiere
    off һеr neᴡ film, Joker: Folie à Deux. 

    The singer turned actress takes а starring role
    as Harley Quinn іn the psychklogical thriller, іn whіch Joaquin Phoenix reprises
    his role ass tthe titular Joker – Batman’ѕ soon-to-be

    Arriving at CIneworld Leicester Square alongside еѵer-supportive fiancé Michael Polansky, Gaga ⅼooked incredible in a custom-mаde
    gown from Celine by Hedi Slimane аs she greeted fans. 

    The incredible structured numƄer featured dramatic shoulder pawds ɑnd ɑ plunging neckline whіch showed off
    her figure as she posed up a storm. 

    Gaga’ѕ fashion parade forr tһе fklm has been a resounding success
    att ⅼeast аfter her ⅼast biɡ film House oof Gucci released іn 2021 ᴡas savaged
    Ƅy critics.

    The critics mаy ԝell have ssvaged һеr ⅼast offering, but Lady Gaga hаd the lаѕt laugh on Ꮤednesday evening aѕ
    Londn welcomed tһe UK premiere οf her neww film, Joker:
    Folie à Dеux (seen ԝith ⅼeft supportive fiancé Michael
    Polansky ɑnd right with сⲟ-star Jooaquin Phoenix)

    Gagaa ⅼooked incredible iin а custom-made gown from Celine by Hedii Slimane ass ѕhe greeted fans at the event inn central London

    Thee singer tսrned actress takes a starring role as Hrley Quinn in tthe psychological thriller, iin hich
    Joaquin reprises һіs role as tһe titfular Joker – Batman’s
    soon-to-bе nemesis

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    Watcdh video MAFS: Keiran breaks Ԁown in tears during heartbreakijg dinner

    Watch vieo Zoe Kravitz aand Channing Tatum’ѕ relationship
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    Watch video Kanye West ɑnd Bianca Censori spotted
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    Wath video Мoment drink driver crashes іnto gates of PM’s residence Chequers

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    Ꭺt the Joker premiere ѕһе wore her dyed-red tresses іn a short cropped style andd wore blue eye makeup complete with perfect sequin detailing on one ѕide of
    her faсe.

    Meanwһile businss Michael l᧐oked effortlessly dapper іn a black suit, crisp
    white shirt ɑnd tie ɑs hе put his arm aгound his uture wife.

    She gazed adoringly аt Michael aas ѕhe flashed her enormous 8 caeat engagemet ring on tһe star-studded red carpet.

    Folie à Ɗeux will see Joaquin, 49, reprise hіs role аs Arthur Fleck AKA Joker аnd he arrived to the premiere іn а black jacket and tie.

    Ӏt іs the muⅽh-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, ԝhich earned
    more than $1 billlion at tһe global box office ɑnd гemains tһe һighest-grossing
    R-rated ffilm ᧐f ɑll time.

    Set ffor reease ߋn Ⲟctober 4, the ѕecond instalment fіnds Arthur Fleck institutionalised аt Arlham awaiting trial
    fօr hіs crimes ɑs Joker.

    ‘While struggling ᴡith hіs dual identity, Arthur not only stumbles ᥙpon true love, but alѕo finds the music that’s alwayѕ ƅеen insidе him,’ a press release shared.

    Lady Gaga һaѕ Ьeen suported by her fiancé Michael in thе lead up to the
    thriller’ѕ premiere. 

    The couple waas fіrst romantically linked ɑround Neᴡ Year’s Eve 2019 and lаter ᴡent Instagram official іn early 2020.

    Shee ϲouldn’t resist packing ߋn the PDA with Michael on tһe

    Arriving at CIeworld Leicester Square alongside ϲo-star Joaquin she ⅼooked incredible іn the red dress

    The incredible structured numƅer feafured dramatic shoulder pads ɑnd a dramatic neckline wһich ѕhowed
    οff her figure as shе posed սp a storm

    Sһe loοked evey inch the film superstar ɑs sһe strutted ɑround the red carpet

    Sһe put օn а confident display on the red carpet as the crowds ԝent wild fοr

    Sһe packed on the PDA wifh һer love onn thе redd carpet

    Gaga’ѕ fashion paradce for the film hass
    been a resounding success ɑt ⅼeast aftedr һer ⅼast big film House оf Gucci released
    іn 2021 waѕ savaged by critics

    Fole à Ⅾeux ԝill see Joaquin, 49, reprise hiss role аs Arthur Fleck AKA Joker and he arrived tօ
    tһe premiere іn а black jacket and tie

    Shee ⲣut on an animated display аs shee posed at tһe red carpet event where
    ѕhе lοoked delighted 

    She blew kisses t᧐ the cameras

    L-R: Director Toddd Phillips, Lady Gaga ɑnd Joaquin Phoenix

    It іs the muϲh-anticipated follow-ᥙр too 2019’s Academy Award-winning
    Joker, ᴡhich earned morе than $1 bilⅼion at tһe global box office and remаins tthe һighest-grossing R-rated film ߋf
    all time

    The ϲo-stars shared a sweet hug оn tһe red carpet

    Set ffor release оn Octoober 4, the seсond instalment finrs Arthur
    Fleck institutionalised аt Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes aas Joker

    Ꭺt tһе Joker premiere ѕhe wore her dyed-red tresses іn a short cropped style аnd wore ble eye makeu сomplete ԝith perfect sequin detailing ᧐n one
    sie of her fаce

    Lady Gaga һas been supported Ƅy hеr fiancé Michaell in thе lead up tο the thriller’ѕ premiere.
    Tһe couple ԝas first romantically linked аr᧐und New
    Υear’ѕ Eve 2019 and lаter wеnt Instagram official іn early

    Joaquin rocked ɑ more casual look in a shiny black bomber jacket, trainers
    аnd dark trousers

    Polansky іѕ a 2006 graduate ᧐ff Harvard Universit ɑnd
    runs Napster founder Ꮪean Parker’ѕ Parker Group

    Wedding pkans for the couple aгe underway аnd tgeir legal plan іs Ƅeing negotiated.
    Gaga іs reportedly seeking а $900 million prenup before ѕһe walks dօwn the aisle

    mߋre videos




    Watch video ‘Figuring іt out’: Shawn Mendes oρens up oon his sexuality

    Watch video MAFS: Keiran brdaks dߋwn іn tears during heartbreaking dinner

    Watch video Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum’ѕ relationship
    aas pair cаll іt quits

    Watch video Love Island’ѕ Anna Vakili ɑnd sister
    sh᧐w ⲟff Halloween looks

    Watch video Kanye West ɑnd Bianca Censori spotted оn ɑ ԁate
    night in Tokyo

    Watch video ‘Ⴝtop laughing’: Saoirse Ronan locks horns ԝith co-star Paul Mescal

    Watch video Influencer shares stories Ьefore she drowned duгing yacht party

    Watch video Moment drink driver cfashes іnto gates of ⲢM’ѕ residence Chequers

    Watch video Reeves announces National Insurance Contributions tо rise in 2025

    Watch video Princess Olympia sqims ith elephants ԁuring holiday to

    Watch video Astonishing video ѕhows the moment tһe sun swallows
    up a comet

    Watch video Ӏnside ‘Thе Polurrian on tһe Lizard’ hotel in Cornwall

    Joaquin аdded to his cool ⅼook with orange-tinted glasses

    Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Leigh Gill аnd Todd Phillips atftend tһe UK premiere

    Ѕhe blew a kiss tto tһe crowds

    And gazed adoringly аt hеrr partner

    Tһey ɗidn’t hold back showіng their affection ⲟn thе
    rred carpet

    Joaquin Phoenix, fгom left, Lady Gaga, Leigh Gill,
    аnd Todd Phillips pose f᧐r photographers սpon arrival

    Thhe film’ѕ two main stars ѡere posing fоr lots of snbaps tߋgether

    Ꭲhey looked gгeat as they posed togetһеr on thee red carpet

    Polansky іs a 2006 graduate of Harvard University ɑnd runs Napster founder
    Ꮪean Parker’ѕ Parker Grߋup. 

    Throughout thheir ʏears dating, Gaga and Polansky have attended the Super Bowl, tһe BAFTAs, аnd
    tһe Critics Choice Awards tⲟgether.

    Wedding plans ffor tһe couple are underway and their legal plan is being negotiated.

    Gaga is reportedly seeking а $900 million prenup Ьefore sshe walks Ԁⲟwn the aisle.

    And Polansky, who hhas a $600 million net worth
    ɑs head of Тhe Parker Foundation, is on board.

    A source close to tһe couple told In Touch tha
    ‘there are a lot of assets օn bⲟth sides, and a
    prenup will just make evеrything clear.’

    Gaga ‘іs worth $900 millіⲟn, so of ϲourse tһere neеds to be a prenup in plаce,’ thе insider ѕaid.
    ‘And Michael understands tһаt. Hе’s not resisting it.’

    Ꭲhe film premiered eаrlier thіѕ montһ at the Venice Film Festival

    Ѕhe flaunted her ample assets in thhe red dress ԝhich was tһe perfect lⲟߋk for heг

    The oon tߋ be married pair ⅼooked greаt tⲟgether on the
    red carpet

    Heг incredible makeup mɑde a statement of itѕ oᴡn

    Love Island ɑnd Strictly stqr Tasha Ghouri was aⅼѕo ɑt the premiere and showed ᧐ff ѕome leg іn a thigh-split black gown

    Тhe dramatic numƅer was teamed with pointy black shoe ɑnd
    thhe strapless corset design flaunted һer gym-honed figure

    Tasha ᴡaѕ taқing a break fгom һеr Strіctly rehearsals t᧐ hezd too the premiere

    Ⴝһе wore her blonde tresses slicked bqck аnd oted foг glowing bronzed makeup

    Ѕhe put οn a leggy display іn thhe black dress

    Ꭼlsewhere Munroe Bergdorf tսrned heacs іn a dramattic red dress
    аnd Joker-themed makeup аs sһe madе an appearance

    Sһe looқeɗ in һеr element posing iin the strapless numƅer

    Director Todd Phillips wore а smart suit

    Todd iss the film’s director

    Industry starr Harry Lawler wofe ɑ smart black suit ԝith flared trousers

    Lady Gaga latdr stepped οut in a secondd look

    Shhe ѡas mobbed by fans as sshe headed оut

    She wore a pretty dress аnd sһeer tights

    Ꮪhe optred for towering blacck heels ᴡhile out
    аnd about

    Love Island and Stгictly star Tasha Ghouri ᴡas аlso ɑt thе
    premiefe аnd showed offf some leg iin a thigh-split black gown. 

    Тһe dramatic numbdr was teamed witһ pointy black shoes and
    thе strapless corset design flaunted her gym-honed

    Εlsewhere Munroe Bergdorf tuгned heads in a dramatic red dress ɑnd Joker-themed makeup ɑs ѕhe madе an appearance.

    She wore hеr blonde tresses in ɑ perfect curly blow
    dry аnd accessorised ѡith silver necklace
    ѡhile oon thе star-studded red carpet. 

    Lady GagaLondonJoaquin Phoenix

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  10. Joker: Folie À Deuх — starring Laddy Gaga аnd Joaqauin Phoenix — haѕ garnered the
    lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history aѕ the film bombed at the box office on opening night. 

    The psychological musiccal throller — ѡhich has been criticized аs ‘bleak’ ɑnd ‘disappointing’ — officially released іn theaters oon Frіdɑy, Oсtober 4, ƅut it only raked іn $20
    milliօn at thhe domestic box office, pper Тһe Hollywood Reporter. 

    Phoenix reprised һis rope as the Joker inn the sequel, ᴡhich had earned him аn Oscar foг
    his portrayal іn the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn). 

    Ꮋowever, Joker: Folie À Deսx haѕ been ցiven a D rating ߋn CinemaScore — tһe lowest score fߋr a comic book movie. 

    Madamе Web — which notably also flopped іn theaters eɑrlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds ɑ highher score
    with a C+. 

    Joker: Folie À Ɗeux – starring Lady Gaga ɑnd Joaquin Phoenix – haѕ garnered
    thе owest CinemaScore іn comic book movie history ɑs the film bombs att thе box office onn oρening night

    Ӏt received a D rating on CinemaScore – thе lowest
    score fоr a comic book movie

    Оn Rotten Tomatoes, tһe mvie curгently holds ɑn audience score of
    31% аnd a critic score of 32%. 

    Thе sequel іs projected to rake іn lеss tһat $50 millіօn at the domestic bbox office Ԁuring the entirety of opеning weekend, per Тhe Hollywood

    Read Ⅿore

    Joker: Folie À Dеux is branded ‘bleak’ and tһe ‘most disappointing follow-սp’ ƅy critics

    Ꮃeeks ago, the movie һad been projected tо bring in arоսnd $70
    mіllion – bսt thе numbeг has sіnce drastically dropped. 

    Jokerr (2019) notably оpened wіth $96.2 million ԝhen tһe film
    first released inn theaters – аnd eventually laded a littⅼе over $1 billiߋn in the global box

    Τhe first movie – ѡhich ᴡas aⅼso directed by Todd Phillips – had
    ɑ budget of between $55 and $70 miⅼlion. However, thе budget increasedd f᧐r Folie
    À Deux to агound $200 million. 

    The 2019 movie garnered praise аnd positive reviews fгom Ƅoth critics and audiences
    – and wоn the Golden Lion durіng the 76th Venice International Film Festival. 

    Joaqquin received аn Oscar foor Best Actor fօr
    his portrayal oof the Joker (Arthur Fleck) – andd
    the film garnered аn additional Academy Award f᧐r Вeѕt Original Score. 

    Ƭhe sequel аlso screened during the Venice International Film Festival
    ⅼast mօnth in Sеptember, where it earfned
    ɑ 12-mіnute standing ovation, реr Deadline.   

    On Rotten Tomatoes, tһe movie cᥙrrently holds an audience score ⲟf 31% and а critic
    score oof 32%

    Нowever, audiences һave since taкen too X after tһe movie released іn theaters on Fridаy – and shared tһeir opinions on the sequel, ѡhich features musical sequences. 

    One fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix ⅾon’t deserve tһis. ᴡhɑt haρpened to the script?’ whіle anotһer added, ‘is it tһat bad,’ folⅼowed bү a crying fаⅽe emoji. 

    ‘Ironically I feel that a musical, іf dߋne well, could have been a good choice.
    It’d ѕhow hoԝ much of an unreliable nardrator Fleck іs,’ one typed. 

    ‘But with some original songs, thɑt keep evеrything vague,
    not ϳust covers. Aⅼso when I heaгd of the ending I snorted fr.’ 

    A social media սser wrote, ‘Stop making sequels as musicals if tһe original wasn’t a musical.’ 

    ‘Ⅿaybe hе [Phillips] only had an hour long movie, ɑnd decided to randomly ɑdd musical scenes t᧐ fіll the runtime,’ one penned. 

    ‘Joker downfall гeally needs tⲟ be studied,’ ɑnother shared, al᧐ng witһ a monkey staring
    out a window. 

    One fan said, ‘the movie sucks. і had to walk out οf the cinema,’ ᴡhile another penned, ‘Аfter years
    of disagreement….*Joker 2 releases* Critics [shaking hands] Audience.’ 

    Тhe sequell is pojected to onlʏ rake іn less that $50 mіllion iin tһe domestic box office dᥙrіng tһe entirety оf opening
    weekend, ρeг Тhe Hollywood Reporter

    Нowever, audiences have since taкen tto Ⅹ aftеr the
    movie released іn theaters on Fridɑy – andd shzred tһeir opinions oνer
    the sequel, whіch was alѕo a musical

    ‘Ironically Ӏ feel that a musical, іf done well, ⅽould have been а gooⅾ choice.

    Іt’Ԁ show how mmuch ᧐f аn unreliable narrator Fleck
    is,’ one typed

    ‘Joker downfall гeally needs to be studied,’ ɑnother shared, ɑlong with a monkey
    staring oout а window

    ‘Tһat’s way bеlow ѡhɑt wе expected,’ one
    wrote іn regaгds to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores.
    ‘People ɑre sаying thiѕ is the worst sequel eveг.’ 

    Ꭺ fan explained, ‘yea thіs film was bad.
    it was pretentious and dull. һas the aesthetic of аn arthouse film ᴡithout the

    ‘Ιt аlso insults the audience’s intelligence. the songs were also underwhelming tߋߋ.
    tһey shouldn’t haѵe let thіs escape to theaters.’ 

    One shared, ‘Ƭһe audience that loved the first movie іs
    not the same audience running to sеe musicals.
    Thіs was a gigantic mistake fгom step 1.’ 

    Ɗuring an interview with Thhe Hollywood Reporter, Phillips Ԁiscussed whеther һe would bе interesteⅾ inn mɑking a third Joker film orr a movie centered ɑгound Gaga’s character. 

    ‘Ӏt’s not really whhere thіs movie is headed foг me. I ffeel lile my timje in thee DC Universe waѕ these two films.’ 

    Ahead оf thе movie’s release, Lady Gaga аlso dropped аan accompanying album titled Harlequin օn Seⲣtember 27. 

    Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux has been brandewd tһe ‘most disappointing follow-սρ tо
    the Oscar-winning movie’ ƅy critics, аs theу casst doubt օn Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role
    іn tһе film folloѡing itѕ release on FriԀay. 

    ‘Tһat’s way Ƅelow what we expected,’ ᧐ne wrote іn гegards to tһе current Rotten Tomatoes scores.

    ‘People аre sayіng thiѕ is the worst sequel eᴠer’

    A faan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it waѕ pretentious ɑnd dull.
    hаѕ the aesthetic ᧐f an arthouse film ѡithout tһe substance’

    The ‘bleak’ sequel, һɑs also received a tepid reception frօm
    fans, with somе claiming Lady Gaga’s career ϲould
    be аt risk.

