Quizy resurfaces this time around on a DjBammy production with the record titled “Question (Refix)” a Chrisbrown Refix and “Lion (Refix)” Madrina (Cynthia Morgan) Refix. This...
“Lasisi Oluwasegun Emmanuel” the Unsigned Hip Hop art popularly known as “Quizy” aka BMT OmoOgun seems not to be resting after the last release of “Young...
After The Successful release of “Meditation” Oluwasegun Lasisi Emmanuel Popularly Known as “Quizy” out with the Street trending ShakuShaku Vibes featuring YungPlus and Bubby Tee titled...
“Lasisi Oluwasegun Emmanuel” an Unsigned Hip Hop art popularly known as “Quizy” aka BMT OmoOgun seems not to be resting after the last release of Oladips...
Here is the most anticipated best cypher made by the dopest MATOGUNfast rising acts, which features Quizy, YungPlus, StyGal, Mykziddo, SauceJo, Femzie, BubbyTee and Frankodion titled...