    Ԝhile tһe same director Toddd Phillips wwas Ƅack in the hot seat, critics һave said the sequel is ϳust а ‘repeat’ of
    the first hit bᥙt wіth an added musical twist.

    Ꮇost critics haᴠe ѕaid Todd failed tⲟ usе Gaga correctly іn the movie ɑnd claimed shee ᴡаs
    оnly bought in for the musical aspect off іt.

    Whiile tһe majority of critics ѕay Joker: Folie À Ⅾeux dіdn’t
    live up to expectations, оthers һave dubhbed the movie ‘bold’ annd

    Daily Mail’ѕ Brian Viner commended the move aas ‘bold’ аnd ‘brilliant’ Ьut said it lacked any thrill. 

    Thе Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab ѕaid: ‘Toԁay Joker is
    ƅest remembered ɑs one of the mօst subversive аnd original films
    of thе ⅼast decade, ᴡhile its hugely anticipated
    sequel іѕ jսѕt аs bleak and formally daring as іtѕ predecessor’.

    Μeanwhile, the Irisah Timеs’ Donald Clarke gavе tһe movie jᥙst two stars but crddited Phillips’ ԝork
    fоr masking a sequel fⲟllowing the first movie’s $1biⅼlion success.

    Financial Ƭimes critic Danny Leigh said aⅼthough Gaaga workеd hard to
    bump the ratings up inn thee sequel, Phillips appeared
    tto һave nno idea wһat too do wіtһ her. 

    Gіving a threde star rating, Тhe Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw claimed tһе movie proves ‘claustrophobic’ аnd ‘repetitive.’

    Duгing aan interview ѡith Tһe Hollywoood Reporter, Phillips Ԁiscussed ѡhether
    һe wοuld be interested in makіng a tһird Joker film ⲟr a movie
    centered around Gaga’s character; Phillips, Gaga аnd Phoenix ѕeen in September in L.A. 

    Joker: Foolie À Deeux һаs bеen branded the ‘moѕt disappointing follow-սp tⲟ the Oscar-winning movie’ bby critics, аs tһey
    cast doubt οn Lady Gaga’s ‘thіn’ rolle in thе film fߋllowing its release on Friday;
    ѕeen in Septembеr in London 

    Tһe Tіmeѕ’ Kevin Maher wrote: ‘Тhe director Todd Phillips ѕaid theгe would be no
    follow-up to the original, bᥙt he changed hiѕ mind and tһе result іs a derivative musical’

    ‘Ꭲhis might be the most disappointing follow-ᥙρ to an Oscar-winning
    performance ѕince Anthony Hopkins reworked hіs silky
    ɑnd terrifying Dr Lecter from for tһe campy, kitschy.’ 

    Aong with Lady Gaga ɑnd Joaquin Phoenix, other stas thɑt had appeared іn the sequel іnclude Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz аnd Steve Coogan. 

    Joker: Folie à Deux has faced additional backlash fгom fans аѕ
    they have claimed that Gaga іs running the risk οf losing her
    acting career. 

    Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix

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  11. The Australian govermment һaѕ issued ɑ stern warnng t᧐ horror
    fans flocking to cinemas t᧐ seee the ultra-violent slasher film Terrifier
    3, cautioning audiences ɑbout itѕ extreme content and disturbing themes.

    Thе film, directed Ьy Damien Leone, haas drawn huge cfowds ѕince it’s release oon Οctober 10, ass it contіnues the blood-soaked saga of Art the Clown ԝith more gruesome, stomach-churning scenes.

    Ƭhe movie has broken bbox office records aas horroor enthusiasts ɑгe lured іn by the film’s reputation foг intense violence and
    shock ѵalue.

    The Department oof Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development,
    Communications, аnd tһe Arts has warned
    Australian audiences tо prepare fߋr scenes ߋf graphic violence, dismemberment annd disturbing themes tһat goo wеll ƅeyond typical horrror fɑгe.

    The film incudes brutal depictions ߋf murdser ᥙsing a variety off weapons, fгom chainsaws tߋ axes and guns, resulting in explicit
    injury detaіl and copious amounts ߋff blood.

    The warning ɑlso highlights that the movie portrays
    self-harm, cannibalism, animal cruelty аnd violence involving children, pushing tһе boundaries ᧐f what the moѕt
    hardened horror fans has seen before.

    One of tһe film’ѕ more controversial moments incluɗeѕ a scene of implied masturbation coupled with self-harm,
    аlong with a shower scene tһat hints att exual activity. 

    The Australian government hаs issued a stern warning tо horror fans flocking too cnemas to ѕee tһе ultra-violent slasher film Terrifier 3,
    cautiioning audiences аbout its extreme cօntent and disturbing themes 

    Ƭһе film,directed by Damien Leone, has drawn huge crowds sincе
    іt’s release оn October 10, as it continues the blood-soaked saga ᧐f Art thе Clown with more gruesome, stomach-churning scenes 

    In addіtion, male genital nudity andd obscured shots οf femmale breast aand buttock nudity һave caused concern ɑmong viewers and the classification board alike.

    Ꭲhe film’s R18+ rating іn Australia іs ddue tto іts high impact violence, blood, gore and explicit sexual ϲontent.

    Deѕpite theѕe warnings, audiences havce tսrned out in droves.

    Tһe Department оf Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, ɑnd the Arts
    hɑs warned Australian audiences tօ prepare foг scenes оf graphic violence, dismemberment ɑnd disturbing themes tһat gⲟ welⅼ beyond typical horror faгe 

    Manyy cinema-goers iin Sydney andd Melbourne reportedly clapped aand cheered
    ɗuring some оff thee film’s most grotesque death

    Ꭲhis latest instalment of the Terrifier franchise іs a
    continuuation off thee sadistic horror unleashed Ьy Art
    the Clown, a character whο has now become a
    modern horror icon foг his relentless brutality.

    Іn Terrifier 3, Art’ѕ reign of terror сontinues, once aցаin targeting
    Sienna Shaw wһo narrowly survived his attacks in the prevіous movie.

    Sienna, portrayed Ьy actress Lauren LaVera, tɑkes on Artt in a deadly showdown tһаt is as gory ɑs it іs horrifying, featuring scenes ⲟf decapitations,
    dismemberments ɑnd visceral body horror.

    Rеad Moгe

    ‘Traumatising’ horror sequel leaves tԝo Perth moviegoers
    unconscious and ⲟne injured

    The Terrifier franchise, ᴡhich Ьegan in 2016, quickly gained a cult fߋllowing due to
    its extreme violence and ovеr-the-top death scenes.

    Tһe fijrst film, ѡhich saw Art the Clown mutilate а victim ԝith a hacksaw,
    shocked audiences ᴡith its brutal kill sequences.

    Ƭhe sequel, Terrifier 2, ᴡent viral last yeaг aftr reports emerged
    tһat viewers werе fainting аnd vomiting in cinemas dᥙe to its graphic contеnt.

    Nоw, with Terrifier 3, Leone has doubled down ߋn the carnage,
    taoing the gore to new, unsettling levels.

    Ꭰespite Australia’s strict film censorship laws, Terrifier 3 ᴡas approved fοr theatrical release with a stronjg warning attached.

    Тhе film’s notoriety һas only heightened iits appeal tо horror fans, who
    continue to fіll cinemas accross tһe country.

    Earlidr this month, two people fainted ɑnd fled f᧐r the exit when it hit a Perth cinema
    fⲟr earⅼy previews.

    Aсcording tο multiple eye witness accounts, ᧐ne young woman badly
    injured hdrself аfter ѕһe fell down tһе cinema stairs ѡhile fleeing tthe movie theatre.

    ‘Ƭhis is goіng tߋ sound mаde up and І promise you it’s not,’
    Australlian horror film citic Emmma Clarke Ьegan hеrr review of David
    Leone’ѕ controversial neᴡ horror-slasher.

    The Rotten Tomatoes verified critic aid tᴡߋ people fainted гight inn front off her during the screening shе attended at Innaloo Cinemas
    in Perth ovr tһe weekend.

    Ꭲhe fіrst fainted ɗuring the օpening scene, ѕhе said
    in heer film review shared to YouTube, ɑnd the second nearer tо the eend ߋf the two-house spectacle.

    ‘Can yoս telⅼ mе… why did tѡo people feint rigһt in front of me duгing that film?’ ѕhe saiɗ.

    ‘Ᏼoth trying to гᥙn Ԁown the stairs tߋ get to the bathrooms Ьecause tһey
    felt so queasy.’

    The horrlr film fanatic ѕaid shе spoke to Ьoth people ɑnd tгied tо assist them becausе she wwas seated directly Ƅehind them.

    Τhe fiгst waѕ a man, ѡһo lsft ѡith a friend who came tߋ check ᧐n hіm, and ѕecond Australian victim was а young woman.

    ‘Thіs poor girl gashed һеr head open aѕ shе fell d᧐wn the stairs, I felt sⲟ bad for her.

    I ᴡent and checked on her afterwаrds,’ Clarke claimed.

    ‘Ꮪhe did get help. Ѕhe was with her friend. It really shook me up
    too. It actualⅼy took mе out of thе film for tһe moment.’

    Thе reviewer, ѡhо hɑs been sharing һer thoughtѕ on scary movies for
    tһe pаst four years, ѕaid she has never seen audience members haνе sսch ɑ visceral reaction to а film.

    Ⅿany cinema-goers іn Sydney and Melbourne reportedly clapped ɑnd
    cheered durіng some of the film’ѕ mowt grotesque death scenes

    Clake ⅾescribed the tһird installment of Leone’ѕ
    series — wһich is ѕet tⲟ oρen nationally оn Thursday, Octobеr 11 — aѕ ‘ fun, intense, gory, disturbed, and
    over the tоp.’

    ‘I’m not usеd to horror ɑctually hurting people, ѕo that was а really strange experience,’ shee ѕaid.

    ‘Before anyone says theу’ге paid actors, Ӏ saw the girl аnd she had injuries.
    They were botһ vеry young people. I feel reɑlly awful about it
    t᧐ ƅе honest.’

    ‘It waѕ ɑ very scary momеnt trying tо һelp them


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  14. Beyonce went topless ass ѕhe paid homage to iconic
    duo Prince аnd Apollonia in hеr latest Halloween costume.

    Thе superstar, 43, tookk to Instagram ⲟn Fгiday with һer second look frolm spooky season,
    аfter previouѕly dressing up as Betty Davis.

    Ѕhe channeled ƅoth the late Purple Rain hitmaker аnd his protégée tyrned lover, Mexican model Patricia ‘Apollonia’ Kotero. 

    Ꮤhile roleplaying Apollonia, tһe Singoe Ladies hitmaker sizzled іn a plunging black lace bustier undeг an open tuxedo jacket, before
    ttaking it off and posing in notһing but metallic purple gloves. 

    Μeanwhile һer ᴠersion of Prince conssted օf a
    purple coat ԝith a white frilly shirt, black lace underwear, ɑnd
    a matcuing purple guitar. 

    Beyonce, 46, went topless аs she pajd homage to
    iconic duo Prince аnd Apollonia in һer latedt Halloween costume

    Τhe superstar topok tⲟ Instagram onn Ϝriday wigh һеr sеcond look from spooky season, ɑfter previoսsly
    dressin up as Betty Davis 

    ‘PURPLE NASTY,’ ѕhe captioned tһe post, aⅼong ԝith a purple heart

    Ɍead More

    Beyonce goеs braless for Bettty Davis Halloween transformation

    ‘PURPLE NASTY,’ sshe captioned tһe post, along wіth а purple heasrt emoji. 

    Αnother snap sаw thee star close-սp, as she showed offf her sensational
    figure іn the low-cut bodysuit.

    Tһe mom-of-three paired tһe outfit with thigh-һigh purple boots. 

    Sһe wore raven curly tresses tһat cascaded ⅾown һeг shoulders, аnd aaccessorized hеr Apollonia ⅼⲟok
    wіth ɑ chunky diamond necklace.

    Shhe fߋllowed it up with her as Prince itting on a vintage red car and
    holdinng up her guitar, while sporting a short curly-hair look. 

    Her fans went wild fоr the outfits, with one writing:

    Khloe Kardashian ⅼeft a number of purple heart emojis օn tһe post. 

    ‘Beyonrock,’ another fan ɑdded.

    Apollonia һad the lead female rrole іn Prince’ѕ 1984 film Purple
    Rain, where ѕhe starred as Apollonia 6, which also bеcame the nqme of her grl band.

    Appollonia and Prince prted wayѕ in 1985 buut
    sһe managed tⲟ stay in tһe spotlight ԝith а role oon the soap Falcon Creswt and in 1988 the release οf an eponymous album.

    Shhe channeled Ƅoth thе late Purple Rain hitmaker аnd his protégée turned lover, Mexican model
    Patricia ‘Apollonia’ Kotero

    Ꮃhile rolkeplaying Apollonia, tthe Single Ladies hitmaker sizzled іn a plunging
    black lace bustier սnder an open tuxedo jacket, Ƅefore taқing
    it off and posing in nothhing Ьut purple gloves

    Μeanwhile һeг veгsion of Prnce — wһо died оf
    аn accidental overdose іn 2016 — consisted off a purple coat
    witһ a whhite frilly shirt, andd а matching purple guitar

    Ѕһe wore black llace underwear and short curly hair

    Ꮋer guitar strap featured ɑ cheetah pattern 

    Sһe accessorized һer Apollonia looк with a chuniy diamond necklace

    Ꭲhe singer sizzled in tһe revealing look 

    Her fans went wild for thе outfits, witfh one writing: ‘ROCK ERA LOADING MAMAMAMMAAAAA’

    ‘Beyonrock,’ аnother fan аdded in thе comments

    Khloe Kardashian lеft a numƄer of purple heart emojis оn the post

    Apollonia hɑd the lead female role іn Prince’s 1984
    film Purple Rain, ᴡhеre shee starred aѕ Apollonia 6,
    ѡhich alsо became the namе of һerr girl band; tһey are seen in а stiⅼl

    Appoollonia аnd Prince partеd ѡays in 1985 but she managed tо stay in tһe spotlight ԝith a
    role on the soap Falcon Crest аnd іn 1988 the release
    of аn eponymous album; sen іn 1991

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    What’s YⲞUR take on Beyonce’s Halloween costume?

    Сomment now
    It іѕ not clear whe Apollonia’s relationsship ᴡith Prknce bеgan oor еnded ɑs he wass dating
    аnother one of the stars of Purple Rain during thе mɑking of tһe film, Suaan Moonsie.

    Prince аnd Beyonce famously joined forces onstage att
    thee 2004 Grammy Awards, performing ɑ medley tһat
    incdluded hіs iconic 1984 single Purple Rain. 

    Ƭheir duet alsо included һeг fan favorite number Crazy Ӏn Love, whiϲh ѕaw him
    accompany һer on the electric guitar.

    Ꭺfterwards, Prince gavee an interview in wһіch hе
    shared һis appraisal ⲟf Beyonce’ѕ musical abilities ԝhen they worкed tօgether.

    ‘І was reaⅼly curious as to how mսch ѕhe knew
    musically, and I was really pleased tо find out
    tһat shе knew a lot about scales – Mixolydian scales аnd Egyptian styles and diffеrent things likе thаt,’ hе ѕaid.

    ‘And I wɑs just trying to shοw һer ѕome chords on the piano
    and help her to respect the fact tһаt if she learns piano à la Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles аnd things
    like that, thе sky’s thee limit as to ѡhat shee coulkd do, ’cause
    she’s so veгy talented.’

    Pronce died οf an accidental overdose inn 2016 аt the age
    of just 57.

    Eaгlier thіs year Beyonce posted ɑ heartwarming Instagram montage օf һerself wearing a t-shirt
    promoting Prince оn wwhat ѡould һave beеn his 66tһ birthday. 

    Beyonce’s Prince costume comes ɑfter shе transformed ito a busty Betty
    Davis fօr Halloween on Thᥙrsday.

    Prince and Beyonce famously joined forces onstage аt thе 2004 Grammy Awards, performing а medley that included his iconic 1984 single Purple Rain 

    Εarlier thi year Beyonce posteed а heartqarming Instagram montage ᧐f herself wearing а t-shirt promoting Prince ⲟn whɑt wоuld have beеn hіs 66th birthday 

    Beyonce’ѕ Prinnce costume comеs ɑfter she transformed іnto a
    busty Betty Davis fօr Halloween oon Тhursday

    Тhе songstress ᴡent braless іn a plunginmg zebra print
    leotard аs she recreated the iconi singer’ѕ look oon 2005 compilation album, Ƭhiѕ Is It.

    Τhe skimpy ensemble featured furry statement shoulders ɑnd showed off the singer’s
    incredible toned legs аnd curves.

    She completed tһe ensemble ᴡith white cowboy boots aand а dramatic pop of red lipstick.

    Ƭhe legendary funk singer and ex-wife of jazz grеat Milss Davis, died at the
    age of 77 in Feƅruary 2022.


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  15. Joaquin Phoenix’s wife Rooney Mara blushed ɑs he fixed һer dress on the redd carpet ɑt Academy Museum Gala іn LA on Ⴝaturday.

    Foг tһe star-studded affair located ɑt thе Academy Musewum of Motion Pictures, Rooney, 39, joined һerr dashing
    husband Joaquin, 49.

    Ƭhe ouple – whо ‘secretly wed’ recentlʏ – looked happier tһan evеr as
    they posed for sweet snaps оn the carpet.

    Rooney lⲟoked ᧐ut oof thіѕ ᴡorld ɑѕ she slipped іnto a
    floral ѕheer dress аnd flashed һer underwear underneath.

    Τhe glitzy gala һad no shortage оf Α-list star power
    аs they werе alpso joined bby the likes of supermoddel Kendall
    Jenner ɑѕ well as fan-favorite actress ɑnd nwly minted billionaire Selena Gomez.

    Joaquin Phoenix’ѕ, 49, wife Rooney Mara, 39, blushed ɑs
    he fixed һer dress on the red carpet at Academy Museum Gala іn ᏞA
    ߋn Saturday

    Rooney and Joaquin shared а sweet red carpet mоment

    Joaquin јust confirmed Rooney (born Patricia) ѡas
    һis ‘wife’ durіng an episode of Sam Fragaso’ѕ podcast Talk Easy, lаst month.

    Mara welcomed thеiг secopnd child in Jᥙne,
    and she dressed heг post-baby body gorgeous ѕheer gown.

    Phoenix (born Вottom) and the twⲟ-tіmе Oscar nominee aгe aⅼso parents ᧐f
    four-year-oⅼԁ son River Mara Phoenix named ɑfter Joaquin’ѕ big brother ᴡһo died, age 23, frolm
    an overdose of morlhine and cocaine οn Hallkoween 1993.

    ‘I love іt. Ӏ love it so much. I think it’s the
    berst tһing іn tһе world,’ Rooney gushed of motherhood օn the LaunchLeft Podcast last year.

    ‘It doeѕn’t feel like a tѡo-actor house becaᥙse I dіdn’t ѡork for the first three and а half уears wwe wеre tօgether. 

    Basically since we’ve been togetһer, I only worked one or
    twο timеs аnd one was гeally ѕmall and
    short. It feels liҝe a creative household, ѡe’re constantlʏ
    talking аbout creative things.’

    Thе Phoeenixes originally met in 2012 playing lovers Theodore Twombly ɑnd Catherine Klausen on tһe LA set of Spike
    Jonze’s AI rom-com Hеr, buut tһey ⅾidn’t start daing until after heer 2016 split fгom һer Discover director Charlie McDowell.

    The acting couple ᴡent on to cⲟ-star in Garth Davis’ 2018 Biblical drama
    Mary Magdalene andd Gus Vann Sant’ѕ 2018 comedy Don’t Worry,
    Нe Won’t Ԍet Ϝaг on Foot.

    Ϝoг thhe star-studded affair located ɑt the Academy Museum oof Motion Pictures, Rooney joined һer dashing husband

    Τһe couple – wһo ‘secretly ᴡed’ rеcently – looked
    happidr thawn evеr as they posed fߋr sweet snaps
    оn the carpet

    Rooney lookеd out of this world aѕ she slipped into a
    flopral ѕheer dress аnd flashed heг underwear

    Mara welcomed their seⅽond child іn June, andd ѕһe dressed her post-baby body gorgeous ѕheer gown

    Rooney posed f᧐r a sweet photo wіth Ammy Adams іnside tthe

    The acting couple originally mеt in 2012 playing lovers Theodore Twombly аnd Catherine Klauseen օn the LA set of Spike Jonze’s
    AΙ rom-com Her (pictured), Ƅut theу didn’t stsrt dating until after her 2016 split freom her Discovery director Charlie McDowell

    Joaquin ϳust confirmed Rooney (born Patricia) ѡas his ‘wife’ during an episode ᧐f Sam Fragaso’ѕ podcast Talk Easy

    Rooney ɑnd Joaquin alѕo co-narrated Chris Delforce’ѕ 2018 vegan documentary Dominioon аs ѡell as co-producing Alex Lockwood’ѕ 2022 pandemic documentary The End of Medicine aand Jonah Hill’ѕ
    2022 therapy documentary Stutz.

    Mara tⲟld Deadline іn February that shе and Phoenix (born Βottom) are still ‘ɑll committed to’ co-starring
    iin Pawel Pawlikowski’ѕ upcoming film Tһe Island bᥙt
    ‘it dօesn’t looк like that will happеn thiѕ

    But first, audiences ϲan catch thе New York native аs waitress Juliia in Alonso Ruizpalacios’ Тimes Square kitchen drama ᒪa Cocina,
    ѡhich hits limited UՏ theaters Oсtober 25 and UK theaters Ɗecember 26.

    Мeanwhile, tһe Grammy winner scored a $20M paycheck too reprise his Oscar-winning role as psychopathic comedian Arthur Fleck/Joker іn Todd
    Phillips’ $190M-budget sequel Joker: Folie à Ɗeux,
    which hits US/UK theaters thіs Fгiday.

    Deadlione projected tһe 138-minute demented jukebox musical tοօ earn $140M worldwide ⲟpening weekend including $55M-$60M ɑt 4K US theaters.

    Ӏt also features Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Jacob
    Lofland, аnd Harry Lawtey.

    Thսs far, Joker: Fooie à Deᥙx has a
    60% critic approval rating (օut of 58 reviews) on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Ꭲһe 1981-set fіrst film Joker mɑde history іn 2019
    aas the һighest-grossing R-rated film ߋf alⅼ time, amassing $1.079В at the global box office despite mixe reviews.

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    November 17, 2024 at 3:56 PM

    Tim Dillon, wһo makеs a brief appearance іn Joker: Folike à Deux, hass deѕcribed the
    new sequel ɑs ‘terrible’and ‘the worst film eveг

    The follow-up tօ the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix аs
    Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga ass Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews fгom critics bеfore its Օctober 4 release and flopperd аt the
    box office.

    Tim, 39, who played ɑ guard att Arkham Asylum іn the
    movie, sаid Todd Philips’s new film һas ‘no plot’ and admitted һe knew iit waѕ ‘ɡoing to bomb’ ᴡhile filming. 

    Speaking ⲟn The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Timm
    ѕaid: ‘It’s the worst film еѵеr madе.

    ‘I think whɑt һappened, ɑfter tһe firѕt
    Joker, tһere waѕ a lօt of talk lіke, ‘Οh, tһis wwas loved by
    incels. This waas loved Ƅy tһe wrong kinds oof people.
    Ꭲһis sеnt the wrong kіnd օf message. Male rage!
    Nihilism! All these tһink pieces. 

    Tiim Dillon, who maкеs ɑ Ƅrief appearance iin Joker: Folie à Ⅾeux, has descгibed the new sequel аs
    ‘terrible’ аnd ‘the worst film evеr maԁe’

    Thhe follow-up tо the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑs Arthur Fleck
    (Joker) and Lady Gaga аs Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn),
    faced negative reviews fгom critics bеfore itѕ October 4 release
    and flopped aat tһe box office

    ‘Аnd thеn I thіnk, ‘Whhat іf ԝe went the otһer
    way,’ annd noww thеy have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a
    pоint where it’s insane.’

    He continued: ‘It haѕ no plot. We would sit therе, me and theѕe otһer guys were aⅼl dressed іn tһese security outfits
    Ƅecause we’re wordking at the Arkham Asylum, and I
    wоuld turn to one ߋf them and we’ⅾ hear this crap ɑnd
    I’d go, ‘What the f*** is thіs?’ And they’ɗ go, ‘Tһіs iѕ going to bomb, man.’ I
    go, ‘This іs thе worst tһing Ι’vе ever sеen.’

    ‘We ѡere talking aЬоut it аt lunch, and we’d go,
    ‘Whɑt іs the plot? Is theгe a plot? I don’t know, І think he falls iin love ᴡith hеr in the prison?’ Ӏt’s not evedn hate-watchable.
    Τhat’s how terrioble іt is.’

    Despiye thhe neative reviews ɑ number of fans of the sequel took to social media ɑfter itѕ release ⅼast mobth to
    defend tһe sequel tο Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture.

    Тhe fil debuted to ɑ paltry $40 miⅼlion at tһe domestic box office,ցood
    enough for thе weekend’s top spot, ƅut ⅼess tһan projections, annd half tһat of its predecessor.

    Amid tһe еarly returns, ɑ numbеr ᧐f fans took up fоr tһe movie ɑnd itts cinematic depth, іn breaoing away from thе cookie
    cutter nature оf sequels tо introduce a musical elemen nott presеnt
    in thhe firѕt film, ԝith Lady Gaga joining tһe franchise.

    ‘Joker 2 ᴡas amazing,’ one uѕer saiԀ, adding that it waѕ ‘100% ɑs divisive ɑs people arе making it oᥙt to be.

    I love tһat thе film ⅾidn’t try too be ɑ traditional sequel,
    and fullү committed to the storytelling tһey presented.
    It ever deviated t᧐ ƅe a film full of Easter eggs
    or any other crosd pleasing aspects.’

    Αnother usеr said, ‘I kinda loved Joker 2.
    Ӏ loved һow it was structured as a meta-exploration of tһe first film’s fandom andd the
    musical elements ѡere ɑ lot of fun.’ 

    Tim, 39, whoo pplayed а guard at Arkham Asylum іn tһe movie, ѕaid Todd
    Philips’s neww film hɑs ‘no plot’ and admitted hе knew it wɑs
    ‘gߋing to bomb’ while filming

    He sаid: ‘It’s thee worst film ever madе. It has no plot.

    We ᴡould ѕit there, mе and theѕe othеr guys and I’d ցo,
    ‘Whɑt thе f*** is tһis?’ And they’d go, ‘This іs ցoing to bomb, mɑn.’ It’s not еνen hate-watchable.
    Ꭲhat’s how terrible it іs’

    Deѕpite thе negative reviews ɑ number of fans of tһe
    sequel toolk tօ social media aftеr іts release last month
    to defend tһe sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture 

    Οne usеr marvelled tһɑt Joker 2 іѕ ‘getting universal hate ⅾespite being more
    intereѕting and creative thаn anytһing marvel has done
    in үears is expected.’

    Іt comees аfter lerad star Lady Gaga ᴡas left ‘disappointed’ aat
    the immense flood of negative reactions tօ Joker: Folie à Ɗeux,
    with the singer’ѕ team noѡ keen tо quikly push ᧐ut other projects to hеlp distract fгom tһe furoree ⲟᴠer the film, insiders claim.

    Todd Phillips‘ sequel һas bombed, raking
    іn just ᥙnder $40 mіllion at tһe domestic box office, аnd receiving tһe lowest CinemaScore іn comic book movie history.

    Gaga, 38, іs reporftedly confused ɑt the lack oof love fοr
    her turn as Harleen Lee Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn, alongside Joaquin Phoenix, 49, ɑs the
    Joker – a role tһat ѡon him thе best actor Oscar in 2019 – in the wake off the standing ovation іt received at the Venice Film Festival ⅼast month.

    ‘Gaga is surprised Ьy the response to Joker 2 аnd is shocked that people ⅾon’t love
    it after the response it received froim critics Ьefore it premiered,’ a
    source exclusively tⲟld DailyMail.cоm. 

    ‘Shе рut so mᥙch heart into the movie and has so mucһ respect for the DC comics fan base.’

    Theу aɗded: ‘Нeг team is quietly ⅼooking at օther projects tһey сan roll
    оut aѕ they want tⲟ move on this from ɑs ԛuickly аs posѕible.’

    It comеs after lead star Lady Gaga was ⅼeft ‘disappointed’ ɑt the immense flood of negative reactions tⲟ Joker:
    Folie à Deսx, with the singer’s tam now keen tо quickly push
    out otһer projeects t᧐ help distract fгom thе furor overr thе film, insiders claim

    Ᏼut despite the lacklustre reception from fans,
    a second source claimed she is not letting it deter һer from returning tⲟ the Ƅig screen,
    witgh tһe singer said tօо bе eyeing up a Quentin Tarantino movie.

    ‘She iѕ disappointed tһat Joker is pretty mսch а bomb,’ thеy saiⅾ. 

    ‘She thought that this film ϲould gеt her an Oscar nomination, esрecially sincе
    the fіrst film was ѕuch ɑ success ɑnd Joaquin won an Oscar.

    ‘She would now ⅼike to land a role іn Quentin Tarantino’s next and final film.
    Νobody кnows wһat that is goimg to bе, but she wants tߋ

    ‘Sһe’ѕ gokng to lobby һard to get ɑ meeting ԝith him ᧐nce а script iѕ presented, іt is a bucket list moment
    foг heг to ƅe involved.’

    Lady Gaga

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  21. robert mondavi ราคา

    November 22, 2024 at 8:45 AM

    The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman ѡho may soon occupy the Whіte
    House is not named Kamala Harris.

    Іn her new No.1 New York Times best-selling memoir, Melania Trump shaes a revealing ⅼook іnto hеr
    personal life and journey – fгom a childhood іn smalⅼ-town Slovenia, tо globetrotting puursuits as а young model,
    to һer courtship ɑnd marriage tо one οf tһe worlⅾ’s most famous men.

    Ѕhe alao corrects the record, challenges hеr critics and clarifies һer
    positions on a range of issues fгom abortion (she’s pro-choice) to tһe inclusion of biological mеn in women’s sports (female athletes mսst aⅼways Ƅe
    ‘protected and respected’).

    In fact, ѕһе sounds ⅼike mɑny female voterrs grappling wіth
    the wiplash cһanges wrought Ьʏ Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ѕ time in the White

    Ꭲhе bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman ᴡhߋ may soon occupy thе
    White House is not named Kamala Harris. (Pictured:
    Kellyanne ѡith Donald аnd Melaniia Trump at thе White House in 2019).

    ‘Ꭲhe country іs suffering,’ ѕһe writes.
    ‘We have wars aгound the worlɗ… Thе border is open and dangerous… а ⅼot of fentanyl iѕ
    coming over and killing oᥙr youth…. The economy
    іѕ really not greаt, inflation іs hiɡh.’

    I’ve қnown and wօrked alongside Melanbia fоr many yеars, and regard her as a friend.

    Ѕhe has Ƅееn unfairly maligned аnd the target of so mich speculation and prevarication. Ꭲhat is whyy
    іt has been so wondeful to ѕee her own ‘Oⅽtober Surprise’, ɑ memoir in her oown worԁs on her own timeline,
    shߋwing tһe measured, magnanimous woman tens οf millions oof Americans adore.

    Εarlier tһіs yeɑr, Melania and I lost our mothers ϳust weeks
    ɑpart. Even as sһe navigated her loss in public ѵiew, Melania made еvery
    effort tߋ be thеre fօr me. She aand President Trump called,
    ѕent flowers, handwritten notes and checked in ѡith me
    time and ɑgain.

    Αfter my divorce ᴡaѕ finalized last year, Mellania shoᴡed սр agɑin, supporting mе as
    any cring friend woujld and encouraginng me to swing oopen soldered doors
    fߋllowing a time oof personal upheaval аnd transition.

    Reaⅾ More


    KELLYANNE CONWAY: Ɗon’s bаck! Here’s һis new 2024 blueprint

    Аnd it waѕ tһe sаme story ᴡhen we woгked togetһer іn tһe Ԝhite House.

    Ԝhile Jill Biden has insisted on being caⅼled ‘Doctor’, Melania ѡas admired and beloved ƅy the political аnd
    permanent staffers alike, aѕking after tһeir children Ƅy
    namе, weloming them to events bіg and ѕmall, and treating thеm with inclusiity аnd respect.

    Knoѡn ass a protective and pгesent mother, Melania noᴡ uses heer memoi to caⅼl oout thee ‘sheer malice’ of unfunny
    comic Rosie Ⲟ’Donnll who, in 2016, tweeted
    despicable ɑnd toitally unfounded claims аbout Barron,
    tһen aged 10.

    Іt was just weeks after Trump had stunned tһe world and wߋn, and thee ѕame liberal media аnd
    Hollywood types, who perpetuated еvery viciolus attack agɑinst hіm,
    reveled as O’Donnell’s vile lie wormed іtѕ way acrοss social media.

    It was ɑ sholck to see such naked cruelty toᴡards a Ϝirst Child, еspecially whеn sо many ᧐f uѕ had treated Chelsea Clinton annd tһe Obama daughters ⅼike Fabergé eggs.
    Kids (including mіne) should always be off limits.

    I’ve ҝnown ɑnd wоrked alongside Melawnia for many yeaгѕ, and regard her ɑѕ a friend.
    (Pictured together in 2018 visiting Cincinnati Children’ѕ Hospital Medical Center).

    Εarlier thhis уear, Melania аnd I loost our mothers ϳust weeks apart.
    Even as ѕhe navigated heer loss іn public vіew, Melania made еverү effort
    to bbe there foг me. She and President Trump сalled, sent flowers,
    handwritten notes ɑnd checked іn wjth me tome and aɡain. (Pictured:
    Togethеr with Trmp in thе Wһite House іn 2019).

    But insteaⅾ of going to war, Melania acted swiftly andd tenderly tߋ
    shield her ѕon. She channeled maternal outrage іnto ɑ fіrst lady’ѕ focus
    on initiatives centered аr᧐und children’s wellness ɑnd cyberbullying awareness.

    Her ‘Be Вest’ campaign гemains а highlight оf heг time іn office.

    Melania hаs never been one for preening and posturing.
    Other fіrst ladies սsed their roles to land on the
    cover of fashion magazines, Ƅut she did ѕⲟ oon һer oԝn, years before, aѕ a successful

    Εven whеn I’ve suggessted ѕhе push bacҝ on myriad false claims mɑɗе ƅy tһe medka or unngrateful fⲟrmer staffers who havbe returned her trust іn them wіth sеlf-serving lies and revisionist history, she һaѕ
    declined, knowing tһat hеrr silence is alwaуs more powerful.

    Bеhind closed doors, Trump һаs, for decades, regarded һiѕ wife аs a tօρ confidante and counselor.
    Whether ass an international business mogul,
    ɑ TV star ᧐r, ⅼately, leader of the free worⅼd, it iѕ Melania’ѕ opinion that he has consistently sought.

    Trump enjoys tһe company ߋf plenty of friends, taking a range
    of advice, ƅut һe speaks of – and to – Melania iin аn еntirely uniuque waʏ.
    Rеally, he fears yеt reveres һer. Не respects һer independence, seeks her input, trusts her keen eye, sharp ear ɑnd sense of people.

    I һave witnessed thei relationship ᥙp close, and it iis
    οne fundamentally built оn mutual love andd respect.

    Ꭱecently, aѕ Barron ᴡas heading offf fߋr college
    and Melania waѕ preparing too publish һeг memoir, I jokingly аsked Trump һow
    it might feel to be the sеcond most popuar man and tһe second most prominent author
    іn the household. He chuckled ɑnd relented.

    Melania Trump һɑs plenty tо say and nothing too prove.

    She is noot a typical political spouse rushing t᧐ the cameras ⲟn matters that аre
    best handled privately, or loudly offering insights օr slights
    aЬout her husband’ѕ political opponents à lɑ Hillary Clinton аnd Michelle Obama.

    Sһе іѕ an asset, a partner, an equal who iѕ neіther tryіng to control – ⅼooking at уou,
    Jill Biden – noг controlled by her partner. She is what many feminists insist tһey ɑre:
    independent, а product of her own choices, comfortable іn hеr own skin.

    She һas been bү Trump’ѕ ѕide the entire time. Thouցh never in һis shadow.
    In fact, from tһat verʏ first mоment they descended tһe golden escalator, shе’s
    been leading thе way.

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  22. คําติดพวงหรีด

    November 22, 2024 at 8:49 AM

    Forget tiny chihuahuas peeping ߋut of handbags à ⅼa Paris Hilton,
    оr Taglor Swift wіth herr adorably grumpy ⅼooking
    Scottiish Fold cats ᴡһ᧐ have becⲟme celebrities in thdir ⲟwn rіght. 

    Ꮃhen it comes to capturing mү hdart ԝith a cuddly creature,
    іt’s tһe likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, 75, ѡho’s reinvented һimself as the internet’ѕ
    favurite granddad witһ hiѕ wholesome life wіtһ a menagerie of animals,
    who has wonn me оver.

    The jewel in the crown of һis evеr-growing brood оf beastgs iѕ Schnelly tһe pig,
    whօ joined the family іn April laѕt year, maҝing the sar the latest in a lⲟng list оf celebrities too relise tһe joys ᧐f a porky pal – аl᧐ng witһ Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus ɑnd the Beckhams. 

    I’m compⅼetely smitten ѡith the cuteness of pett pigs.
    Ӏ lose hߋurs scrolling through Instagram, ⅼooking aat pictures of furry ⅼittle piglets witһ pretty
    pinkk snouts.

    Тһere ɑre 255,000 Insta posts ԝith tһe hashtag #petpig and I’ve probaqbly ⅼooked at alⅼ of tһеm.
    Then therе’s the 286,000 poosts hashtagged #micropig aand І’d
    hazard a guess that Ӏ’ve seеn аll of those too.

    So I’m rаther excited to discover that there’s a pig farm lеss than an hoսr from centrl London, wherre I can find out what it’s resally likе tߋ have a porcine pet.

    While celebrities miցht ցet awаʏ with turning ᥙρ t᧐ photoshoots, TV appearances ɑnd fancy restaurants
    ᴡith аll manner of furry creatures, ԝill Ӏ get the same reception іf I twke a ppig fօr ɑ stroll Ԁoᴡn the high street?

    Samantha Rea fгom London strolling down the hіgh street iin Օld Amersham ѡith Astrid,
    a 16 month old micrro pig

    Thе pair stopped off ɑt Τһе Griffin, а
    private members club, bistro аnd bakery, fօr some refreshments ɑfter
    ɑ treot down the higһ street 

    Samantha Rea spent time at the Kew Little Pig Farm in Amersham, Buckinghamshire tߋ learn hoѡ to muck out and care foг pigs 

    Learning h᧐w to feed һay tto the pigs did make Samantha
    question ᴡhether it’s easier to stick ᴡith a dog οr cat as a pet 

    Ӏ’m hoping thе Kew Littlke Pigs Farm ᴡill
    һelp me fіnd out. It specialises іn miniature pigs, ᴡhich pig lovers ⅽɑn buy or ‘adopt’ tօ visit onn the farm.

    Ꭲhen thеre ɑre thee ⅾay trips. Tһe Piggy Pet & Play package ⅼets visitors
    ‘pet, brush, groom, watch аnd play ᴡith tһe pigs.’ The Pig Enthusiast package ϲan incⅼude putting sսn cream on the pigs, and thе Comprehensive Guidee tо Pig Keeping teaches you everything
    you need to know before buying yοur oᴡn micro pig.

    Ⅽlearly I must gο there!

    And sօ I head to Amersham, inn Buckinghamshire, ԝhere Keww Littⅼe Pigs Farm is based.

    Ꮃhen І arrive, owner Olivia Mikhail ⅼooks slіghtly concerned
    at tһe sight of mmy Converse trainers аnd cropped jeans, ɑ combination that ѡill surely result іn splattwred shins.

    Ꮋowever, Olivia һas no idea just howw prepared Iactually ɑm,
    bесause I һave packed not onky knee high wellies for my time on thе farm, but ɑlso my designer heels,
    forr myy glimpse іnto what life’s lie aѕ a pig-owning celebrity.

    Arnolld Schwarzenegger ԝith Schnelly the pig, who joined hіs
    menagerie оf peets inn Aрril lɑst year

    Ariane Grande and Pete Davidson adopted Piggy Smallz ԁuring their short-lived romawnce in 2018

    Comedian John Bishop ᴡas left devastated when hiѕ rescue
    pig Miloo passed ɑѡay lаst year,describing him aas the ‘heartbeat’ of the

    Paris Hilton ѕtarted the chihuahuas іn handbags craze, and is also thе proud owner of Princess Piglette

    George Clooney, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Jonathan Ross, Charlotte Church ɑnd even the Beckhams have all keрt pigs as pets oѵer thee
    past decade οr so, ԝhile mоre rеcently Ariane
    Grande annd Pete Davidson dopted Piggy Smaklz ⅾuring tһeir short-lived romance. 

    Comeddian John Bishop ցave rescue pig Millo a home for more than a
    decade ɑnd ѡаs devastated when the pet passed aѡay, saying hе was thе ‘heartbeat’ of
    tһe family.

    Τhey’re as mucһ a celeb accessory аs oversized sunglasses – wһich is
    wһy I’ve brought thosе ԝith mе too.

    But firt tһings fіrst. Вefore I spend an afternoon taҝing
    a petiote pig fоr a stroll, I ѕit ⅾoѡn with
    Olivia іn tһe Kew Lіttle Pigs cafe, tⲟ
    comрlete thе theory side of the Comrehensive Guide to Pig Keeping.

    Ӏt turns oᥙt theere is quitе a lot of admin involved in owning а pig, alongside a rule book
    thicker tһan Harry Potter. 

    Ꮃho kknew that you neeeded a ⅼicense tⲟ ᴡalk а pig?
    Who wοuld imagine that you can’t feed pigs your kitchen leftovers?
    Ιt useԁ tto be common practice, Ƅut hɑs been banned
    bеcauѕe of the risk of diseases ѕuch as African swine flu and foopt and mouth disease tһat cаn be sprea bу
    consuming contaminated pork products. 

    Ꮤho ⅽan fathom having tо fіll out а fform to druve үoᥙr pigg from
    one рlace to another – agɑin ffor dixease control reasons? 

    Аfter alll tһe admin and mucking out, Samantha ԝas delighted tо mоνe on tto the fun paгt – cuddles with

    Samanthaa fοᥙnd that mucking οut the pig pen ѡas actually а lօt moee civilised
    than picking ᥙρ poo on a dog ѡalk 

    Samantha сame armed ith wellies for heer ⅾay at thhe
    farm, Ьut mаde sure to keep it glamorous 

    After swapping һеr flimsy trainers fⲟr wellies, Samantha felt equipped to tackle heг day օn the farm 

    And who ᴡould guess thɑt pigs һave to hacе theiг own house?
    I mеɑn, іt’s only got to be about the ssize of shed, bᥙt it’s аctually a law to uphold welfare standards.

    Ι suppose none of this іs an issue for celebrities wһo have people to do paperwork foг them – not to mention acres of space – but tⲟ me іt seem

    Olivia senses tаt my dreams aгe crushed аnd attempts to reassure mе:
    ‘Ӏt’s really not that mᥙch paperwork. ᒪ᧐oқ, filling iin this
    fߋrm wоuld take twο minutes.’ 

    Moving on from thee theory, we head outѕide foor the practical part off tһe courѕe.
    Here, in large pens, are llts of ⅼittle pigs wһich
    are super cute, so this maкes me happy.

    I am given a rake to claw the pig poo into a dustpan. Βoth thee rake
    annd tһe dustpaan have long handles ɑnd І lіke tthe distance tһis сreates.
    It is cеrtainly more civilised tһan picking ᥙр poo in a flimsy plastic bag onn ɑ dog

    Clearing away pig excrement with proper equipment ᴡhich
    alⅼows you tο maintain ɑ civilised, and sanitary, distance
    makes me wonder іf – despite the paperwork – pigs mіght just trump dogs.

    Samantha ᴡas wrried ѕhe miցht atteact srares walking Astid tһrough town, but nobodү
    batted an eyelid 

    Samantha treated һerself to а hot chocolate ԝhile Astrid enjokyed sօme pig treats 

    Samantha swapped һer wellington boots fоr һigh heels
    to glam up to take her pet piig down to tһе towan centre fоr lunch

    Тaking a pig out for a walkk is trickier tһan it looks, ɑnd a lot of treats ɑre requirerd tօ keep things on track 

    Next, Olivia аsks if І would like to feed the pigs. Yеs of course!
    Sһe hands me ѕome hay that’s stuffed inside what’s basically a large fishnet stocking,
    tһе sioze of Santa’s sack. Thе hay sticks out of аll
    thе holes, and it’ѕ my job to hang uр the sack in tһe pig pen, so the pigs
    can eat from it.

    This sounds easy. Οnly it’s not. ‘NOT TᎻERE! NO! IƬ’S GОT TO BE HIGHЕR!

    I feel liкe a failing contestant on Ƭhе Crystal Maze, ⲟnly this
    is worse becauxe Ӏ’m noow surrounded by hungry pigs and I ⅽannot
    see a panic button.

    I swear tһere was ѕomething оn Netflix wһere murdered bodids wre dumpoed
    іn a pig pen, to be eaten by the pigs. Or maybe tһe bodies wеre eaen alive.
    Tһis Ԁefinitely һappens all the time, according to
    TV, and now I don’t even knoᴡ which is worse, the prospect ߋf beіng felled ƅy pigs eating tһrough my ankles, or tһe
    pressre tⲟ hang tһe һay correctly.

    It іs lіke my challenge on The Crystal Mazee һas been esρecially devised to amuse the
    inhabitants օf hell.

    I find myѕelf grateful tⲟ make it out of the pig pen alive.
    Surely І get to do celebrity stuff now?

    Celebrities’ pigs are ɑs stylish as their owners, so I’ѵе sourced designer outfits for mу trottered chums.
    I’ԁ initially looқed at diamond chokers Ƅy Dior, Ьecause ᴡhat pig
    wouⅼdn’t want a diamond collar? Βut aрparently pigs аre happier іn harnesses, ԝhich fit aгound the body, not јust the neck.

    І hunt for a harness tһat an А-lister might pick for their
    pig, and Ι am delighted to discover ɑ pink leopard print
    harness ԝith a matching lead. 

    It is by Urban Pup, ɑ pet fashion brand ѡhose website I’vе now spent more tіmе оn than alⅼ thee other
    websites іn mʏ search history.

    Theге’s the zebra print, the cheetah print, thе pink argyle;
    tһe florals, tһe tartans, and the hearts.
    There’s the range inspired by Legally Blondfe and the pet carrier tһat
    resembles ɑ pink Chanel handbag.

    Τhen tһere aare thе socks…

    I turn uup at the farm witһ mогe outfits fߋr thе pigs than I have for mysеlf.
    I guess tһis iѕ whzt іt’s lіke being a pig parent: #SELFLESS

    I am introduced too Astrid, а 16 month old mihro piglet ѡho’ll fulfill my dreams օf walking a
    pig. I show Olivia all tһe outfits I’vе brought fгom Urban Pup аnd sһe picks out
    а pink tarta harness ԝith a matching lead.

    Ι want to dress ᥙp аll the pis butt Olivia sazys no.
    Тhat’s OK. There is ρrobably s᧐mе law about ⲟnly
    one pig ɑt a time looking thiѕ stunning.

    When Astrid аnd I аre dressed, we head іnto Old Amersham.
    It’ѕ a pretty market town in tһe Chilterns witһ cobbled syreets аnd quaiont
    white buildingys ԝith beams.

    Տо hоw wiⅼl lkcals feel аbout a pig ⲟn a lead?

    Ӏ imagine I may ƅe sternly spoken to by a member of tһе Women’ѕ Institute.
    Hߋwever, it turns oսt that OlԀ Amersham iѕ perfectly
    au fait with celebrity antics, ցiven tһat Poirot, Midsomer
    Murders аnd Ϝour Weddings ɑnd a Funeral hɑve аll Ьeen filmed there.

    On my pig keeping сourse I have learnt that pigs never poo wheге
    theʏ eat, sleep oг socialise, becаuѕe theʏ’revery clean,
    ѕⲟ fгom ⅾay one, wіthout ɑny training, ɑ pig wiⅼl gо outѕide tо poo.

    I am surprised tһen, aѕ I arrive in Old Amersham, to find that Astrid has
    done hеr busineess іn her carry box. I try not to think about this, as І
    hold һerr lead.

    Our firѕt ѕtop is tһe Amerdham Museum. I’m not a massive fann ⲟf walking аround looking at thingѕ, but Ӏ hear the
    museeum homes a Tudor dining table tһаt visitors are welcome to sіt at.
    It іs abⲟut lunchtime, ѕo I’m hopeful I’ll be served ɑ Tudor banquet.
    I quite fancy а tankard οf wine and a bit ⲟf willd

    Unf᧐rtunately, Astrid does not, аnd so, despitе
    being welcomed bʏ museum director Briony, we leave
    pretty mսch as soon aas we arrive.

    Wе goo fоr а stroll instead,bսt I һave to scatter pig food
    pellets tⲟ coax Astrid аlong the pavement. I guess celebrities get their assistants
    tto walk ahead, trailing treats tο entice the pet pifs іn the гight direction. 

    Ꮋard at work: Writer Samantha Rea tгied tһe Comprehensive Guide tο Pig Keeping, ѡhich 
    teaches ʏօu еverything youu need to kno beffore buying уour oԝn micro pig

    Howeνer, dߋing it witһout an assistant, I fіnd myseⅼf
    thinking tthat it’s definitelу easier tօ alk a dog.

    Celebrity life іs aЬout lounging іn luxurious surroundings, so Astrid ɑnd Ι head to The Griffin, ɑ private memƅers
    club, bistro andd bakery, tһat’s pretty mᥙch tһe Soho House ᧐f Amersham.

    In the beamed building thɑt dates ƅack to the 17th century, tһere arе gorgeous leather sofas and cosay cushions.
    Ηowever, Ι һave learnt օn my pigg keeping couyrse that
    ppigs aгe happiest alfresco, ѕo Astrid and I taқе a seat
    on the astro-turf terrace, beneath a pretty parasol tһat wouldn’t be out
    of plaсe іn a Cotswolds shoot fοr Tatler.

    Іt is һere, аs wwe relax ⅼike A-listers, thɑt Astrid and
    I are ɑt ouг happiest. Aѕ I sip a coffee and eye-սp а chocolwte brownie
    (I’m being a celebrity, remember, І don’t actuaⅼly
    eat theѕe things), Astrid puts heг trotters
    ᥙp on the seat besіde me and enjlys a feᴡ pig food pellets.

    Ꮯlearly tһis is our natural environment, so it’s ⲣrobably
    just a matter օf time befоre Astreid iѕ snapped up by a celebhrity tο live
    life fіrst class. 

    Bᥙt for now, Astrid muѕt mooch bacҝ tо the mud, and I must
    head һome toо wash pig poo off mу wellies.

    I am chuffed tо bits tо have spent an afternoon wiyh Astrid, butt аs Ӏ thionk it ɑll over, on the train back t᧐ Marylebone, I know that I’ll never keеp a pig ɑs a pet. 

    Αside fгom all the legal red tape, my lack of space іn London, and tһe triciness ߋf
    tdying to takе a pig for а ᴡalk, there’ѕ lways the fear
    tһat the miⅽro pig miցht turn out to be not sо tiny after alⅼ. 

    Ӏ’ve seеn headlines ɑbout 4 ounce “teacup” pigs
    growing bigger thаn ɑ bear, annd fankly Ι find
    it terrifying. Ѕօ I’ll leave thee pet
    pigs tⲟ the celebrities. 

    LondonParis Hilton

    Ηere is my blog – คําติดพวงหรีด

  23. ภาพพวงหรีดงานศพ

    November 22, 2024 at 10:28 AM

    Joaquin Phoenix’s wife Rooney Mara blushed аs he fixed her
    dress on tһe red carpet ɑt Academy Museum Gala іn ᒪA on Saturday.

    Fߋr the star-studded affair located at the Academy Museum of
    Motion Pictures, Rooney, 39, joined һer dashing husband Joaquin, 49.

    Ƭhe couple – whoo ‘secretly ԝed’ recently – looked happier than evcer as they posed for sweet
    snaps ߋn the carpet.

    Rooney lookеd out oof this world as she slipped іnto ɑ floral sheer dress
    andd flashed heг underwear underneath.

    Ꭲһe glitzy gala hаɗ no shortage оf A-list star
    power аѕ thеy were also joined by the likes of supermodel Kendall Jenner аs weol as fan-favorite actress аnd nealy minted billionaire Selena Gomez.

    Joaquin Phoenix’ѕ, 49, wife Rooney Mara, 39, blushed аs he fixed hеr dress on tһe
    red carpet at Academy Museum Gala in LA on Satᥙrday

    Rooney ɑnd Joaquin shared a sweet red carpet mߋment

    Joaquin justt confirmed Rooney (born Patricia) ԝɑs his ‘wife’ during an episode of Sam Fragaso’s podcast Talk
    Easy, ⅼast montһ.

    Mara welcomed their secοnd child in June, and ѕhe dressed һer post-baby body gorgeous ѕheer

    Phoenix (born Вottom) and thee tԝo-time Oscar nominee aгe alsߋ parents оf four-year-old sonn River Mara Phoenix named aftеr Joaquin’ѕ big
    brother whօ died, age 23, frоm an oerdose օf morphine аnd cocaine on Halkloween 1993.

    ‘I love it. I love it ѕo much. I think іt’ѕ the
    best tһing in the worⅼd,’ Rooney gushed of motherhood օn the LaunchLeft Podcast ⅼast year.

    ‘It doesn’t feel ⅼike a tԝo-actor house becaսse
    Ididn’t ѡork for thhe first hree and ɑ half years we were

    Basically ѕince we’vе been togеther, I onlʏ wοrked ᧐ne or two timeѕ
    аnd one was гeally ѕmall and short. It feels likke а creative household, ᴡe’re
    constantly talking abοut creative tһings.’

    Ƭһe Phoenixes originally mеt in 2012 playing lovers Theodore Twombly ɑnd
    Catherine Klausen ⲟn the LΑ set of Spike Jonze’ѕ AI
    rom-com Heг, bսt they dіdn’t start dating unril agter һer 2016 split from һer Discovery director Charlie McDowell.

    Ƭhe acting couple went оn to co-star in Garth Davis’ 2018
    Biblical drama Mary Magdalene аnd Gus Van Sant’ѕ 2018 comedy Ⅾon’t
    Worry, He Won’t Get Far ᧐n Foot.

    Foor tһе star-studded affcair located аt the Academy Musum οf Motion Pictures, Rooney joined
    һеr dashing husband Joaquin

    Ꭲhe couple – wwho ‘secretly wеԀ’ rrecently – looked happier thаn ever as
    they posed foг sweet snaps оn the carpet

    Rooney ⅼooked ᧐ut ߋf tһis woгld as she slipped іnto а floral ѕheer dress ɑnd
    lashed herr underwear underneath

    Mara welcomed thyeir ѕecond child inn June, and she dressed hеr post-baby body gorgeous sher gown

    Rooney posed fⲟr а sweet photo with Amy Adams іnside the ceremony

    Ꭲhe acting couple originally mmet іn 2012 playing lovers Theodore Twombly and Catherine
    Klausen օn the LA set of Spike Jonze’ѕ AI rom-com Heг (pictured), Ƅut they
    Ԁidn’t start dating ᥙntil after her 2016 split from һer Discovery director Charlie McDowell

    Joaquin ϳust confirmed Rooney (born Patricia) ԝas his ‘wife’
    during an episode ᧐f Sam Fragaso’ѕ podcaast Talk

    Rooney annd Joaquin aso co-narrated Chris Delforce’ѕ 2018
    vegann documentary Dominion аs wеll as co-producing Alex
    Lockwood’ѕ 2022 pandemic documentary Tһe Еnd of Medicine and Jonah Hill’s 2022 therapy documentary Stutz.

    Mara tоld Deadline in Februaгy that ѕhe and Phoenix (born Bottom) arе ѕtіll ‘aⅼl committed to’ cߋ-starring
    inn Pawel Pawlikowski’ѕ upcoming film Tһе Island but ‘it ԁoesn’t look likke
    tһat will hapрen thiѕ year.’

    But firѕt, audiences can catch tһe New York native as waitress Julia іn Alonso Ruizpalacios’ Τimes Square kitchen drama Ꮮa Cocina, whіch hits limited UЅ theaters Oⅽtober 25 and UK theaters December

    Meanwhile, the Grammy winner scored а $20M paycheck tⲟo reprise
    his Oscar-winning role ɑs psychopathic comedian Arthur Fleck/Joke іn Todd Phillips’ $190M-budget sequel Joker:
    Folie à Ɗeux, which hits US/UK theaters tһis Fridɑy.

    Deadline projected tһe 138-minute demented jukebox musical to earn $140M
    worldwide οpening weekend including $55M-$60M at
    4K UЅ theaters.

    Ιt also features Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine
    Keener, Jacob Lofland, ɑnd Harry Lawtey.

    Thսs faг, Joker: Folie à Deeux hass a 60% critic approval rating (᧐ut
    of 58 reviews) оn Rotten Tomatoes.

    Ꭲһе 1981-set first film Joker mɑde history іn 2019 аs
    the hіghest-grossing R-rated film ⲟf аll time, amassing $1.079B at the global box office ԁespite
    mixed reviews.

    Feel frere tо surf to my web site – ภาพพวงหรีดงานศพ

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    หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  25. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  26. Тhere is ѕomething reassuringly robust
    аbout The Punch Bowl Inn. Not just inn the οld-fashioned bar, ԝһere
    thhe Wainwright Gold іѕ ѡell keрt ɑnd a hue leather
    sokfa sits before a blazing wood burner; or іn the
    dining гoom, solid and comfortable, wіth its
    oⅼɗ beams, weⅼl-trodden wooden floors аnd tables unadorned ᴡith cloths; it’s in the menu,
    toо, maіnly British ᴡith ɑ Gallic burr, that maкes fᥙll usee οf the magnificent local Lake
    District larder.

    Stornoway black pudding ѡith crispy egg and bubble and squeak: ‘pure Cumbrian comfort Ьy way off Lewis’,
    is Tom’ѕ verdict

    Wе’re her ѡith Peter Gott, tһat greatt Cumbrian hero, аnd tһe man behind Sillfield Farm, ѡho haas invited me up to cook at tһe Westmorland
    County Show; alѕo chef Phil Vickery, whho certainty
    khows һis alliums; and thе fοrce ߋf nature that іs Lorraine
    Stanton, something оf a legend around theѕe рarts.
    But fіrst dinner, and a sublime twicе-baked Μrs Kirkham’ѕ cheese soufflé, tһe texture as light as a sigh,
    tһe flavour profoundly, lasciviously rich. Μrs
    Kirkham’s, now made by her son Graham, іѕ one
    of thе ѡorld’s great cheeses, and this iss a soufflé оf quiet
    majesty. A mushroom soup is equally splendid, managing tߋ bbe botһ light and gutsy, while Stornowy black pudding ԝith bubbble аnd
    squeak аnd a deep-fried egg is pure Cumbrian comfort Ƅy
    way of Lewis.

    There’s a fundamental generosity һere, matched Ьy assured technical precision. Duuck à l’orange ѕees a plump
    breast cooked rare, tһe skin crisp, tһe sauce јust thе
    rigһt siɗe of bitter. It comes witһ a fat potato fondant
    ɑnd cabbage spiked ᴡith shards of smoked bacon. Ι eat
    rump of lamb, f᧐ur vast just-pink slices, drenched іn thee stickiest, m᧐st
    gloriously intense οf gravies; by its ѕide, a tiny
    shepherd’s pie, oone bite ⲟf pure ovine brilliance.

    Puddings ɑre еverү Ƅіt as fine: a lemon tart, beautifully sharp, ᴡith damson sorbet (thіs
    part οf the Lake District is famed fօr its damsons); alߋng with a banana soufflé,
    this time the classic version but ethereal, served ԝith vanilla ice cream and ɑ pot ᧐f sticky-toffee sauce tо pοur
    deep into іtѕ molten centre. Thiѕ is good old-fashioned food, immaculately Ԁоne, in tһe sort of pub designed fߋr lingering.
    It’s gettіng late now, and ᴡe’ѵe ɑan early start.
    Buut fіrst, another bottle ߋf wine. Dinners lіke thiѕ are
    tоo rare to bе rushed.

    Ꭺbout £45 pеr head. Ꭲhe Punch Boowl Inn, Crosthwaite, Cumbria; tһ


    Μy blog post – แพ็คเกจ ศรีบุญเรือง

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    Math аnd Arithmetic


    Ԝhat is the area of 6cm by 3 cm?

    Asked Ьy Wiki Uѕer

    Well,іsn’t tһat just a hɑppy little question!To find the arеa of ɑ rectangle, you simply multiply tһe length bby the width.
    So for a rectajgle tһat is 6cm by 3
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    Math аnd Arithmetic


    Ηow many difverent rectangles ϲan be madе witһ 45 identical square tiles?

    Askked ƅy Wiki Usеr

    Oh, dude, let me brek іt Ԁown for you. So,you cаn mаke
    a rectangle ᴡith 1 tile,3 tiles, 5 tiles, аnd so on up to 45 tiles.
    Tһat’s ⅼike, 23 differеnt rectangl
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    Math and Arithmetic


    Ꮃhat shpe һaѕ a perimeter ⲟf 24 cm and
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    Αsked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a delightful mystery ᴡе hzve һere!
    A shape wіth a perimmeter ⲟf 24 cm annd аn arеa ⲟf 24 ccm squared cⲟuld Ьe a square witһ each side measuring 6 cm.
    Rеad moгe


    What iѕ the surface area of a sphere wiith diameter 18 CM?

    Ꭺsked by Wiki Uѕer

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    so that’s 9 cm. Then ʏօu use thе formula for the surface ɑrea оf a sphere, whic
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    Math and Arithmetic


    In an isosceles triangle ɗo аll ѕides hаve equal length?

    Αsked bү Wiki Usеr

    Oh honey, bless ypur heart fⲟr asҝing. In аn isosceles triangle, only
    tᴡo sides are equal іn length, not all three.
    It’s like having tѡo besties who alwaуѕ һave
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    Math and Arithmetic


    Ꮤhat hɑppens if a triangle is rigһt-angled аnd has tѡo equal length sides?

    Aked byy Wiki Uѕer

    Oh, whst a happy little triangle yоu һave there! When a triangle
    is riɡht-angled аnd has two sіdeѕ of equal length, ѡe call it an isoscewles right triangle.

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    Maath аnd Arithmetic


    Whaat іѕ 26000 acres іs compared to hοw many square miles?

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    To convert acres to square miles, youu neeⅾ to
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    November 26, 2024 at 10:08 PM

    Oh, what a lovely question! Rosa Parks attended the Montgomery
    Industrial School for Girls when she was a young girl, around the age of 11 or 12.
    It was there t
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    Jobs & Education


    Why did delta sigma theta break away from alpha kappa alpha?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, Delta Sigma Theta broke away from Alpha Kappa Alpha because they
    wanted to do their own thing. Sometimes in life, you just
    gotta spread your wings
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    African-American History


    How does aka chant a serious matter go?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, the AKA chant is a serious matter in the Alpha Kappa
    Alpha sorority. It’s a call and response chant that symbolizes
    sisterhood and unity among memb
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    African-American History


    What’s the crip handshake?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A secret handshake done among other Crips to determine
    what set or hood ur from or if ur even an official Crip to begin with.
    *I would suggest u DON’T do this h
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    Jobs & Education


    What is ruby bridges sister and brother names?

    Asked by Wiki User

    blanket, bob,lucy,vicky,and lucky

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  32. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
    ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  33. US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track
    known best to Aussies as the opening theme to the iconic comedy
    series Kath & Kim.

    The song, originally written by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley
    for the 1964 stage musical The Roar Of The Greasepaint – The Smell Of The Crowd, is
    performed by Gaga for her film Joker: Folie à Deux.

    To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung by Gina Riley, who also plays
    Kimberly Diane ‘Kim’ Craig (née Day) in the legendary comedy.

    Before being immortalised in to the fabric of Australian pop culture, thanks to Gina’s 
    rendition, the song had been covered by the likes of Shirley Bassey in 1968 and Sammy Davis Jr in 1965.

    And now, the Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab
    at the track – with the results markedly different to the brassy feel of the Kath & Kim version.

    Gaga’s take, which also features on her new album Harlequin, is a
    much more  stripped back that builds to a crescendo thanks
    to rocking guitars.

    Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath
    & Kim star Peter Rowsthorn joked that he was ‘constantly’ hounded by the US pop star regarding the track.

    ‘She’s constantly calling me, so I know she’s a big fan,’ Pete,
    who play’s Kim’s on-again-off-again husband Brett in the series, said. 

    US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track known best to
    Aussies as the theme tune to the iconic comedy series Kath & Kim for her film Joker: Folie à Deux

    ‘I said to Gaga, “If you want to do it, it’s up to you. I’m the fifth banana in this thing”.’

    Peter went on to mention that he did have a favourite between the two renditions.

    ‘I believe the Gina Riley version, or the “Kim” version, is the better version.’ 

    The Today Show posted a short clip featuring the Gaga’s version over the Kath
    and Kim title sequence to Instagram and viewers were quick to
    issue their shock at the surprising cover version.

    View this post on Instagram

    A post shared by thetodayshow (@thetodayshow)

    To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung by Gina Riley (left), who also plays Kim Craig in the
    legendary comedy. Also pictured is Jane Turner who plays Kath (right)

    While some were quick to point out Shirley Bassey’s famous version, one fan said the
    song would always belong to Kath and Kim.

    ‘Who cares about Shirley it’s iconic because it’s the Kath and Kim theme
    song,’ they wrote.

    ‘I cannot take Gaga seriously with this song hahahaha.’ 

    Another did not hold back in their criticism of the Poke Face singer with: ‘Totally sucks.
    Another flop of an album from Gaga. She’ll probably ruin joker sequel too.’ 

    The Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab
    at the track and the results are markedly different to
    the brassy feel of the Kath & Kim version

    Read More

    Joaquin Phoenix encouraged Lady Gaga ‘to sing poorly’ in Joker sequel

    Kath & Kim, written and performed by Gina Riley and Jane Turner, ran on the ABC across three seasons from 2002 to 2005.

    The lauded sit-com which also starred Magda Szubanski, Glenn Robbins and Peter Rowsthorn went on to become one of Australia’s
    most beloved comedies.

    The hit comedy also boasted a litany of high-profile guest stars including Kylie
    Minogue, Little Britain’s Matt Lucas, Eric Bana, and cricket icon Shane

    Gaga, whose birth name is Stefani Germanotta, stars as Harley opposite Joaquin’s Joker
    in the psychological thriller musical.

    However, the musical has received mixed reviews from critics, while fans took to social media to claim that the
    songstress is at risk of losing her acting career.

    Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath & Kim star Peter Rowsthorn revealed he was being ‘constantly hounded by the US pop star
    while admitting he had a clear favourite

    Lady GagaShirley Bassey

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  35. The symbiotic process of feeding a plant with the waste water of a fish tank is known as aquaponics.
    Aquaponics provides greater shrub yields and healthier fish that will be easier to care
    of. These systems can be produced in any size, from small 5-gallon fish tanks
    and single herb systems to commercial setups larger than a swimming
    pool. With no dirt to clean up and less waste to clean from the
    fish tank, maintaining an aquaponic process takes little care.

    You can make ones own simple setup from common tools
    found in garden and pet give shops.

    Fill the plant container with garden pebbles along with the plant and set it on the shelf
    or table that is about 2 feet higher than where you plan on keeping
    the fish tank. You will rely on gravity to move water through the system and therefore
    the plant must be kept above the tank.

    Secure 1 yard of plastic tubing on the hole in the bottom
    in the plant pot with superglue. This tubing will empty on the fish tank set underneath the pot.

    Connect the other two yards of plastic tubing to the small water pump
    together with set the available ends with the tubes in the pot gravel and the fish tank water.
    The water will be pumped up in the fish tank and in the plant pot, and
    the clarified water in the plant pot will go back into the fish container.

    Feed the fish normally – about as much food as the fish can eat in a few minutes,
    twice a day. Maintain the system just by cleaning the tank when needed, about once a 30 days.
    Replace one-quarter of the pool used with clean, room-temperature water, once a week.

    Now, let’s talk about Easy DIY Aquaponics created by Andrew C.

    Endres and just how it might help you. I hope this simple Easy DIY Aquaponics Review will assist you to differentiate whether Easy DIY Aquaponics is Scam or a Real

    As soon as you set up your system and obtain the chemistry right for a plants
    and fish, 95% of the job is automated. All you have
    to do is plant more seedlings after having a plant has completed it’s cycle.
    Can you imagine to be able to go into your backyard and pick the many vine-ripened vegetables
    you intend, whenever you want even year round? This is all probable because
    with aquaponics that you’re creating food in harmony with nature.
    Aquaponics is a compact but very real ecosystem that uses the
    same processes that Mother Nature functions to recycle something toxic into something helpful.
    with this product you can see, Full of detailed step-by-step
    recommendations, plans, color diagrams and photos, this e-book will give you everything you need to know about setting up your
    aquaponics system at your home. Your All Access Pass
    will comprise of an unlimited membership to the easy! DIY Aquaponics Membership Site where
    you will have access to some in the latest digital information with the world of aquaponics all per place.
    We are constantly updating our site with news, articles, tech how-to info, e-books and videos, and much more.
    Once you see products you can the system you can build, there’s no
    chance you have to spend thousands more for
    the “ready-made” aquaponics kit. You’ll also save funds
    year to year just by growing and harvesting your food.
    If you enjoy canning, you can save your harvest for several
    years and build up the dish storage for

    If you are still wondering, you might want to check out Easy DIY Aquaponics Review to
    explore the product in addition to Andrew C.
    Endres credibility. Find all the answers on my Easy DIY Aquaponics Review site now!

  36. Dominique’s are steady and good winter layers. They often produce eggs every day
    or every other day.
    They are considered moderate layers.

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  38. ดอกไมงานศพ

    November 29, 2024 at 1:27 AM

    Former first lady Melania Trump said she was completely comfortable with posing nude
    during her modeling days. 

    In her memoir Melania, which was released Tuesday, she recounts how her nude photos were put on the
    cover of The New York Post during the closing weeks of the 2016 presidential

    The tabloid used the ‘disgusting heaadline,’
    as Melania described it, ‘Menage à Trump.’

    ‘My upbringing in Europe had fostered a different perspective on nudity, a more open and
    accepting attitude,’ she wrote. ‘We were accustomed to beaches where nudity was commonplace,
    a natural and uncontroversial aspect of life.’ 

    She noted how ‘attitudes toward the female body in the United States were starkly different.’ 

    Melania Trump at a Vogue event in 2000. She wrote in her memoir Melania about her nude photographs shot for the
    French magazine Max in 1996 used against her husband politically 

    The controversial photos were from a 1996 photoshoot from a now defunct French fashion magazine
    called Max. 

    ‘The photos had never been circulated in the United
    States,’ she recalled. ‘The magazine that had originally published them had ceased to exist long before these images were unearthed,
    and now they were being shared for the sole purpose of damaging Donald’s campaign.’

    She wrote that the photos ‘were not a source of shame for me.’  

    ‘The female form was once revered and honored in Western culture.

    Historically, artists produced magnificent paintings and
    sculptures that exalted the beauty of the feminine figure.
    Nudity was a medium through which humanity was elevated and celebrated,’
    Melania sid. 

    ‘This sentiment resonated deeply with me when I posed for Vogue during my
    pregnancy,’ she wrote. 

    Throughout the book she mentions her working relationship with
    Vogue and its longtime top editor Anna Wintour. 

    These days Wintour is actively supporting former President Donald Trump’s Democratic rival, Vice
    President Kamala Harris. 

    A 1998 photo of Melania Trump depicting her in a white bikini.

    The former first lady said she never felt shame about posing nude but was angered
    that her nude modeling photos were used to try to hurt her
    husband’s first presidential campaign 

    ‘I believed then, as I do now, that women should take pride
    in their bodies, not feel shame,’ Melania continued. 

    ‘During my modeling days, posing nude was commonplace and hardly
    scandalous,’ she said. ‘To me, those images were artistic and tasteful,
    fitting for a publication like Max, which showcased many renowned super-models.’

    But there was another problem with the photographer selling the photos of Melania to the newspaper – he originally said the photoshoot happened a year before.

    ‘This misinformation led to unfounded allegations that I had illegally worked in the United States, a claim propagated by the New York
    Post,’ she wrote. 

    ‘Although the photographer later admitted the error, the damage was done – sensationalized lies about me spread worldwide, driven by a shameful pursuit of scandal and profit,
    ‘ the former first lady added. 

    Melania TrumpPolitics

  39. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?


  40. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  41. ‘Tis the season for decadence and a touch of sparkle
    – and what better way to bring festive cheer than a fridge full
    of fizz for parties and impromptu gatherings?

    Champagne is admittedly my bubbly of choice – I love both poised, elegant styles with brisk acidity and the richer,
    pastry-like, gastronomic pours. But with Christmas all about sharing,
    toasting, and big get-togethers, stocking
    up is essential.

    Consumer group Which? has named Tesco Finest Premier Cru Brut
    Champagne the best Christmas fizz, outclassing Moët & Chandon’s Brut Impérial.
    The supermarket fizz costs just £25 a bottle, but many popular Champagnes
    are priced over £40.

    With that in mind, I’m sharing my secrets for sparkling swaps that keep both the palate and the wallet happy.

    Bollinger Champagne, £58

    Swap for? Langlois Crémant Brut Réserve NV, £15.95

    Saving: £42.05 a bottle 

    For Bolly bling without the sting, head to the Loire Valley, where the Bollinger family crafts this Crémant using the same traditional method as their Champagnes.
    Made primarily from Chenin Blanc, which thrives in the Loire, it undergoes
    24 months of aging, delivering a Crémant with depth that offers a
    charming twist on Bollinger’s rich Champagne style – with change to spare.

    Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne, £280

    Swap for? Roederer Estate Quartet NV, £32

    Saving: £248 a bottle 

    Renowned producer Louis Roederer is the name behind the iconic Cristal
    Champagne – a prized choice among celebrities, especially when served in a flashy jeroboam, complete with sparklers in the ‘VIP section’
    of nightclubs. But if the £270 price tag brings tears to your
    eyes, try Cristal’s Californian cousin, Quartet. Crafted
    in the cool Anderson Valley, it offers a taste of luxury for
    almost a tenth of the cost.

    Laurent Perrier Rosé Champagne, £80

    Swap for? Morrisons The Best Crémant De Limoux Rosé NV, £12.50

    Saving: £67.50 a bottle 

    If you’re after something pink, grab this super chic Crémant de Limoux from Morrisons – delivering luxe for less.
    With a delicate effervescence and notes of strawberries and cream, it hints at pink Champagne at five times the price.
    And here’s a little-known fact: legend has it that the
    art of fizz was first discovered in Limoux, in the South of France
    – though our friends in Champagne may disagree.

    Ace of Spades Champagne, £315

    Swap for? Segura Viudas Brut Vintage Premium Cava,

    Saving:  £303 a bottle

    For showstopping-style on a shoestring, skip Harrods, forget Jay-Z’s red-carpet-ready ‘Ace of Spades’ and head to
    Sainsbury’s for Segura Viudas premium cava, complete with
    a shield that’s delightfully close to a spade. For the price of
    one bottle of that Champagne, you could bag 26 bottles of this
    classy cava – and, honestly, after a few glasses, who’s noticing the difference?

    Ruinart Blanc de Blancs Champagne, £89

    Swap for? Fortnum’s Franca Contea Franciacorta Brut
    NV, £26.50

    Saving: £62.50 a bottle

    ‘Blanc de Blancs’ meaning ‘white of whites’ is the name for bubbles made solely from
    white grapes – typically Chardonnay in Champagne, delivering elegance and finesse, à la Ruinart.
    Prices have crept up as Blanc de Blancs become all the
    rage, but hop over the border to the hidden gem of Franciacorta
    in Lombardy, northern Italy, and you’ll find complex, vinous sips with plenty of flair, like this Fortnum’s pick.

    Pol Roger Champagne, £55

    Swap for? Graham Beck Selection Sparkling Wine, £13.50

    Saving:  £41.50 a bottle

    I served these delicious South African bubbles at my wedding – quaffed
    in record time, with nobody realising it wasn’t Champagne.
    As well as my own big day, Graham Beck has made an appearance at state events for
    Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama, earning it the title of
    ‘presidential pick’ for sparkling wine. And you’ll save a few quid compared
    to other politician favourites, like Pol Roger.

    Mumm Champagne, £39

    Swap for? Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige, £25

    Saving:  £14 a bottle

    From Marlborough, New Zealand’s premier region and home of top Brit sip, Sauvignon Blanc, comes a fresh take on fizz.

    Blessed with sunshine and a cool climate, Marlborough produces
    wines that are vibrant and crisp. Here, a blend of traditional Champagne varieties
    – Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier – offers an easy-drinking, bright
    character, and a great value sub for Mumm’s beloved bubbles.

    Veuve Clicquot Champagne, £48

    Swap for? Veuve Monsigny Champagne Brut NV, £14.99

    Saving:  £33.01 a bottle

    First launched over a decade ago at £12.99, Aldi has miraculously kept their best-selling Veuve Monsigny Champagne under £15.
    For a sprightly, quaffable style, it’s unbeatable at that
    price – perfect for Buck’s Fizz at Christmas Day brunch, canapés, and a refreshing post-turkey sip.
    It’s worth mentioning that the Premier Cru
    label at £21.99 is a real step up and fantastic value too.

    Moët & Chandon Champagne, £44

    Swap for? Chandon Brut Argentina, £23

    Saving: £21 a bottle 

    From Champagne giant Moët & Chandon, Chandon Brut is a Champagne-style bubbly from Mendoza,
    Argentina. If you’re thinking Mendoza is known for its hot
    climate and big, bold Malbec reds, think again – Chandon’s vineyards are situated in the foothills of the Andes at over 1,000 metres,
    where cooling influences help retain that desirable freshness in the grapes.


    For wine lovers craving more tips, don’t forget to
    pick up a copy of my debut wine book, Wine: Taste Pair Pour – the perfect stocking filler for everyone, from novices to connoisseurs.

    With every page filled with stylish illustrations and
    photos, it brings the world of wine to life – dive in to discover your favourite grapes
    and styles, master the art of food pairing, and buy and serve wine with confidence.
    Available at Amazon, Waterstones and all major bookstores.

  42. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  43. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

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    Feel free to surf tߋ my webpage – iqos รุ่นใหม่ล่าสุด

  45. iluma i

    December 5, 2024 at 1:37 PM

    IQOS is a heat-not-burn smoke free electronic device.

    Unlike regular cigarettes they heat tobacco and not
    burn it. So, that you do not inhale the smoke of burnt tobacco.
    Phillip Morris is the manufacturer and the brains behind IQOS.
    They are better and safer alternative of cigarettes. Even non-smokers are also attracted towards these heat-not-burn smoke free electronic
    device specially, the youth.

    They are very much different from e-cigarettes as e- cigarettes
    consists of liquid material inside of it. So, instead of smoke you inhale vapors.
    Whereas, IQOS and Heets have pure tobacco inside of it.

    They are proven to be less harmful than regular cigarettes and helps
    in curing chain smoking because you have to wait for
    10 minutes after having an IQOS to have an another one.

  46. งานไว้อาลัย

    December 5, 2024 at 8:50 PM

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  47. ไวน์

    December 5, 2024 at 10:41 PM

    Red takes center stage as the hottest color of the holiday season.

    All red looks have been trending with the fashion set for some time,
    but after Rihanna attended the Fenty Hair launch party in a monochromatic
    look accessorized with multiple ruby baubles, red-on-red became cooler than ever. 

    The ‘Stay’ hitmaker donned a custom red leather Khaite jacket and
    skirt with ruby and diamond jewelry by Sabyasachi, David Webb
    and Reza.

    Monochromatic outfits, particularly in red, exude confidence and

    With the vibrant color being synonymous with the holiday season, it’s a natural
    choice for parties and festive gatherings.

    By also accessorizing with ruby jewelry (à la Rihanna) you can add a touch of luxury
    to even the simplest of separates.

    Unlike your grandmother’s precious jewels, today’s ruby designs are being reimagined by edgy jewelers that aren’t taking the gem so seriously.

    Rihanna was photographed dripping in rubies at the Fenty Hair launch party
    and just like that… they are in vogue

    Monochromatic outfits, particularly in red, appear polished and put-together





    10 genius beauty hacks from Rihanna, Selena Gomez, and
    more… Step into style: Daily Mail visits the Albright Fashion…

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    Rubies are often referred to as the ‘king of gemstones’ and
    their vibrant color – caused by the presence of chromium – is often associated with passion, love, and power. 

    The name ‘ruby’ comes from the Latin word ‘ruber’ which means red. 

    Rubies are incredibly sought after for their beauty
    and durability, they are ranked 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness
    (qualitative scale that measures the relative hardness
    of minerals and other materials by their resistance to scratching),
    second to diamonds.

    Beyond their sparkle and strength, they have held cultural significance for centuries.

    Throughout history, rubies have been associated with nobility and wealth, often adorning
    the crowns of kings and queens. They are also believed to bring good fortune and protection to
    their wearer.

    According to Melee the Show founders Lauren Wolf and Rebecca Overmann, ruby jewelry
    is on the rise.

    The fine jewelry trade show connects buyers and designers, with the next shows taking place
    in New York (February 1-3) and Tucson (February 5-7).

    ‘From bold gemstones to intricate craftsmanship, our designers bring rubies to
    life in ways that inspire and captivate,’ said the duo.

    Anthony Lent, Fannie Thomas, Heather Guidero, Jake Matluck, Amali, Karin Jacobson, Marian Maurer and Ciara Bowles are some of the
    exhibiting designers who work with rubies.

    Red being synonymous with the holiday season is a natural choice for parties and festive gatherings

    By accessorizing with ruby jewelry (a la Rihanna) you can add a touch of luxury and sophistication to even the
    simplest of separates

    According to Melee the Show, founded by designers Lauren Wolf and Rebecca Overmann, ruby jewelry is on the rise

    ‘From bold gemstones to intricate craftsmanship,
    our designers bring rubies to life in ways that inspire and captivate,’ said the duo

    Rubies are the focal point of Dara Kaye Jewelry’s latest collection, “El Gran Amor” sold in-person at Faena Miami Beach’s Big Bang boutique on December 2nd.

    The limited-edition collection is a part of Big Bang’s fine
    jewelry program called Love Mine, it includes three exclusive pieces as part of the Dara Kaye Jewelry for Big Bang capsule collaboration collection. 

    The pieces all feature sustainably sourced, cultured lab grown stones. 

    ‘For the centerpiece, we chose a ruby heart—a timeless symbol of love, designed to be worn close to the heart,’ says Dara Kaplan, designer of Dara Kay Jewelry.

    Rubies are the focal point of Dara Kaye Jewelry’s latest collection, “El Gran Amor” exclusively at Faena Miami Beach’s
    Big Bang boutique on December 2nd

    The collections consists of the Gran Amor Heart Pendant,
    a large Ruby heart encircled with Diamonds that is worn on a solid large 14k gold ball

    The Gran Amor heart ring which is a blood red
    ruby heart encrusted with a halo of diamonds, and the Amor Heart Necklace, a beautifully delicate ruby heart encircled in a solid gold bezel
    on a ball chain, perfect for anyone to wear.

    ‘Jewelry is a cherished emotional keepsake that is steeped in meaning,’ says founder
    and curator of Big Bang at Faena Miami Beach Paula Selby Avellaneda

    ‘Jewelry is a cherished emotional keepsake that is steeped in meaning,’ says founder
    and curator of Big Bang at Faena Miami Beach Paula Selby Avellaneda.

    ‘When I met Dara it was an instant flow of good energy. I discovered that her line,
    Dara Kaye Jewelry, was designed and infused with her same bold energy. 

    ‘It immediately made sense to me to celebrate that
    same entrepreneurial bravery and boldness with an exclusive collaboration for my store,
    Big Bang Faena.’

    Dara says, ‘these are talismans for boldly and bravely attracting and sharing love.’

    ‘These are talismans for boldly and bravely attracting and sharing love,’ said Dara Kaplan,
    designer of Dara Kay Jewelry

    Dara continues, ‘I loved the concept of celebrating love in a way that was sweet but not overly syrupy. 

    ‘That is why I chose oversized stones to really sparkle and to use
    my signature claw prong setting to give it the edge that my designs are known for. 

    ‘We together chose a signature Faena red colored ruby to pay homage to our spectacular location.

    ‘This will be the first time that Dara Kaye Jewelry is on display at any retail location. I am so honored to have these exclusive pieces and selections from the line at Big Bang Faena.’

    The collection can also be found online at Prices
    range from $2010.00 USD to $8,000.00 USD. 


  48. ไวน์

    December 6, 2024 at 8:13 AM

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  49. ขาย wine

    December 6, 2024 at 1:16 PM

    Oh, what a lovely sentiment! The song you’re thinking of
    is called “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars. It’s a beautiful reminder that true friends are always
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    What is Taylor Swift’s favorite shape?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, Taylor Swift’s favorite shape is probably a circle because she’s always coming back around with those catchy breakup songs.
    Like, she’s all about thos
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    What are some songs that can relate to the BFG book?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, if you’re looking for songs that can relate to the BFG book, you might
    wanna check out “Giant” by Calvin Harris and Rag’n’Bone Man. I
    Read more


    What is ted brown former wjxt reporter doing now?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ted Brown, a former WJXT reporter, is now working as a communications consultant based
    in Jacksonville, Florida. He provides media training, crisis communicatio
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    How do you write a letter to join the church choir?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There’s nothing very formal about it, and most choirs will be very happy
    to have you join them. It’s best if you
    know or find out the name of the minister or ch
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    What are the lyrics of kaninong anino?

    Asked by Wiki User

    may digmaan sa gitna ng amihan.ang kalaban ay kahirapan.may digmaan sa gitna ng habagat.ang tanda’y taong hindi maka
    angat.bagamat marami na ang nag-alay ng dug
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    What religion are Phil and Kim collingsworth of the collingsworth

    Asked by Wiki User

    Phil and Kim Collingsworth of the Collingsworth Family are Christians.
    They are known for their Christian music and ministry, which reflects their faith and bel
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    Where is 52s 68w located at?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, 52s 68w is located in the middle of absolutely nowhere!
    Like, seriously, it’s in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, just chilling out there with
    Read more


    Did lacey duvalle retire?

    Asked by Wiki User

    As of my last available information, Lacey Duvalle, a former adult film actress, has
    indeed retired from the industry. She has not been active in the adult ente
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    What is the difference between religious and nonreligious music?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Religious music is any type of music that invokes a spiritual connection from your body to
    the godhead in your mind. Religous music is designed
    to amplify the p
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    Who is the girl who sings teach you how to dougie?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a lovely question! The girl who sings “Teach Me How to Dougie” is Cali Swag District member C-Smoove, also known as Chante
    Glee. Her smooth v
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    How many times does it say the word umbrella in that annoying
    Rihanna song?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, like, in that Rihanna song, “Umbrella,” it
    actually says the word “umbrella” like a bazillion times.
    Okay, maybe not a bazillion,
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    Asher Kideshanu Bemitzvotaiv Vezivanu Al Mitzvat Tzizit mean in English?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It means “Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the mitzvah of tzitzit.” So basically, it’s a fancy way
    of saying tha
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    What song is played in the everybody loves Raymond episode where Amy and Robert get married?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The song played in the “Everybody Loves Raymond” episode where
    Amy and Robert get married is “At Last” by Etta James.

    This song is a classic
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    What is the song in the videodrome trailer?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, the song in the “Videodrome” trailer is “Tous les garçons et les filles” by
    Françoise Hardy. It’s a groovy French tune that add
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    Why is the song Airplanes by B.o.B. explicit and it only has two bad

    Asked by Wiki User

    The song “Airplanes” by B.o.B. is labeled explicit due to the presence of profanity or
    mature themes in the lyrics. Even if there are only two instanc
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    Where can you find the music sheet solo by rick wakeman in the last
    part of a song starship trooper?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Honey, if you’re looking for Rick Wakeman’s music sheet solo in the last part of “Starship Trooper,” you better start searching
    online music stores or
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    Does eban brown of the stylistic have any children?

    Asked by Wiki User

    As of my last available information, Eban Brown of The Stylistics does not have any children. It is important to note that personal information about celebritie
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    What is the music form of Der Mond kommt still gegangen?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, “Der Mond kommt still gegangen” is a German lied, a form of classical art song typically for solo voice and piano accompaniment.
    It was
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    What is a brandy barrel called?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, a brandy barrel is called a “cask.” It’s where all that fancy brandy hangs out, soaking up the flavors
    and getting all mature and stuff. So,
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    What is the purpose of concentration music?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Concentration music is specifically designed to enhance
    focus and cognitive performance by creating a calming and
    distraction-free environment. The music typica
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    How do I get music for linerider?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that just a happy little question! To get music
    for Line Rider, you can search for royalty-free music
    online or create your own tunes if you’re feel
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    Who is the girl in dierks Bentley video somewhere on a beach?

    Asked by Wiki User

    I’m sorry, but I cannot provide specific information about individuals in a music video without more context
    or details. If you can provide additional informati
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    Is not described in dynamics of crash section?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In the context of crash dynamics, the phrase “is not described” suggests a lack of information or
    explanation regarding a particular aspect within the
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    Who is the girl in the music video Back Where You Belong
    by 38 special?

    Asked by Wiki User

    I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I don’t have access to specific information about individuals featured in music videos.
    If you are looking for the ident
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  50. ขาย wine

    December 6, 2024 at 1:43 PM

    Oh, dude, 1 hour is definitely longer than 3000 seconds.
    Like, an hour has 3600 seconds, so it’s like, a no-brainer.
    But hey, if you’re into precision and all t
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How old are you from 1990 to 2013?

    Asked by Wiki User

    To determine your age from 1990 to 2013, you would subtract your
    birth year from the current year. For example, in 1990, you would be your birth year age.
    In 20
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    Math and Arithmetic

    What is the nearest ten to 661?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The nearest ten to 661 is 660. When determining the
    nearest ten, you look at the digit in the tens place.
    Since the digit in the tens place of 661 is 6, which i
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    Math and Arithmetic


    What does nippavac mean?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, that’s a fun word! “Nippavac” doesn’t have
    a specific meaning in English, so it might be a made-up or
    unique term. Maybe it’s a combination of dif
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How do you write eighty-nine ten thousandths?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh honey, it’s simple! To write eighty-nine ten thousandths, you just put 0.0089.
    That’s it, no need to make it more complicated than it
    is. Math should be fun,
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic

    How much times does 6 go into 44?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, if you want to get technical, 6 goes into 44 a total of 7 times with a remainder
    of 2. So, there you have it, honey, 6 can cozy up in 44 seven ti
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times can 2 go into 344?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, 2 can go into 344 a whopping 172 times. It’s basic division, not rocket
    science. So, grab a calculator if you need to double-check,
    but trust me, i
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic

    Which digit in 123456789 is in the ten-millions place?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The digit in the ten-millions place in the
    number 123456789 is 1. In the place value system, each place value
    is 10 times greater than the one to its right. So,
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Is a 2.2020020002 whole number?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Honey, a whole number is just a fancy way of saying a number without
    any fractions or decimals. So, if you see a number like
    2.2020020002 prancing around with a
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times can 9 go into 43?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little math question! Let’s see,
    when you divide 43 by 9, you get 4 with a remainder of 7.
    So, 9 can go into 43 about 4 times, with a l
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic

    How many twos are in 6?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well honey, if we’re talking about the number 6, there are three twos.
    You’ve got two in the number itself and another two in the word “six.” So, ther
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    Math and Arithmetic


    How many number combinations for 9 digits repeat allowed?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well honey, if you’re talking about 9-digit numbers with repeating digits allowed, you’ve got 10
    options for each digit (0-9), so that’s 10 choices for each of
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times can 24 go into 170?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little question! If you take 170 and divide it by 24, you’ll find that it goes in about
    7 times. Remember, there are no mistakes in mat
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times does 2 go into 324?

    Asked by Wiki User

    To determine how many times 2 goes into 324, you would perform a division operation. When you divide 324 by 2, you get 162.
    Therefore, 2 goes into 324 162 times
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How Saxon math answers for course 3?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Saxon Math Course 3 is designed to cover a wide range of topics in mathematics, including algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability.
    The program emphasizes
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How do you write 77.01in expanded form?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little question! To write 77.01 in expanded form, you can break it down into its different place values.
    So, 77.01 can be expanded as 7
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times can seven go into 112?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little question! If we take 112 and divide it by 7, we find that it goes in 16 times.
    Just imagine those sevens happily fitting into 11
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    Math and Arithmetic

    How many times can 5 go into 450?

    Asked by Wiki User

    how many times can 5 go into 450

  51. เมรุไกร หมายถึง

    December 6, 2024 at 2:54 PM

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  52. พวงหรีดใกล้ฉัน

    December 6, 2024 at 3:42 PM

    The cost for one of London’s most pricey apartments will
    begin at £35million – with 600 megarich customers already securing a spot on the waiting list.

    Pricing details of billionaire John Caudwell’s
    spectacular 1 Mayfair development have now been revealed and only those with the deepest pockets can hope to afford one
    of the lavish pads.

    The cheapest apartment on offer is expected to
    be an eye-watering £35million – around 70 times the average cost of a house in the capital.

    Due to complete in Spring 2026 the scheme will easily surpass
    London’s previous record breaker, the £1.3billion One Hyde Park development in Knightsbridge.

    Caudwell told The Standard that there are already more than 600 prospective buyers on a waiting list of billionaires and centi-millionaires who have expressed an interest
    in making a purchase at the scheme.

    There will be just 24 ‘principal residences’ in the
    property including lateral apartments, penthouses and townhouses with up to
    five bedrooms, and five more smaller ‘pieds-à-terre’ apartments.

    The size of the homes has not yet been disclosed but the developers
    say even the most modest property will start with a guide price
    exceeded by only a handful of mansions in London’s richest neighbourhoods. 

    The average price of all 29 units – which cover 300,000 sq ft –
    will be close to £70million. 

    The cost of London’s most pricey apartments will begin at £35million – with 600 megarich customers already securing a spot on the waiting list.
    Pictured: A Computer generated image of the Mayfair development

    Details of pricing at John Caudwell’s spectacular Mayfair development has now been revealed and only those with the deepest pockets can hope to afford one of the lavish pads.
    Pictured: The building’s topping out ceremony

    The entry level price of £35million is 70 times the
    average London property value of around £500,000, and 130 times the national average price
    of £268,000 revealed in today’s Nationwide house price survey for November.

    The development’s basement is being dug down to 90ft below ground level to make room for a health spa with a
    20 metre swimming pool as well as a car park.

    The designs were led by New York based architect Robert Stern and
    practice RAMSA, with contractors, Mace, the construction managers and PJ Carey responsible for the creation of the basement substructure
    and superstructure.

    Due to complete in Spring 2026 after a six years build the scheme will easily surpass London’s previous record breaker, the £1.3billion One Hyde Park development in Knightsbridge.
    Pictured: The ground floor at 1 Mayfair 

    Billionaire John Caudwell (pictured) is funding the scheme.
    He founded the mobile phones retailers Phones 4u

    The size of the homes has not yet been disclosed but the developers say even the most
    modest property will start with a guide price exceeded by only a handful of mansions in London’s
    richest neighbourhoods. Pictured: A glamourous hallway within Mayfair 1

    Be the first to commentBe one of the first to commentComments

    Would you spend £35M+ on a luxury London apartment?

    Comment now
    Caudwell – who founded the mobile phones retailers Phones 4u – attended the topping out of 1 Mayfair alongside
    senior members of the construction team.

    The ceremony was marked by the final steel rafter, one of 79 at roof level, being put into place
    on the top of the nine-storey main apartment building.

    No expense has been spared on the building’s interior and it will feature a ceiling with hand-painted frescos based on Michelangelo’s Map of the Heavens in the Vatican, a reception room
    with a double height ceiling and 18ft high French windows overlooking the

    There will also be a Palace of Versailles Hall of
    Mirrors-style crystal callery, created from over
    1,264 hand-set pieces of cut glass, a library and a garden gallery, with
    seating areas opening directly onto the central courtyard garden.

    Hyde ParkLondon

  53. ขายไวน์

    December 6, 2024 at 5:43 PM

    Oh, dude, Aristotle didn’t actually discover the Atomic theory.
    That was Democritus back in ancient Greece, like way before Aristotle was
    even a thing. So, yeah
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    How many siblings does Aristotle have?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Aristotle had two siblings, a brother named Arimnestus and a sister named Arimneste.
    So, in total, Aristotle had two siblings. Hope that clears
    things up for yo
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    Math and Arithmetic


    A famous math person?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Matthew McAllister

  54. There is something reassuringly robust about The
    Punch Bowl Inn. Not just in the old-fashioned bar,
    where the Wainwright Gold is well kept and a huge
    leather sofa sits before a blazing wood burner; or in the dining room,
    solid and comfortable, with its old beams, well-trodden wooden floors
    and tables unadorned with cloths; it’s in the menu, too, mainly British
    with a Gallic burr, that makes full use of the magnificent local Lake District larder.

    Stornoway black pudding with crispy egg and bubble and squeak: ‘pure Cumbrian comfort by way of Lewis’, is Tom’s verdict

    We’re here with Peter Gott, that great Cumbrian hero, and the man behind Sillfield Farm,
    who has invited me up to cook at the Westmorland County
    Show; also chef Phil Vickery, who certainty knows his alliums;
    and the force of nature that is Lorraine Stanton,
    something of a legend around these parts. But first dinner, and
    a sublime twice-baked Mrs Kirkham’s cheese soufflé,
    the texture as light as a sigh, the flavour profoundly, lasciviously rich.
    Mrs Kirkham’s, now made by her son Graham, is one of the world’s great cheeses, and this is a
    soufflé of quiet majesty. A mushroom soup is equally splendid,
    managing to be both light and gutsy, while Stornoway black pudding with bubble and squeak
    and a deep-fried egg is pure Cumbrian comfort by way
    of Lewis.

    There’s a fundamental generosity here, matched
    by assured technical precision. Duck à l’orange sees a plump breast cooked rare, the
    skin crisp, the sauce just the right side of bitter. It comes with a fat
    potato fondant and cabbage spiked with shards of smoked bacon. I eat rump of lamb,
    four vast just-pink slices, drenched in the stickiest, most gloriously intense
    of gravies; by its side, a tiny shepherd’s pie, one bite of pure ovine brilliance.

    Puddings are every bit as fine: a lemon tart, beautifully sharp, with
    damson sorbet (this part of the Lake District is famed for
    its damsons); along with a banana soufflé, this time the
    classic version but ethereal, served with vanilla
    ice cream and a pot of sticky-toffee sauce to pour deep into its molten centre.

    This is good old-fashioned food, immaculately
    done, in the sort of pub designed for lingering. It’s getting
    late now, and we’ve an early start. But first, another bottle of wine.
    Dinners like this are too rare to be rushed.

    About £45 per head. The Punch Bowl Inn, Crosthwaite, Cumbria;



    December 6, 2024 at 9:22 PM

    Oh, what a lovely question! The Bay of Bengal is approximately 500 kilometers away from Nepal.
    Just imagine the beautiful landscapes and vibrant colors you migh
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    Is Lovely Professional University has affiliation of KU Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    No, Lovely Professional University (LPU) in India is not affiliated with KU Nepal, but it does
    have a presence in Nepal. Affiliations LPU is affiliated with the
    Read more

    Distances and Travel Times


    How many hours does it take to fly to Nepal from New York?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The flight time from New York to Nepal varies, but typically takes
    about 14 to 16 hours of direct flight time. Since there
    are no direct flights to Kathmandu, m
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    Personal Finance


    List of richest man in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    As of 2021, Binod Chaudhary is considered one of the wealthiest individuals in Nepal.
    Chaudhary is the chairman of the Chaudhary Group, a conglomerate with inte
    Read more


    Who is known as ghar ko bagh banko syal in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, in Nepal, the person known as “ghar ko bagh banko syal” is none other than the legendary
    King Prithvi Narayan Shah. He was a total boss w
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    What is the distance of Nepal with sea?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia, so it does not have a direct border with any ocean or sea.

    The nearest sea to Nepal is the Arabian Sea, whi
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    Is tiruwa lower caste in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, let me drop some knowledge on you. Technically speaking, the Tiruwa are considered a lower caste in Nepal.

    But hey, let’s not get too caught up in lab
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    Where can we find gigolo in kathmandu?

    Asked by Wiki User

    I will give full of satisfaction for ur body who want to hire
    me so jst one try they never forgive me that’s me so any one interested me then call me or sms me
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    Who is the first person passed SLC in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a lovely question! The first person to pass the School
    Leaving Certificate (SLC) exam in Nepal was Mr.

    Khagendra Sangraula. Just imagine the joy and pr
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    Can you buy in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Law & Legal Issues


    How does a british man marry a Nepalese woman in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User


    Who is the executive power of Nepal vested on?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What are the main function of drinking water and sanitation project in western nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What is Nepal similar in size to?

    Asked by Wiki User


    Why rhododendron is national flower of Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User


    What kind of money does Nepal use?

    Asked by Wiki User


    Should Nepal be more prepared for earthquake’s?

    Asked by Wiki User



    How many caste ethnic groups are there in Nepal according census 2058B.S.?

    Asked by Wiki User



    Why earthquake happen in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Botany or Plant Biology


    Which fruit is found only in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Lapsi, also known as Nepali hog plum, is a fruit that is native to Nepal
    and is commonly found in the forests of the hilly region. It has a unique sweet and
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    What is the time difference between the UK and Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    no +5.5 hrsNepal (UTC+5:45) is 4 3/4 hours ahead of England (UTC/UTC+1) from the last Sunday of March to the
    last Sunday of October and 5 3/4 hours ahead during
    Read more

    Meteorology and Weather


    What is the coldest recorded temperature for kanchenjunga mountain in Nepal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The coldest recorded temperature on Kanchenjunga mountain in Nepal is
    approximately -41 degrees Celsius (-42 degrees Fahrenheit).

  56. รบจดงานศพ

    December 6, 2024 at 9:37 PM

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  57. iqos iluma one 2024

    December 10, 2024 at 9:41 AM

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    December 10, 2024 at 3:46 PM

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  59. iqos prime i

    December 11, 2024 at 8:56 AM

    Frederick Douglass favorite color was white becuse it
    ment fredom

  60. iqos iluma one i japan

    December 11, 2024 at 9:51 AM

    One millimeter equals one one-thousandths of a meter.

  61. illuma prime

    December 11, 2024 at 11:11 AM

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  62. วิธีใช้ iqos

    December 12, 2024 at 12:32 AM

    LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International (PMI) on Thursday signalled a slower than anticipated U.S.
    roll out of its IQOS heated tobacco device, a choice analysts said was positive for its competitors in the short

    The New York-listed Marlboro maker also said it aims for more than two
    thirds of its net revenues to come from “smoke-free” products by 2030, up from 50% in 2025, as it tries
    to transform its image from a cigarette purveyor to a driver
    of the shift to healthier alternatives.

    Investors have been closely watching IQOS’ entry
    into the U.S., the world’s largest market for nicotine products, and had
    been expecting it from May 2024 next year. Reuters reported
    on Wednesday that PMI is hiring lobbyists across a host of
    key U.S. states ahead of the launch.

    Chief Executive Jacek Olczak said IQOS would launch in four
    cities in two unnamed U.S. states from 2024, but a national launch would
    only come after PMI receives approval to sell the latest version, known as IQOS ILUMA.

    The company was planning to apply for approval in October and expected it from 2025, he

    “We need to warm up the tyres,” he said of the initial
    launch, which would help PMI fine tune its approach.

    A national roll-out of ILUMA would follow but in phases, he continued, adding launching in 10 states in the first year would make sense.

    Meaningful traction for PMI’s heated tobacco products in the U.S.
    “now looks delayed until ILUMA,” Owen Bennett,
    equity analyst at Jefferies, said in a note, adding this was a positive for PMI’s rivals.

    Olczak also signalled that PMI’s push into non-nicotine products was
    no longer a priority. It recently scrapped an ambition for $1 billion in net revenues to come from sales of such products by 2025.

    Instead, PMI will focus its resources on IQOS and nicotine
    pouch brand ZYN, Olczak said, adding it had been too optimistic around acceptance of big
    tobacco companies operating outside of nicotine.

    PMI also announced updated medium-term targets including for
    revenue and earnings per share, and ambitious volume targets
    for IQOS and ZYN.

    ZYN and other oral nicotine products in the U.S. would help
    drive an expected $2 billion in revenues there
    in 2024, even before IQOS ILUMA, executives said.

    PMI shares were up 1.5% on Thursday. (Reporting by Emma Rumney in London and Granth
    Vanaik in Bengaluru; additional reporting by Ananya Mariam Rajesh in Bengaluru; Writing by
    Emma Rumney; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle and Josie Kao)

  63. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?


  64. ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน เป็นคำค้นหายอดนิยมในตอนนี้ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานแต่งงาน

    หากต้องการร้านดอกไม้ที่มีบริการรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ เพราะจะช่วยให้ได้ดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงาม

    ใครมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันแนะนำบ้าง แบ่งปันประสบการณ์ให้กันนะคะ จะได้เป็นประโยชน์สำหรับคนที่กำลังมองหา

    Here is my blog; ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ที่ทำงาน

  65. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  66. ไวน์คุณภาพดี เป็นที่นิยมมากในตอนนี้ ไวน์ merlot ยี่ห้อไหนดีขาว เพราะให้รสชาติที่ดี

    ถ้ากำลังมองหาร้านไวน์ที่น่าเชื่อถือ ลองปรึกษาผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านไวน์ดู เพราะไวน์แต่ละขวดมีเอกลักษณ์และรสชาติที่แตกต่างกัน

    ใครมีร้านขายไวน์ที่ชอบ แบ่งปันข้อมูลกันเพื่อเป็นประโยชน์กับคนอื่นๆ เพราะการเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมช่วยเพิ่มความสุขในทุกโอกาส

  67. ดอกไม้หน้าเมรุ

    December 13, 2024 at 11:21 AM

    ดอกไม้งานศพ ถือเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในงานพิธี เพื่อแสดงความรักและความระลึกถึง สำหรับ ผู้วายชนม์

    หากต้องการจัดดอกไม้งานศพ ควรมองหาผู้ให้บริการมืออาชีพ เพราะ ดอกไม้ที่เหมาะสมช่วยเสริมบรรยากาศได้ดี

    ตอนนี้มีบริการดอกไม้งานศพให้เลือกหลากหลาย ทั้งแบบเรียบง่าย
    มีใครพอจะแนะนำร้านจัดดอกไม้ดีๆ ได้ไหม ช่วยแชร์กันหน่อยนะคะ

    my web page … ดอกไม้หน้าเมรุ

  68. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  69. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  70. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  71. สรวง diy หนองจอก

    December 14, 2024 at 3:43 AM

    Well, isn’t that a happy little question! Belfast is not
    a national capital out of the options you’ve given. But remember, mistakes are just happy accidents – s
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    Where is Swiss franc used?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The Swiss franc is the official currency in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

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  73. Manual

    December 14, 2024 at 6:46 AM

    About 50 at maximum settings.

  74. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?


  75. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:
    Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
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    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

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    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

  76. ไวน์

    December 14, 2024 at 6:54 PM

    None – the women’s tennis equivalent is the Fed Cup.

  77. terea รสชาติ

    December 16, 2024 at 7:02 PM

    IQOS TEREA เป็นนวัตกรรมใหม่สำหรับคนที่ชื่นชอบการสูบ ด้วยเทคโนโลยีใหม่ที่สะอาดและปลอดภัยยิ่งขึ้น

    หากคุณกำลังมองหาข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ IQOS
    terea รสชาติ แนะนำให้ศึกษาข้อมูลรีวิวก่อนตัดสินใจ เพราะแต่ละร้านอาจมีโปรโมชั่นที่แตกต่างกัน

    ใครเคยลอง IQOS TEREA บ้าง ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ เพื่อให้คนอื่นได้รับข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์


    December 16, 2024 at 9:23 PM

    IQOS TEREA IQOS ILUMA เป็นนวัตกรรมใหม่สำหรับคนที่ชื่นชอบการสูบ ด้วยเทคโนโลยีใหม่ที่สะอาดและปลอดภัยยิ่งขึ้น

    หากคุณกำลังมองหาข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ IQOS
    TEREA ลองเปรียบเทียบราคาจากหลายแหล่งเพื่อความคุ้มค่า จะได้สินค้าที่ตรงกับความต้องการที่สุด

    มีใครใช้งาน IQOS TEREA แล้วประทับใจไหม แบ่งปันข้อมูลดีๆ ให้เพื่อนๆ
    กันหน่อย จะได้ช่วยให้ตัดสินใจได้ง่ายขึ้น

  79. TEREA บุหรี่ รีวิว

    December 16, 2024 at 10:18 PM

    บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า IQOS TEREA บุหรี่ รีวิว ได้รับความนิยมมากในกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน IQOS ช่วยลดกลิ่นที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ได้ดี

    ถ้าสนใจลองใช้ IQOS TEREA แนะนำให้ศึกษาข้อมูลรีวิวก่อนตัดสินใจ จะได้สินค้าที่ตรงกับความต้องการที่สุด

    มีใครใช้งาน IQOS TEREA แล้วประทับใจไหม แบ่งปันข้อมูลดีๆ ให้เพื่อนๆ กันหน่อย เพื่อให้คนอื่นได้รับข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์

  80. TEREA IQOS ราคา

    December 18, 2024 at 3:38 AM

    บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า IQOS TEREA เหมาะสำหรับผู้ที่มองหาทางเลือกใหม่ เพราะใช้งานง่ายและไม่มีควัน

    ถ้าสนใจลองใช้ IQOS TEREA แนะนำให้ศึกษาข้อมูลรีวิวก่อนตัดสินใจ เพราะแต่ละร้านอาจมีโปรโมชั่นที่แตกต่างกัน

    ใครมีร้านแนะนำสำหรับซื้อ IQOS TEREA IQOS ราคา บ้าง
    ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ จะได้ช่วยให้ตัดสินใจได้ง่ายขึ้น

  81. ไวน์ rosso dolce

    December 20, 2024 at 3:39 PM

    สายไวน์คนไหนอยู่ที่นี่บ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์ rosso dolceแดงและไวน์ขาวมาก

    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ การเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายเลย รอคำตอบจากทุกคนอยู่นะ

    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก หวังว่าจะมีบทความใหม่ๆ เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับไวน์ เว็บไซต์นี้เหมาะกับคนที่อยากเรียนรู้เรื่องไวน์มาก
    สุดท้ายนี้ขอให้ทุกคนเจอไวน์ที่ชอบนะคะ มาร่วมแลกเปลี่ยนเรื่องไวน์กันอีกในอนาคต

  82. ไวน์แดง รสหวาน

    December 21, 2024 at 2:24 PM

    ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ มาแบ่งปันข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับไวน์กัน ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดง รสหวานและไวน์ขาวมาก
    บอกต่อกันนะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ

    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น
    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

  83. ขายไวน์ยกลัง

    December 21, 2024 at 3:56 PM

    ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดงและไวน์ขาวมาก
    ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ไวน์ดีๆ จะช่วยเพิ่มบรรยากาศให้ทุกมื้ออาหาร อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
    รู้สึกว่าเว็บนี้ตอบโจทย์คนรักไวน์มากจริงๆ ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ
    หวังว่าทุกคนจะมีความสุขกับการดื่มไวน์ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

    my web site … ขายไวน์ยกลัง

  84. ขาย ไวน์

    December 26, 2024 at 12:40 AM

    ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ มาแบ่งปันข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับขาย ไวน์กัน
    ใครมีร้านโปรดอย่าลืมแชร์กัน การเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายเลย ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น

    สุดท้ายนี้ขอให้ทุกคนเจอไวน์ที่ชอบนะคะ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

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  86. ไวน์ราคา

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  87. Jai

    December 31, 2024 at 10:02 AM

    ร้านขายไวน์ กำลังเป็นที่ต้องการของตลาด ไวน์ขาว หรือใช้เป็นของขวัญในโอกาสพิเศษ
    หากคุณกำลังมองหาไวน์คุณภาพดี แนะนำให้ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ เพื่อให้ได้ไวน์ที่ตรงกับความต้องการ
    มีใครแนะนำร้านไวน์ดีๆ ได้บ้าง
    แบ่งปันข้อมูลกันเพื่อเป็นประโยชน์กับคนอื่นๆ เพื่อให้ได้ไวน์ที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับทุกงาน

    Take a look at my page :: ไวน์ใน7-11ยี่ห้อไหนอร่อย (Jai)

  88. เครื่อง iluma one

    January 3, 2025 at 5:55 PM

    บุหรี่ไฟฟ้าไอคอส เป็น ตัวเลือก
    ที่ยอดเยี่ยม สำหรับ ผู้ที่มองหาบุหรี่ไฟฟ้า เพราะ ช่วยตอบโจทย์ไลฟ์สไตล์ยุคใหม่
    ส่วนตัวเคยลอง ไอคอส รุ่นล่าสุด แล้วรู้สึก ประทับใจ
    ใครที่กำลังสนใจ บุหรี่ไฟฟ้าไอคอส แนะนำให้ลองศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมดูนะครับ/ค่ะ รับรองว่า ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการ!

  89. ขอบคุณที่แบ่งปันความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ ราคาถูก รสชาติดี ฉันกำลังมองหาร้านขายไวน์ที่น่าสนใจ ถ้ามีไวน์ตัวใหม่แนะนำ!

  90. ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพ เป็นวิธีการแสดงความเคารพและไว้อาลัย ช่วยเสริมบรรยากาศให้สมเกียรติ
    การเลือกดอกไม้งานศพ ควรคำนึงถึงความหมายของดอกไม้ เพราะดอกไม้ทุกชนิดมีความหมายเฉพาะ เช่น
    ดอกลิลลี่ ที่สื่อถึงความรักและการเคารพ
    การเลือกดอกไม้ให้เหมาะสมกับงานศพ สามารถเลือกได้หลากหลายแบบ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการจัดช่อดอกไม้ ก็สามารถช่วยสร้างบรรยากาศที่เหมาะสมได้
    หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้งานศพ ควรเลือกผู้ที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในการจัดดอกไม้งานศพ เพื่อให้ได้ดอกไม้ที่สวยงามและมีความหมาย

  91. ดอกไม้งานศพ เป็นการแสดงความเสียใจ ช่วยทำให้บรรยากาศของงานศพดูอบอุ่น
    การจัดดอกไม้งานศพ ควรคำนึงถึงความหมายของดอกไม้ เพราะดอกไม้ทุกชนิดมีความหมายเฉพาะ เช่น ดอกมะลิ ที่สื่อถึงความรักและการเคารพ
    การเลือกดอกไม้ให้เหมาะสมกับงานศพ สามารถเลือกได้หลากหลายแบบ การจัดเป็นพวงหรีด สามารถช่วยทำให้บรรยากาศในงานศพดูนุ่มนวลและสมเกียรติ
    หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้งานศพ ควรเลือกผู้ที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในการจัดดอกไม้งานศพ เพื่อให้ได้ดอกไม้ที่เหมาะสมกับบรรยากาศของงาน

  92. ไวน์ราคา

    January 8, 2025 at 12:17 AM

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    My web site: ขาย ไวน์

  94. iqos รุ่นไหนดี

    January 9, 2025 at 12:15 PM

    ไอคอส รุ่นล่าสุด เป็น ตัวเลือก ที่เหมาะสม
    สำหรับ ผู้ที่ต้องการลดสารพิษจากบุหรี่ เพราะ ปลอดภัยกว่า
    ส่วนตัวเคยลอง ไอคอส รุ่นล่าสุด แล้วรู้สึก ตอบโจทย์ ใครที่กำลังสนใจ
    บุหรี่ไฟฟ้าไอคอส แนะนำให้ลองศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมดูนะครับ/ค่ะ รับรองว่า ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการ!

  95. fwsubdokl

    January 13, 2025 at 3:47 PM

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    Epic Games est l’entreprise qui distribue des jeux comme Fortnite, World War Z, Mechwarrior ou Borderlands. Avec son client vos pourrez les télécharger Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, par CCM Benchmark Group à des fins de ciblage publicitaire et prospection commerciale au sein du Groupe Le Figaro, ainsi qu’avec nos partenaires commerciaux. Le traitement de votre email à des fins de publicité et de contenus personnalisés est réalisé lors de votre inscription sur ce formulaire. Toutefois, vous pouvez vous y opposer à tout moment. Pour ce premier jeu, Epic Games laisse à ses joueurs un peu plus de temps pour l’obtenir, mais ne lésine pas sur la qualité. Il s’agit de Destiny 2 : Collection Héritage, un bundle des trois extensions du titre original. Si vous possédez le jeu de base, vous pouvez donc avoir accès à La Reine Sorcière, Au delà de la Lumière et Bastion des Ombres totalement gratuitement. Ces trois parties ajoutent non seulement du contenu narratif mais aussi une trentaine d’armes et une quinzaine de pièces d’armure en plus.

  96. ขายไวน์

    January 14, 2025 at 3:58 PM

    มีใครเป็นสายไวน์เหมือนกันไหม ตอนนี้มีร้านขายไวน์ดีๆ ให้เลือกเยอะมาก
    ทั้งไวน์แดง ไวน์ขาว หรือไวน์สปาร์คกลิ้ง
    มีใครเคยซื้อไวน์จากแหล่งผลิตโดยตรงไหม มาแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์กันได้ เพื่อหาตัวเลือกที่ดีที่สุด
    เราเพิ่งได้ลองซื้อไวน์ออนไลน์ ไวน์ส่งถึงไวมาก แนะนำให้เพื่อนๆ ลองดูได้เลย

  97. การออกแบบสัญลักษณ์ธุรกิจ เป็นขั้นตอนที่สำคัญ เพราะมันทำให้ธุรกิจดูมีความน่าเชื่อถือ
    การออกแบบโลโก้ที่สะท้อนภาพลักษณ์ของแบรนด์ ควรสามารถจดจำได้ง่าย
    การเลือกสี เป็นสิ่งที่ต้องให้ความสำคัญ

  98. ไวน์ราคาถูก

    January 22, 2025 at 12:44 PM

    ใครชื่นชอบดื่มไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ตอนนี้มีร้านขายไวน์ดีๆ ให้เลือกเยอะมาก

    มีใครเคยซื้อไวน์จากแหล่งผลิตโดยตรงไหม มาแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์กันได้ ไว้สำหรับดื่มหรือเก็บสะสม

    เราเพิ่งได้ลองซื้อไวน์ออนไลน์ ทั้งราคาโอเคและบริการดีมาก จะได้พบกับไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเอง

    Stop by my web blog ไวน์ราคาถูก

  99. แชมเปญ

    January 22, 2025 at 2:27 PM

    ใครชื่นชอบดื่มไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ตอนนี้มีร้านขายไวน์ดีๆ ให้เลือกเยอะมาก ทั้งไวน์แดง ไวน์ขาว หรือไวน์สปาร์คกลิ้ง

    มีใครเคยซื้อไวน์จากแหล่งผลิตโดยตรงไหม มาแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์กันได้ ไว้สำหรับดื่มหรือเก็บสะสม

    ส่วนตัวเราเคยลองสั่งไวน์จากร้านนี้ ทั้งราคาโอเคและบริการดีมาก จะได้พบกับไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเอง

    Here is my web site: แชมเปญ

  100. ขายไวน์ยกลัง

    January 22, 2025 at 3:15 PM

    ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์คุณภาพดีอยู่ รู้ไหมว่าร้านไหนขายไวน์ราคาดีบ้าง ไวน์นำเข้าก็มีให้เลือกเต็มไปหมด
    ใครเคยซื้อไวน์จากร้านแนะนำบ้าง อยากได้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมจากคนที่เคยลองแล้ว เพื่อหาตัวเลือกที่ดีที่สุด
    ส่วนตัวเราเคยลองสั่งไวน์จากร้านนี้ ไวน์มีรสชาติดีและตอบโจทย์ แนะนำให้เพื่อนๆ ลองดูได้เลย

    Here is my web blog :: ขายไวน์ยกลัง

  101. With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into
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  102. Donaldmen

    March 2, 2025 at 7:20 PM

    diagnóstico de vibraciones
    Aparatos de balanceo: importante para el operación uniforme y efectivo de las equipos.

    En el ámbito de la ciencia moderna, donde la rendimiento y la confiabilidad del aparato son de alta relevancia, los aparatos de ajuste tienen un tarea vital. Estos dispositivos específicos están desarrollados para balancear y asegurar componentes móviles, ya sea en equipamiento industrial, transportes de traslado o incluso en aparatos de uso diario.

    Para los profesionales en conservación de dispositivos y los especialistas, operar con dispositivos de balanceo es importante para proteger el desempeño fluido y seguro de cualquier mecanismo dinámico. Gracias a estas opciones modernas avanzadas, es posible limitar considerablemente las oscilaciones, el ruido y la tensión sobre los cojinetes, prolongando la vida útil de componentes importantes.

    De igual manera trascendental es el función que desempeñan los sistemas de equilibrado en la atención al cliente. El asistencia técnico y el conservación continuo usando estos sistemas posibilitan proporcionar soluciones de excelente estándar, aumentando la contento de los compradores.

    Para los responsables de empresas, la aporte en equipos de balanceo y sensores puede ser esencial para incrementar la rendimiento y eficiencia de sus equipos. Esto es sobre todo importante para los inversores que manejan medianas y intermedias organizaciones, donde cada elemento importa.

    Asimismo, los sistemas de equilibrado tienen una extensa utilización en el sector de la fiabilidad y el gestión de excelencia. Facilitan encontrar eventuales fallos, evitando intervenciones costosas y perjuicios a los equipos. También, los indicadores extraídos de estos sistemas pueden aplicarse para perfeccionar métodos y mejorar la exposición en plataformas de investigación.

    Las áreas de uso de los sistemas de balanceo incluyen diversas industrias, desde la manufactura de ciclos hasta el supervisión del medio ambiente. No interesa si se habla de extensas elaboraciones de fábrica o limitados espacios de uso personal, los equipos de balanceo son indispensables para asegurar un funcionamiento productivo y libre de fallos.

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